
Blue Angel by Phil Williams

bory's review

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In terms of net quality, I would say this is on par with Under Ordshaw.

It does, however, suffer from a criminally small amount of Letty time. Lightgate was a fun addition to the cast, with her drinking and her crazy, but I'm really here for Letty.

The fact that my favorite volatile foulmouthed fairy is separated from Pax for the majority of the book really downgraded this read, honestly.

In terms of plot, this moves the trilogy along. We get more revelations, more questions, and more characters - like Lightgate and Sam Ward - thrown into the mix. I do, however, wish that Casaria would go alway forever. I swear, if he ends up somehow romantically involved with either Pax or Sam Ward, i'm going to ceremonially burn my copies of these books and flush the ashes down the loo.

Also, the more I read Phil Williams's writing, the more I realize that his prose needs a lot of refinement. The over-used of parasitic words like "whatever" makes me cringe a little.

Overall, though, I enjoyed this less so than Under Ordshaw but I will be reading the last book in the trilogy.

mistrum_crowe's review

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Blue Angel is a bit of a tonal shift after Under Ordshaw, but not so much that it’s jarring. Instead it makes the problems presented in the previous book feel much bigger and more complicated, and I am so down for more of that. While my previous issue with the characterisation of Pax doesn’t really get addressed, she does feel a lot more believable and comes into her own as a leader of sorts. I look forward to seeing how the series continues.

amia's review

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Phil Williams created an incredible world and called it Ordshaw. Within this world he populated astoundingly creative characters, human and non-human, good and evil. In Blue Angel, this the second book in the series, the high tension excitement and entertainment continued nearly non-stop. It was edge-of-my-seat, just one more chapter reading throughout. I enjoyed it very much and highly recommend it (in case you can't tell, lol). So, now I off to read book three!

Read via Kindle Unlimited.

stephbookshine's review

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*I received a free copy of this book with thanks to the author. The decision to review and my opinions are my own.*

Blue Angel is the fast-paced urban fantasy sequel to Under Ordshaw, and I definitely recommend reading them in order, or you may be wondering who these badly injured people are, why they are so shell-shocked, and why none of them seem to like each other that much!

Welcome to Ordshaw, where the streets may be mean, but what is beneath them is far, far worse.

We join Pax, Letty and the Barton family as they are still catching their breath from their narrow escape from the Sunken City and the clutches of the unexpectedly electric and octopedal ‘minotaur’, which may also be the same thing as the MEE’s ‘praelucente’ and also may or may not be linked to Asphodel’s Blue Angel… it does get a bit confusing!

The main plot focus here is Pax and her unmerry band of prickly, unhappy allies attempting to find out exactly that: who or what is the Blue Angel, and what is it doing to the people of Ordshaw. As unofficial protectors of the city, Pax and Barton feel the need to identify and eliminate threats to public order, whilst staying under the radar of the MEE agents who are officially working towards the same goal.

In fact, only one or two MEE agents seem to be asking the right questions. We finally meet Sam Ward – unstable Casaria’s prior stalkee/crush – and find that she is actually intelligent, efficient, and totally suspicious about what is going on under the Ministry’s noses and why no one else is questioning it. Unlucky for her that management are determined to sideline her into obscurity and even unluckier that she might need Casaria’s support before the day is done. Especially as he would rather just kill her. In fact, it is looking increasingly like he possibly wants to kill everyone… you know, for their own safety. Let’s just say he is having a rough day.

Sam and Pax’s investigations run parallel to each other, occasionally intersecting, and I can honestly say that I had no idea what the end result would be until the final reveal. In fact, I’m not 100% sure I know now! Not everything is always as it first appears, especially with the Layer Fae around…

Phil William’s style is all snappy dialogue, shoot-’em-out action and horrific slime monsters with teeth and eyeballs where they shouldn’t be; like Buffy , but darker and adultier. While the first book in the series really sets the scene and players, Blue Angel lines them up facing each other and starts pushing their buttons and winding their clockwork in preparation for the finale of the series, The Violent Fae, which threatens too be outright warfare… unless Pax can really live up to her name.

I can’t wait to find out soon, and tell you all about it!

Holly handed over a piece of paper and Pax scanned the elegant handwriting.
Husband mortally wounded.
Government can’t be trusted – ergo police/hospitals/communications unsafe.
Monsters under the city.
Fairies = real – also want to kill us.
Contact the Evening Standard.
“The Evening Standard?”
“Yes,” Holly said. “They ran an excellent exposé on a pothole scandal in Ten Gardens. Those roads are now being fixed and the culprits are facing jail time. This isn’t much different, is it?”
“There was a fifty-foot electric octopus thing,” Pax said. “It’s a little different.”
“The principle’s the same,” Holly insisted.

– Phil Williams, Blue Angel

Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog

alanadcr's review

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*If you haven't read Under Ordshaw and don't want potential spoilers for that book. STOP and go read that book.

Under Ordshaw took me by surprise and I really was curious how Williams was going to hammer down some of the questions that popped up in that book. Blue Angel starts right on the heels of book one and, honestly, the tension stays ratcheted high throughout most of the book making it equal parts enthralling and nail-biting. I really didn't want to put this down once I started. Watching Pax navigate the inept MEE agents, murderous fae, and the frightening connection she may or may not have was gripping and often, amusing.

Pax and Letty's partnership truly shined in Blue Angel and it was absolutely what Pax needed to blossom from a mild flour character to a character with agency and personality. Really, she is pretty kickass. Casaria is still completely unhinged and I can't decide if I like him or not. I thoroughly enjoyed the addition of Sam Ward (Casaria's "nemesis") to highlight the MEE perspective and the issues there linked to the minotaur. I was amused almost as much as I was screaming at the book because the INEFFICIENCY, dear readers, was painful.

If you check my highlights, almost all of them are from Letty (if not all). Her character trajectory has been the absolute best in the series so far.

There wasn't anything I didn't like about this book which is saying something! Start from the beginning and then come back and chat with me!

I really wish I had time to immediately pick up the last book of the trilogy but you better believe I'm going to pick up the next book as soon as I'm able!