
The Galvanized Yankees by Dee Brown

sgtbigg's review

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Galvanized Yankees were Confederate prisoners of war who joined the Union Army and went west to fight Indians. Brown mentioned them several times in Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee and this book, written in 1963, was the first book length examination of the Galvanized Yankees. There has not been much written since then so this remains the primary source of information. [return][return]The vast majority of former Confederates made up the 1st -6th U.S. Volunteer Regiments and Brown discusses the actions and activities of each in turn. He also explains how and why this happened. He then goes on to discuss other former Confederates who served in units outside of the USV regiments, the most notable being Henry Morgan Stanley, who served in the Confederate Army, the Union Army, and the Union Navy.[return][return]An interesting and well-documented book about a little known group. Recommended if you have an interest in the U.S. Civil War or the Indian Wars.