
Cocky Player by Stacey Lynn

kaydanielsromance's review

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Decidently Dirty with ALL the Feels Read!!! Oh boy, did this book keep me up late at night reading!!! Loved it, loved it, loved it!!

This is the first Stacey Lynn book I've read and I can't begin to express how much I loved this book. I was blown away by the storyline, the naughty bits, and how well crafted it was. 

Connor was the right amount of cocky, detached jock that grew at the right emotional speed and displayed the perfect vulnerability that made him ultra irresistible.

Brenna was also the perfect mix of innocent wrapped with enough sultry sinner to keep Conner's interest, yet just enough emotional stuntness to also grow right along with him.

These two were the perfect combination for their non-relationship/relationship (whatever they were calling it day by day) and it was glorious to watch them both come out of their cocoons. Whether it came to dating or bedroom skills this couple continued to blow me away with how they handled situations. 

Their similarities and differences pulled me in and made this a page turner late into the night.

Cocky Player is a must read and can be read as a complete standalone (it was for me since this was my very first, but won't be my last). 

ldooten's review

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This was a pretty good read for the most part. I thought the writing flowed well, and Connor and Brenna have great chemistry. It's hinted from the start that Brenna has some issues, but the reader is clued in pretty quickly that these aren't "normal" issues. This is the thing that gets me. I've never endured the things this character has, but I do know that if I had, and continued to have such strong reactions to people and places, I would be in therapy. Brenna says she had it before, but when running into someone (literally) in a hallway of your work place makes everyone freak out, that's a problem. The scene that starts the drama was crazy too. Again, she needed therapy. She was also a runner. That's annoying for me. I thought Connor was a jerk at first, but it didn't take long for him to turn around. He was a good guy who continued to fight for Brenna and show her that he was there for her. I liked that Brenna was able to let go a little and for them to get their HEA.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.

jennyluvlitbooks's review

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Sheltered all her life by her family after a traumatic incident that happened in the past, Brenna thought it is high time for her to take charge of her life and lose her V-card. She may prefer to lose it to a complete stranger to avoid drama later on, but she has criteria. She wants it to be with someone who knows what to do and could give her the time of her life. Only she didn’t count that it will be to a football player under her father’s organization. Connor isn’t into relationships. He is only good for one night stands and with a demanding career, he doesn’t have the time and the energy to invest in a relationship. But after meeting Brenna, he only has one thing in mind; teaching her all the moves in the bedroom department. Only problem with this kind of agreement, feelings get involved, hearts are on the line.

Alright, I think I’m gonna need several showers here due to the hotness that is Connor Quinten, whew *furiously fans myself* Guys, behold your next book boyfriend. Connor is one hot, sexy, cocky, alpha male this side of Rough Rider Football team, who knows he’s got it and never shied away on getting all those girls falling all over their self for him. But one look at the innocent looking girl dancing at the bar, Brenna, he knew she’s danger that’s waiting to happen. Not only because she is his boss’ daughter but because she could be the game changer he never seen coming. The heat level of the scenes between Connor and Brenna are enough to incinerate your e-reader and undies in zero flat time. No kidding, LOL. But aside from that, I love that during this, they have helped each other grow, mature and conquer their fears. There is just enough drama, plenty of sexy times, and a very healthy dose of romance that made this an entertaining, page turner read. This is my very first read from the author and it’s safe to say it won’t be my last. Loved it and highly recommend to sports romance fans out there!

readwithrach's review against another edition

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Cocky Player is the fourth book in the Rough Riders series but can definitely be read as a stand-alone.

I loved Connor and Brenna! Connor was the perfect sports romance hero - cocky, a little closed off, super alpha, but somehow sweet at the same time. Brenna had a bit of innocence to her because of being sheltered her whole life. As a new college grad she was ready to shed her innocence and inadvertently enlisted Connor, one of the players on her father’s football team.

Connor was so perfect with Brenna. Even before knowing her history he was so sweet and opened himself up to her without thinking too much of it. I loved that he wasn’t the typical resistant jock. I also loved seeing Brenna’s growth throughout the book.

