
Just for Clicks - Zwischen Liebe, Likes und Lügen by Kara McDowell

mehsi's review against another edition

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

This book has been on my Netgalley Your Shelf for several months. I never was in the mood for this book, but I decided to just go for it. I knew if it wasn’t now it would take me much longer, and I didn’t want that.

So first half of the book: 4.5 stars. Second half: 1 star.

The first half of this book was really fun to read. We meet Claire, whose life is pretty muc hon the internet thanks to her mom. She has a vlog, gets clothes from sponsors, has to do all sorts of things. This sounds like a dream, but Claire is totally over it. She wants to live a normal life, not have to worry that anything she does will be online in a matter of minutes. She is tired of the comments, the harsh mails, the critique. She wants to be Claire. Given all we read in this book, I can imagine that she wants to step out. Her sister, Poppy, loves it, but you can see that Claire is happier to just be behind the scenes. I adored that she could code and that she maintained the website. I do love myself a coder girl!

Our girl meets with Rafael and she falls in love with him. But she is quite clumsy and at times says the wrong thing so for most of the book it is just all very awkward. At times I wanted to get into the story and just push her into Rafael’s arm and get them to kiss already as it was clear both of them were interested in each other. I didn’t like how Rafael went ahead and made that resume and then also read all about Claire’s life. That is just a no-no. What did you think she would do when you gave her that resume. Teehee and be happy? Sorry no. She was just so happy to meet someone who doesn’t know Claire from the vlogs, blogs, and mediastuff.

Eventually we find out a big secret about Poppy and Claire, and her life, already messy and chaotic, is falling further and further apart. I quite liked the twist, I have to say I already had a suspicion there was something off. Thank you to the writer for writing it so excellently.

However in the second part things fall apart. Instead of telling her mom, and yes confessing, that she knows about the big secret, she hoards it inside her. I was shouting at her to just talk to her mom. Come on, I am sure it will be a tearfest for a bit, but if you want answers you should ask your mom. She probably has all the information and can help you out further. Then there is the whole Rafael situation and the fact she is lying about things. Telling people she is with Jackson? Why?

Her already quite wonky relationship with her sister (as I would call it, you could see they had a good bond at times, but often she was very resentful towards her sister) turned even more sour when her sister wasn’t that impressed with the big secret, and I was totally agreeing with her. Come on, it is not like you suddenly aren’t x and y.
Spoiler Family is more than blood or genes.
I also found it hilarious that she thought the internet world wasn’t for her because of that secret. Um, people are different. Believe me, I have seen families with brothers and sisters who are totally polar opposites. One sister would totally be into make-up, the other didn’t care. But oh well, whatever makes Clairebear happy I guess. :[

I also found it hurtful that she acted towards her mom like that. Yes, her mom is quite pushy. And yes, things happened because mom posted everything online, but it is still your mom. She still loves you, cares about you. Just wants the best for you. Just talk with her. Maybe ask someone else to be there for support, and talk.

Because that was also the problem I had with this book, no one talks. They all just crop it up. And then it is just waiting for the explosion, as these things crop and bubble and grow. For instance that whole contract thing? If you don’t want it, then it is done. You shouldn’t feel forced to sign it. I get that your sister is probably hurt by it, but I think she will get over it. If you just talk.

I also had expected a bit more vlogging/blogging/photoshoots. There were like 1 or 2, and maybe some mentions of things, but I just didn’t get the full picture of it and that is a shame. Constantly we are reminded that they have to do a lot, have to post tons, have to communicate, yet we don’t see anything happening.

And sorry, I found it a terrible idea what Claire did on the 22nd of November. Sorry, but you can’t just pop by like that. You can’t just do that. I am glad that Rafael is near, to talk some sense in her, because oh boy.. Sadly, sense isn’t a thing that is in our girl’s inventory.
Oh, boy, I didn’t see that twist coming. I am sorry, but then I was totally doubting our girl’s sanity. Who the hell would stay? Who the hell would just let their love interest leave? I wouldn’t. No freaking way. Also, it was quite confusing as she went from wanting it and feeling sorry to being quite mean and rude. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but dang that was confusing. Oh, and then she gets pissy when Rafael steps in and saves her. sighs

sighsMore drama arrives and I was just so done with this book. Plus I found her real bitchy when her mom was so sweet to let the girls go to Disney. Man, if that was me, I wouldn’t have minded say yes right there, even after a shitty day. I never been to Disney, but have wished to go since the one in Paris opened.

And some more drama, and then finally it all wraps up as pretty as a Christmas present. Sure, I was happy that they FINALLY talked, but it took way too long for me. And of course, suddenly, Claire is also OK with her mom’s blog. Gee. That took you long enough. :| And of course, everything else also clicks together. Again, on the one hand I am happy, but really, it just didn’t feel all too natural to me. Which is a shame. Plus, all of the sudden she does want to make vlogs? Um? Um? UM????

So yeah, strong start, weak finish. It is a shame. :(

I will give this book 3 stars, there were good moments, but sadly also not so good moments.

Review first posted at

gggina13's review against another edition

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Just for Clicks was a little cliche but it was fun. It was a tad predictable and wrapped up a bit too nicely for my tastes but it would make a cute movie and it was a fresh premise so I’m completely happy with it.

friedlbonte's review against another edition

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she’s so awkward i love it

alongreader's review against another edition

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Claire and Poppy have never known what it's like to have a private life. Their mother's blog and their own vlog pays for their lifestyle, and that's worth having strangers talk about them all the time, right?

Poppy sure thinks so. But lately Claire hasn't been so sure. And when she meets the new boy at school, and finds her mother's old journals, everything seems to come crashing down on her at once.

