
Greta and the Glass Kingdom by Chloe Jacobs

magencorrie's review against another edition

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My Review:

**ARC received in exchange for a fair and honest review**

I'm so happy to finally get the next part of Greta and Isaac's story. I have really missed being in the world of Mylena.

The world that Chloe created is by far one of my favorite aspects of this series. She really created a fantastical world filled with creatures that are both scary and amazing. I love the little bits of lore and culture she wove into her story. The land itself was really amazing, not just the creatures that inhabitant it.

Greta is still the strong heroine I remember from the first book and that is why I love her character so much. She really is a tough individual, but she once again gets tested. Though she faces quite a few obstacles, one being with facing her new role in Mylena, to the darkness that now is trying to take over her and the world she has grown to care about. Despite being unsure of herself at certain times in the book, she always seemed to pull through in the end and never really gave up, even when she felt like she had.

I adore the arrogant, over confident Isaac quite a lot. There is just something about this Goblin King I can’t get enough of. Like Greta, Isaac is a determined character willing to do what he must to protect Greta and his kingdom. And even when things seemed bleak, he always came through, especially when he was almost lost. What I truly loved was the love he had for Greta. That really was a pure aspect of the story.

The book was also filled with some amazing side characters. Some I was able to get to know quite well. I loved that Chloe gave more depth into the other creatures as well. The sweetness and romantic scenes had my toes curled and I just couldn’t get enough of them. Though they don’t happened a lot, they were well placed and just enough for me wanting more. The character growth was also very evident through the book in all the characters.

The story was pretty fast paced and I did feel like it did more a bit too quickly for my taste. Things built nicely, but to me it all came to a head a bit too fast. In a blink of an eye everything changed, characters moving along, plot turning into a different direction, and a new crisis had arisen. But, in all honesty, I was able to move past that and just enjoy the story, which I enjoyed immensely. The writing is simple in detail, but that was something I did like. The action was intense and it moved the story along quite well. There were a few things I didn’t see coming and took me quite by surprise.

Now, I can't wait to read the next book because that was one killer of a cliffhanger! Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was fast paced, filled with action, characters I can’t get enough of, and a world I really like being lost in!

katelin00's review against another edition

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Review to come

katleap's review against another edition

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3 stars

I received an e-ARC copy of Greta and the Glass Kingdom from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I received this book, opened it up and didn't understand anything. So after days of trying I went looking for the first book. Found the kindle edition for 99 cents. (thank you amazon). To understand this book you really really need to read the first one. There is no summary or good explanation for readers who pick up the second book first. My review of Greta and the Goblin King

[b:Greta and the Glass Kingdom|18630439|Greta and the Glass Kingdom (Mylena Chronicles, #2)|Chloe Jacobs||26209397] picks up directly after [b:Greta and the Goblin King|24678720|Greta and the Goblin King (Mylena Chronicles, #1)|Chloe Jacobs||18462313]. Greta is with Isaac back at his palace. She is having nightmares and is scorching the sheets in her dreams. Isaac loves her and wants his people to accept her as their queen. Greta is not quite so sure. She is human, a bounty hunter and totally not ready for the responsibilities of being queen. Plus she has been infected by the tainted magick from the demon Agramon and it keeps trying to take control.

The gnomes declare war at Isaac's banquet and the faeries propose an alliance and a promise that their queen can help Greta, the offer is too good to resist. Leaving Isaac to deal with the gnomes, Greta sets off with Siona, Isaac's half faerie bounty hunter cousin, and Wyatt, a handsome lost human boy to see the faerie queen.

So spoilers ahead.****

First, love love love love the cover. Its what talked me into picking up this book.

The book starts with Greta's nightmare, her struggle with control, Siona's help and Isaac coming to comfort. I felt really dumped into the middle. I was so lost before I read the first book. Even after having read the first book, I still felt dumped. So Isaac and Greta cuddle, make out, and freak out about the banquet that Isaac is throwing. That first chapter just dragged for me.

So banquet, Siona is helping Greta get ready. She has to wear a dress, which she isn't happy about. Then there is an intruder in the castle, Greta wants to investigate, so Siona undoes the dress and then leaves, which is when Wyatt shows up. So Greta is prancing around, clutching the dress, hugging Wyatt and then pushing him away, almost kissing him. Arrrg, Greta you made your choice stop waffling. So then Siona escorts Wyatt out and Isaac comes in and Greta is STILL running around holding that dress. The whole thing just me roll my eyes a lot.

I was really really excited that Siona was a prominent character in this book. I liked her in Gobling King. So Siona is half faery and not accepted by either side of her heritage. Its cool that she is there for Greta to connect with and that they can develop a solid friendship. As the faeries interact with Greta she sees that Siona has history with them. Since Siona trusts them, Greta thinks that she can give them a shot.