Definitely pick this one up and read the rest of the Rough Riders series as well!

profromance's review against another edition

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Overall Grade: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2
Okay. Confession. This is only the second book I’ve read of Stacey Lynn’s with the first book being the 3rd book of her Rough Riders series of standalones, Wicked Player. I know with that book I appreciated the storyline of the stoic Gage and his need to release pain along with Elizabeth’s need to use pain to move her out of her head. On some level, I connected with them. I know that I downloaded the first two books in this series, but I haven’t had an opportunity to read them yet (reading and reviewing takes up a bit of time), but know that I intend to read them because Stacey Lynn is swiftly becoming a favorite of mine. To be honest, it’s mostly come about with Cocky Player, her newest book.

The story goes that Brenna is a virgin and wants to lose her innocence to a stranger. She’s tired of “carrying” it on her like a driver’s license, and she wants to lose it to a stranger so there are no attachments. She goes with her roommate to a bar one night, intent on achieving this, and she meets Connor at the bar. Ready to give her virginity to him, at the last minute, the moment is ruined, and she runs away from him. Confused and unable to get Brenna out of his mind, he goes about his business until, a few days later, he finds that Brenna is the daughter of his team’s owner. See, Connor is the starting running back for the Raleigh Rough Riders. Angry, he approaches her, thinking she is “playing” him, the consummate playboy. However, there is something darker about Brenna. Connor recognizes something in her; he’s drawn to her. He decides he wants to be her “teacher” because the thought of her with anyone else unnerves him. And so their relationship begins, but it is fraught with something Brenna hasn’t revealed and Connor doesn’t know, causing a challenge that could keep them apart forever.

A little tidbit about me as a reader of romance…I love bad boys. You know the ones? The playboys, the heroes who are surly and full of themselves. They are some of my favorite heroes because they fall hard for the heroine of their stories. Even more, we often find that they are hiding behind that facade, and they usually believe they aren’t “good enough” for her. But deep down, these men are loyal, caring, compassionate, and they have HUGE hearts that even they don’t know they have. If you are like me, and you love this type of hero, then you NEED to read this book. Because this is Connor.

You should know that he is going to give you whiplash at the beginning of this story. One minute he wants to be with Brenna and the next he can’t. It will drive you crazy, confuse you, make you yell at your book. Then, that moment of recognition happens, and you will fall deeply for this guy. I know I did. Lynn crafts him to be this handsome, hot, seemingly cranky running back, and you’ll love his outside. But then, she offers up his heart, and you’ll be done. Stick a fork in ya’ done.
Now, as you know, to change a hero like Connor, you need a strong heroine. Brenna is that type of heroine, but Lynn has given her a very soft, naive, innocent exterior. You won’t understand the depth of her strength until you hear her story. At that moment, your heart will ache, and you will understand Connor’s connection to her. That is really the essence of Cocky Player, their connection. This is soulmate-level stuff. From. The. Very. Start. Kismet. Karma. Kindred.

Yes, there is a general story of Connor finding his way and Brenna finding her space in her family, but the depth of this book lies in their coupling. This is true contemporary romance, and it’s grounded in the building of Connor and Brenna’s relationship.

If you love some angst with a side of hot, then Stacey Lynn’s Cocky Player is definitely your book. I didn’t know what to expect, but I knew from a few chapters in that this book would have my heart more so than Wicked Player. I didn’t expect that. This romance has everything you love to read: hot, cocky football player with a heart of gold, an easy temptress of a heroine, lots and lots of steam, and some angst to keep you grounded.

spuddytally's review against another edition

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The Instant Chemistry between Brenna and Connor was there right from the start, but the hot and cold in some parts left me wanting. She was a sheltered girl trying to overcome trauma, he was a boy who had worked so hard to get what he wanted that he never took it for granted. But that doesn't mean he did seek out any perks of the day.


amz101's review against another edition

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The first book by the author, and it won't be last. I wasn't sure what to expect going into this, I have learned to always go into a new authors books open-minded and I did with this. I mean the title gives it away a little but still, I was taken by surprise.

Although, this is in a series it can be read as a total standalone...

Where to begin? Well firstly, make sure you have a bucket of ice close by so you cool yourself off. Because holy shit this was pretty damn hot!!