This is a great meditation on our celebrity obsessed lifestyle, but it never comes across as preachy. It's a difficult line to keep but it manages nicely. I was interested the whole way through and I wanted to know what was going to happen. A great read.

thatlizhunter's review against another edition

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This was CUTE! And Quirky! A very quick read that felt very summerish, I mean Claire only mentions the Arizona heat a dozen times, right?

Anyway, this story is about Claire and her unhappiness with her vlog/blog life. Her entire life is on the internet and that makes for a very mopey teenagers. What's worse? Her twin sister LOVES vlogging and even wants to do a reality TV show! Yay! Or if you're Claire, ehhhh,,, please no.

Yes, this story is about a teenager having very teenagerish problems. It's also a story about online personality and the pressure of living constantly in the public. And there's quite of bit of fashion and computer coding thrown in.

I definitely enjoyed some of the characters. Claire seemed to be well-thought through, with adorable humor and lovely awkwardness. I mean, it wasn't lovely for her. But it was hilarious.
She was also into coding! More girls into computer science, please! Claire's enthusiasm for web design and to keep learning was infectious.
Also, her aversion to strangers and the public was realistic. It wasn't just about her, but her own past experience that led to a crippling fear of strangers.

Rafael was cute, if a little cookie cutter? His biggest personality trait seemed to be an aversion to technology. I'm going to talk about THAT later. Oh, and he was a great listener.

Poppy, well Poppy, was a bit boring. Claire seemed to see her twin as a internet personality. Poppy was just a walking youtuber and that was about all I got out of her from reading the book. I really wish we could have seen more of Poppy and Claire's relationship shown on page - instead of just bickering about the internet and boys.
SpoilerOh, and after the adoption secret came out? Why wasn't there more development for that?

Overall, I enjoyed the plot. It didn't drag, and the storyline seemed fairly realistic. Well, mostly. There were some seemingly weird time jumps that momentarily confused me. I don't really like having to turn the page back several times to figure out where we are now. Did that happen? Yes.

One question I had - Claire's lying was never exactly justified? I DID NOT UNDERSTAND WHY SHE DIDN'T TELL PEOPLE THE TRUTH SOMETIMES. Especially her own sister??????? Okay, I was just confused.

There were also some unbelievable moments that led to me either shaking my head, or almost not continuing. Especially when those moments were VERY early on in the story.

Number one? Rafael claiming he lived in remote villages in India and couldn't use a cellphone because there was no reception. I feel like that's a very privileged American perspective and I really, really wish an editor had flagged that. Because, that's just casting an entire nation in a backwards light, and it's NOT TRUE. I mean, I've dozens of people from India and other nations in Southeast Asia, and all of them had technology. It was just such an ignorant mistake that I almost stopped reading. The only reason I continued past this point was because I was in a meeting and bored and needed something to read to not fall asleep. That's how annoyed I was by this portrayal.

Also, there are plenty of reasons to dislike phones and the invasion of tech into our everyday lives. Living in India should not be one of them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Now, my next ranty point is a bit spoilery. Putting in spoiler code, so read at your own risk. ;-)
SpoilerThe way the search for Claires birthmother worked, is NOT REALISTIC. Okay, after adoption, ALL of the records are changed. The Birth Certificate WON'T LIST your birth mom. I know this, I'm adopted. And my mom was adopted. So, yep, I'm kind of very annoyed because this information is easily available on the web.

End of spoiler

Overall, a fun read. Would I read it again? Probably not. Recommend? Sort of.

kaylareadsbooks's review against another edition

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Claire and Poppy Dixon have known nothing else but being internet famous since the moment they were born. And they have always done everything together, but Claire is done being one half of the viral internet sensation that are the Dixon Twins. Claire’s strong desire to stop being on camera causes a rift between herself, her mom and her sister as she discovers some of the non-shiny parts of her life that her mom left out from her blog posts.

I really enjoyed this novel. It was cute, funny, heartfelt and sweet. It was well written, the characters were well developed and I found the plot to be a lot of fun!

The novel focuses on different relationships that Claire has, starting with her growing relationship with Rafael. Rafael is the new boy in town and chooses Claire to be the person he sits with on his first day during lunch. Their relationship is fun to watch, the two are very different but balance each other out.

Claire and her sister Poppy are as different as night and day. Poppy loves being in front of the camera, and not in a shallow way, in a way that brings her genuine joy and its something she is passionate about. Their relationship is close and its nice to see sisters who balance each other out so well.

Claire is anxious and suffers from PTSD due to an incident we learn more about in detail as the novel goes on.

The plot twists throughout this novel made this book so much fun to read and gave us a deeper understanding of Claire’s mom. The blog is something that means everything to Claire’s mom, sometimes Claire can’t understand that but as she learns more about her mom she starts to understand her attachment to the blog.

I found that this story did an amazing job of portraying what its like living your life in front of a camera, giving us emails and comment threads peppered throughout the book.

I really enjoyed this!! I highly recommend you pick it up!

stormiclouds's review against another edition

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Just for Clicks is a cute and clean young adult romance that brings to light several issues I think are important for teenagers today. It touches on the effects of social media in our lives as well as the importance of open, honest communication. The story was definitely a slow burn in the romance department, which is something I don't mind. Overall, this is a cute story I would definitely recommend my teenage sister reading.

verypeculiarpages's review against another edition

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thanks for the arc, netgalley! Full review to come but this book was so so so cute and funny and PLOT-TWISTY! Highly highly recommend it as a quick, fun read. :)

tiffanycase's review against another edition

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This novel is absolutely amazing! I adored Claire's story and the light that this novel sheds on social media and our quest to be internet famous. The writing is authentic and the romance will make your heart flutter. I'm often on the search for clean YA novels to recommend to my middle school students, and this one has very minimal cursing and not a ton of sexual references, which I like. It's a quick, fun read that any fan of YA contemporary will love!