So the plot of this book was awesome. The action scenes, fighting and running moved the story along quickly and all added to the plot. The conversations that happened in between each of them dragged. Especially every time Greta talked to Wyatt. But the Siona conversations become important. Siona comes into her powers and its helping Greta with her tainted power. But the plot twist, brilliant. Having Siona, the one creature of Mylena that Greta has decided to trust betray her, brilliant. I also loved that once Greta figured it out, everyone was out, she was done and she never doubted that she wasn't right. I do think that she was a little quick to forgive in the end though.

(Isaac doesn't count because Greta didn't trust him in the beginning and I still don't think that they are on complete solid ground yet. There are issues that they haven't talked about yet.)

I really feel like some of the talking could have been streamlined so that it wasn't the same conversation over and over again between the same characters. *coughWyattcough*

I had a few issues with the consistency of magick. I want to know how Greta learned to control the magick. She never talks to anyone about it and most of the time ignores it or is writhing on the ground in pain from it. She has not control and then all of sudden at the end she can draw it out and use it. Not consistent, especially because it was almost killing her. Plus how does the dream magick work and why can Greta all of sudden control it?

Wyatt drove me nuts. Again. I didn't love him in the first book and I liked him even less is this one. Greta cares about him. He reminds her of what she has lost but Greta has built a life on Mylena and she is okay with that. Wyatt, I felt, did everything he could to undermine Greta and her decisions. She got not support from him. I do want to know about this portal that they supposedly found. I also want to know what happened to Ray. I do think that Siona to Wyatt straight to the faeries when she escorted him from the castle.

Isaac was interesting in this book. I loved the fact that he went lost and it was Greta who had to chase after him in dreams. I think that it was important to see Isaac as actual monster and for Greta to have to deal with it. I feel like Isaac developed more as a king who cares about his people and the girls he loves. I did want more from him in that last chapter.

Speaking of last chapter. OMG, of course they end up on earth. Its obvious that they will have to get back to Mylena but now everything will be awkward and Wyatt will be annoying and Isaac self sacrificing plus how are they going to defeat a demon faery queen? I felt that it was rushed. Additionally Siona and Wyatt????

So overall. Great plot. Some characters and lots of talking that drove me nuts. Plus consistency. Love, love the cover. I would read the next book.

moniqueeditrix's review against another edition

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2.5 stars. I only enjoyed the ending.

Review also appears on my blog all The Bookish Love

I was sort of hoping that the second installment in The Mylena Chronicles would answer some of the questions I had in the first one. Instead it added some more questions and I wasn’t completely satisfied.

Greta was even more annoying to me in this one than she was in the previous book. The whole “I’m not pretty because my body and face is riddled with scars thing” had me rolling my eyes so many times. Also, we get that she’s a bounty hunter and supposed to be this bad ass chick (which, I really don’t get because she’s always being saved by either Isaac or Siona), but she kind pf stepped into it when she fell in love with a Goblin King. I mean really, you don’t want to wear dresses and do all the things royalty does, then get away from the royalty.

The plot kind of jumped all over the place for me and I ended up being more bored than interested. In short it was messy.

I also felt like it could have been shorter, because there were a lot of times where it seemed the author just put in more words to describe a scene that only needed a few.

The only thing I pretty much enjoyed was the ending.
I wanted to enjoy this one more than the first, but unfortunately that didn’t happen.

emslovestoread's review against another edition

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Not my favorite thing ever. In fact, I don't have plans to continue the series. I was just bored and didn't care about anything happening.

bookishzelda's review against another edition

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I was happy to rejoin Greta and Isaac in Greta and the Glass Kingdom. I actually read the first and second book in a row, so I was completely absorbed into the world. It’s a very addicting read.

I have to say there were definitely parts of this book that kept stressing me out. Wyatt was not actually one of the things but he was managing to annoy me anyway. I liked how the plot was more of an adventure for this one. We have a lot more going on getting from point a to point b. As they take the sometimes treacherous journey from the Goblin palace to the Glass Kingdom.It helps keep the action moving and allows me to focus on something else instead of the things stressing me out.

We also get to know a little more about the fairies that keep themselves locked away. About who they are and what they can do. Also what Siona’s connection with them is.

Of course I love Greta and Isaac and how sweet their love is. Especially because they have a whole world against them. I like how they can make one another gentle because they are both very fierce.

I think Greta has really changed in this book from the first. She is more accepting of her role and her life in Mylena. Especially since she is finally open with her feelings about Isaac. It really brings her character to a new a level because she is not so closed off and cold. She is more trusting which can be good and bad. Or maybe it’s more that she is now willing to take the chance that someone might be trustworthy or not.

I continued to be completely absorbed in Mylena and the story. I can not wait for the next book so I can find out what happens!

becki's review against another edition

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My goal this year is to finish some of these series I have started (cough, cough) years ago.

Well this sure didn't suffer from second book syndrome.

melissayabookshelf's review

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After the events of Greta and the Goblin King, there is a lot of craziness going on in Greta and the Glass Kingdom. Ever since Isaac pulled Greta back into Mylena through the black portal, she's had a dark magick inside her soul that she isn't fully able to control. Plus, she's been outed as a human in a world that hates humans, so when Isaac wants to publicly announce his intentions for her among his people, it doesn't go so well.