I have started to become a little obsessed with sports romances lately. They are just so hot and the thought of an alpha male, it just does things and an alpha asshole football player? YES PLEASE and THAKK YOU and this little gem here was perfect.

We have Brenna, a virgin who's father owns Rough Riders Football team, and that's who Conner plays for. They meet on the dance floor. Conner automatically thought she knew who he was, but that's not the case. She doesn't really follow the football even though her father owns a team, she has never shown much interest in it. She's a girl that has been removed from reality really, she was forced to go into an all-girl school, she wants nothing more than to be a regular girl doing regular things..Like lose her V card, so in search for the right bedfellow, she comes across Conner.

Conner is a cocky little asshat and I loved it. He isn't a relationship kind of guy. Swears off them. He knows he's something special, he uses it too, he is a manwhore that doesn't take NO for an answer and 99% of the time he gets what he wants, when he wants it, well when it comes to women that are definitely the case. He has no problem getting their panties to drop for him. He was delicious...He was worried his boss (Brenna's dad) would find out that he was teaching his innocent daughter the dirtiest of plays, and the direst side of the football

Did I mention I was a sucky for an asshole? But you could see there was more to him than that.

This wasn't just a sports romance, it held more. Brenna's past isn't perfect and when I read it... Well, the sheltered girl I thought she was, was not the case. She is stronger than I first thought. I won't lie... At first, I thought it was just another typical virgin main female lead and when I say that, I don't say it as a bad thing. I am also a sucker for those types too. But Brenna was so much more. We learn why her family treats her they do and make her do the things she had to do... She was strong and her personality only popped as the plot got deeper.

These two together... WWOOOOOAH!! I could feel the sexual tension from the moment they met, that insane push and pull feeling was there and kept me on the edge of my seat. I couldn't get enough of these two. The chemistry was OFF THE CHARTS and as much as Conner was this "No relationship" guy, I couldn't help but cheer for them and you could see that side of Conner was changing.

The writing was flawless and I was completely fixated and consumed by the two and their intense relationship and encounters.

Highly recommend this!

5 Stars!

nean's review

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Brenna was determined to find a one-night stand to lose her V card to and when she felt the pull to the stranger she knew he was going to be the one, although it didn’t end quite how she thought, or that attending the even her parents hosted for the team that he was one of the players.
Conner thought she was an angel, the women always wanted the spotlight he could give them and never him, he knew she was different though, she made him think about a tomorrow. Until it went wrong, finding out she was the owner’s daughter was a shock, but there was no way he was going to let her give her virginity to someone else and he agrees to teach her everything she needs to know about sex.
They tried to agree to not emotions, no public dates, nothing to tie them together, but the lines start to blur. He was the team playboy, she was protected and sheltered by her family because of her past. When Brenna’s fears from her past show up, she pushes Conner away, and he realises he wants everything with her and he’s going to get her back.

lowkeyreader's review

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Cocky Playwr is book 4 in Stacy Lynn’s Rough Riders series, though this is the first book of the series for me. This was a pretty good read for the most part. Connor and Brenna have great chemistry.

This story had a lot going for it. It was sexy, sweet, fun and heartbreaking at times. Brenna went through something tragic that was why she was pretty jaded. But that doesn't stop her from doing what she had planned. Brenna wants to find someone that will give her what she wants. She’s looking for a one-night stand. Conner and Brenna’s journey to their HEA wasn’t easy.

It was a wonderful sports romance read and I love how heartfelt Brenna and Connor’s love story was! It was fun and sexy, yet touched on a heartbreaking topic.

lauraanne9's review

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Brenna and Connor were a lot of fun.

And, wow, did you feel their connection. It was tangible and the idea that she wanted him to be her first, it made sense as that's not chemistry you want to deny.

I loved the way the author built the chemistry until there was a connection between them that was more than just physical.

For a romance with one of the characters not having any sexual experience to work, you have to believe it's about more than a check-mark on a to do list and this one delivers.

Their first meeting outside of the hot stranger encounter was epic, and I was drawn in from that second to not only the attraction but the rest of their story.

I enjoyed and recommend this title.