I read this with my young daughter; it was the perfect vehicle to explain the Holocaust to her.

I would think I would have had enough reading books/viewing films about Anne Frank. I recently read her complete works book.

This book was on my to read list and I borrowed it when I saw it at the library. It’s shelved as juvenile biography.

There are more photos, more information about Anne’s life & death and more of Anne’s words in many other books. Even so, this book had a few photos I don’t remember seeing in other books and had information about Anne’s life that either slightly conflicted with what I had read or confirmed information with additional information about who had provided it.

There is more in this book than I remember previously reading of eyewitness accounts in the camps of survivors who knew all eight of those who had been hidden in the Secret Annex.

Even though Otto seemed to have gotten over not knowing, I still want to know who betrayed them.

The book, arranged mostly chronologically, is a touching and informative tribute. It does get rather graphic and I think is more appropriate for teens and adults than for children. The glossary and certain other of the book’s contents do seem to be geared to older children or to older people who don’t know much of anything about Anne or WWII or the Holocaust. I wouldn’t give this book to children younger than 11 and not to most 11-year-olds. I do recommend it though. It’s a lovely book and as I always seem to, I learned some things.

This book has lots of great pictures - some I don't remember seeing before. It does a great job of pulling out quotes from Anne's diary and giving a clear condensed version of what happened to Anne (and her family and friends) during her short life. It also describes a little bit of the background of Hitler and his treatment of the Jews during the war.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone studying World War II, the Holocaust, or Anne Frank. If you haven't read Anne's diary recently it is also a nice refresher of that as well.

After a visit to the house this book is a short but essential overview of the tragic story of the inhabitants of the secret annexe.

It is a useful extension to the diary as it offers an array of photographs and begins the story before the war and finishes with the awful outcome for all but one of the annexe inhabitants.

Compelling and recommended.

I had the pleasure of visiting Anne Frank’s secret annex on a vacation to The Netherlands a few years back. This book was likely sold in the gift shop but is well worth the read. Written for a young audience (teen or preteen) it is nonetheless very interesting. This book is part photo album part summary of what took place. I had to order the book from a used book seller - pretty sure it’s not available digitally. Thank you for recommending @Carolyn
emotional informative inspiring sad

I remember being very touched by The Diary of Anne Frank when I was a kid. I would have really liked this book as a companion. It includes lots of snapshots of Anne and her family, as well as pictures from her diary. The book includes a biography of her life and what happened to her when she was arrested and sent to Westerbork and then to Auschwitz. One of the reviewers had reservations about the section regarding the Concentration camps and whether or not it is appropriate for kids. I think it is. At least some kids. I read all kinds of books on the Holocaust as a child (after reading Anne Frank) and there were more gruesome pictures in the books I read than the ones in this. I was deeply affected by these pictures and remember the way I felt when I looked at them to this day. But I don't think it was bad that I was exposed to them at a young age. It didn't mess me up psychologically. If anything it made me more compassionate about human suffering.

Some great quotes and photos. However had some incorrect information inside in regards to how long before the vanPels joined the Annex.

I read Diary of a Young Girl as a young teen and, like all people with a heart and conscience, found it deeply moving and horribly tragic. The diary, though uniquely Anne's, represents all Holocaust victims, especially young ones. That was my first time learning about Anne Frank and all I ever read about her. I felt I had the whole story about her and her family, all I needed to really feel her tragedy. Then almost three decades later I discovered Anne Frank: Her Life in Words and Pictures--by accident; I was looking for a similar book after reading convincing reviews from some friends. I found this one waiting for me on the library reserve shelf instead, but I was fine with that and began reading right away.

As this book made clear to me, I did not have the full story. I, of course, knew much of what Anne was feeling and thinking because of her diary, but I didn't know as much about her family, nor did I have any visuals, really, beyond the photo of her on the cover of Diary of a Young Girl. It so happens that her dad, Otto, was very invested in taking regular family photos. This book contains mostly those. It is balanced with helpful commentary to provide context, such as explaining who's in which photos (Anne and Margot with their grandmother on the beach; Anne with her various friends, and so on). These family photos (and, later, ones from the Holocaust, such as a photo of people being directed straight to the gas chambers) are precisely what make this book powerful. One of my favorite pages isn't maybe the most striking of them all, but it moved me. It features a set of simple portraits that Otto took of both girls, separately, each year. With each passing year, the baby fat disappeared a little more as the girls' faces matured.

Anne's diary humanizes her perfectly, but this book takes that one step further because the everyday family moments that Otto captured show that this family was like any other. They went to the beach; the kids played outside; Otto and Edith proudly held baby Margot; little Margot joyfully held baby Anne (who's screaming, as babies do). These people were average human beings living quietly and happily, a kind-looking family. It was families like this who were shipped off and senselessly murdered.

Readers who are very familiar with Anne Frank and/or who have visited Anne Frank House may not find much new here, but older children and anyone who knows Anne in a limited way will find this book rewarding. It's an excellent complement to Diary of a Young Girl, and I therefore highly recommend reading it alongside that for a richer, fuller understanding.

For whoever already read Anne Frank's diary, this book may complete your experience into the world she once lived in. Anne Frank - a young German girl who fled to the Netherlands with her family to find a hiding place from the Nazis yet was later murdered by them near the end of World War II - is the one who evokes my curiosity and an odd interest in the great war, especially the Holocaust. (I highly recommend the movie - Son of Saul (2015) - for this topic.)

This book describes really well the timeline of Anne's life with precious photos, extracting her moving words in the diary, such as these:

"We long for Saturdays because that means books (...) Ordinary people don't know how much books can mean to someone who's copped up. Our only diversions are reading, studying and listening to the wireless." (11 July 1943)

"When I write I can shake off all my cares. My sorrow disappears, my spirits are revived! But, and that's a big question, will I ever be able to write something great, will I ever become a journalist or writer? I hope so, oh, I hope so very much, because writing allows me to record everything, all my thoughts, ideals and fantasies." (5 April 1944)

"(...) Sleep makes the silence and the terrible fear go by more quickly, helps pass the time, since it's impossible to kill it." (29 October 1943)

Reading about Anne and other people in the Secret Annexe after being arrested broke my heart. They almost made it, almost had the freedom that they had always dreamt about. Just imagine that each of them was condemned to death hurts me truly. Only Otto Frank was 'lucky' enough to be alive but I don't know if it is the right word to say. Besides, I'm moved and inspired by everyone who helped those people in hiding, as how Anne Frank acknowledged the risks they may face,

"It's amazing how much these generous and unselfish people do, risking their own lives to help and to save others. The best example of this is our own helpers (...) Never have they uttered a single word about the burden we must be, never have they complained that we're too much trouble." (28 January 1944)


would it feel more intimate if I could read her diary in Dutch?

I wonder.