Greta is convinced to go on a journey to the faeries world, the Glass Kingdom, to help get rid of the black magick, along with Wyatt who is trying to find the lost boys again, Siona, and the faerie princess and prince.

But the journey won't be easy. They'll come face to face with tons of deadly obstacles, and there might be more than meets the eye to the journey itself.

Oh...and the ending: wow - can't wait to see what happens in the conclusion of this trilogy, Greta and the Lost Army.

prationality's review

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I don't know how I feel about this! I'm serious. Everything felt so...sudden. At least everything after the party scene. Greta goes on a adventure. Things go badly. Isaac comes for her. Things go even worse. Greta keeps traveling and things get even worse. There is literally NO GOOD things that happen. Every step Greta takes is one step further into misery and despair.

And I just couldn't understand why.

This is a pretty standard length book by today's YA fantasy standards. And while the first book wasn't puppies and rainbows bright and cheery, there were bright moments. I honestly started dreading when something evenly remotely happy was happening because I knew it would lead to endless pages of unhappiness.

Meanwhile everything I liked about the first book, namely Isaac and Greta's interactions, disappeared. After the party we don't get an honest to goodness Isaac and Greta scene until the last 10%. And even that last bit I'm not sure was earned or justified. The method by which we got Isaac back was nothing less then a TRUE LOVE CONQUERS ALL THINGS (including logic) device. And it felt that way.

And so we're clear this book perpetuates why I dislike Fairies/the Fair Folk in general.

You may be wondering why I gave this three stars when I had so much to be unhappy with (up to and including I think there's a third book I had no idea about?), but in truth I kept reading. This book kept me reading despite my anger, despite my complaints and I can't fault Jacobs for accelerating the plot. Happy Greta and Happy Isaac wouldn't have worked half as well as a second book, especially as there are still a LOT of unanswered questions.

Like just how bad are things in the world of Mylena that Isaac is covering up to Greta about? Or why in the holy hell can't Greta find one freaking friend who doesn't have ulterior motives? JUST ONE. That's all I'm asking for here.

As for the ending...:sigh: Portal fantasies are, by in large, groused about for good reasons. Whether it be by science or magic that sends out main character to a land of Not Their Own, portal fantasies need for the reader to buy into the conceit of how it happened. Since in the first book Greta is already in Mylena, and we only have her recounting of how she ended up there as to the "how it happened", not such an issue. Similarly we could discount Agramon and his minions threatening to throw her into a portal somewhere since they're bad guys. Rule #1 as a bad guy is to lie or obfuscate the truth.

In this book we get a first hand dealio with the portal transport and its rushed. The whole last chapter is rushed. For spoiler reasons please highlight to read why:

They wind up back in "our world"--they being all those Lost Boys, Greta and Isaac--thanks to, you guessed it the bad guys. Okay great wonderful. Instead of ending the book there, with them confused and dazed Jacobs hand waves it all until we get to where they're all headed to see Greta's parents for help.

I'm sorry what?

We're told how confused Isaac--the only truly new to our world person in the group--is. We're told how they scavenged and hid and worked out what to do. We're told how they came up with a somewhat plan to see Greta's parents and go from there. This is all stuff I would have liked to see. It would have made a good way to start the next book and a solid way to have readers want to come back for more.

Reading about Greta's half-angst about how the boyfriend/husband/partner she has (Isaac) isn't who her parents (that she hasn't seen for almost half a dozen years) would have wanted for her is not what I'm interested in reading about. Greta's earlier angst were good reasons for her to worry about her relationship (namely humans are hated in Mylena so making her their QUEEN suddenly wasn't going to improve matters). Greta's angst that her parents may disapprove is not a good reason.

In the end this book kept me reading, but I grew more irritated as I went on. This was a 2.5 star read for me--basically I only enjoyed it half as much as I expected to--so its rounded up. Here's hoping Book 3 resolves some of my issues.

tween2teenbookreviews's review

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First Impressions

I loved Greta and the Goblin King, and have been excited to read this for ages. The book picks up pretty much where the first one ended. You're immediately thrown in to their world and their new set of problems.


Greta is pretty cool! She has to find a balance between being kick-butt and letting others take the lead. Greta has tons of problems in this book, but deals with them well. She never gives up hope, even when everyone else already has. Isaac isn't in this as much. I love the scenes with him, and love seeing him and Greta together!


While I think the writing could have been a little better (I noticed lots of common things, etc), it was overall pretty good! The story flowed well and kept me hanging until the very last page. The one thing I might have hoped for was a little down time between action scenes. They would defeat one thing, and then immediately something else would happen.


Much of the world building occurred in the first book, so this didn't require as much. That said, Greta was going on a whole new journey to new places that hadn't been explained before. I really enjoyed seeing the new places and seeing how they dealt with all the obstacles they came across. I wish I could have seen more of the Glass Kingdom though, as that seems like a pretty interesting place.