
Dance With Destiny by Sloan Johnson

mdee's review

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Can't believe this book is rated so high. The story was all over the place.

myzanm's review

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The story was rather average, but I had serious problems with the writing. It was seriously cringe worthy sometimes. I just couldn't keep my eyes to roll. How this book could even have a rating above 4 I can not comprehend.
It did nothing for me but serving a purpose of having the right cover.

bfdbookblog's review

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sloan johnson is quickly becoming an auto-buy for me. i absolutely loved this book.

from the way destiny steps in and has them meet to their second encounter and every step thereafter, this is a journey that leads to a lifetime of love.

when we first meet dom, he seems like a pretty well put together man. confident business owner, problem solver - he quickly finds a way to get to NY when his flight is cancelled. however, after a couple of interactions with tony we find out that he's not as put together as he seems and he completely breaks down mentally and emotionally. he is dealing with quite a bit of pain from his past. he is a great, passionate man that has a lot of love to give but he has to deal with his past to move on to his future.

tony is an outgoing man that basically says what's on his mind and usually gets what he wants. as we get to know him better we see that he's actually hiding behind a pretty big facade not admitting to most of his family who he really is. he, like dom, is a great, passionate man with a lot of love to give and dom makes him realize that maybe hiding who he is won't be enough for him any more.

their chemistry is instant and palpable. their banter is entertaining - they are both men that don't hold back feelings and are pretty quick to say what's on their minds. tony is slightly more dominant than dom but overall they are a pretty equal pair. there story is quite an emotional ride with occasional comic relief thrown in so you don't completely feel like you've gone through the ringer reading this book. while i did tear up a few times, and there are a few pretty emotional scenes i wasn't exhausted when i finished the book. and i read it all in one sitting in half a day.

the secondary characters are pretty great...all of them. it would be hard to pull out a favorite although andrew and cara are at the top of the list.

the writing is really good, as i'm coming to expect from ms. johnson. definitely another must read from her.

paddlefoot55's review

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Advanced copy received from author for an honest review

M/m romance is my current book obsession. Can't get enough of it.

So when Ms Johnson offered an advanced copy of Dance With Destiny, there was no thinking about it. Let me at it!

Tony is that hunka hunka burnin' fireman that any woman (or man!) would want warming their bed.

Dom is the successful businessman, content with his lot in life, though events from the past weigh heavy on his mind - and heart.

When this duo have a chance meeting, they have no idea how much their lives are going to change.

They have that instant attraction/insta-lust thing going on strong. Both unsure of the other but keen to know more.

Boy, the sparks between this pair fly! When they find themselves thrown into the same social circles again, you just know that things are going to hot up.

Everyone around them can feel it too, but so much denial between them. Come on fellas, get your act together and get it on!!

Of course the road to true happiness is never a smoothe one, and boy oh boy do Tony and Dom have their work cut out for them!

Dance with Destiny is more than just a m/m romance. There are so many other things going on with them that makes their story so believable.

It is more a story of hurt, healing, acceptance. Ms Johnson deals with these issues in a compassionate and natural way, things don't feel forced and it draws you further into the story. Your heart just hurts along with our lovelies.

There is a complexity to the relationships of all the characters in Dance with Destiny. Nothing seems to come easy for our pair - mostly through their own distrust, miscommunications, lies and secrets. Nothing good can ever come from secrets.

One of the biggest things you will get out of this story is what is really family? Are those that are supposed to love you unconditionally the ones that always do? Or is family more than blood

So, can Tony and Dom get past all their issues and forge ahead in their relationship?

For that, you are going to have to read for yourself.

Ms Johnson has only just started to tip her toes into the m/m pool, but she is quickly becoming on of the authors I will always read.

I look forward to what she has for us next.
