
Green: The Beginning and the End by Ted Dekker

lkessler's review against another edition

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This book adds an enormous twist into the Circle Trilogy. I suggest reading this one after reading the first three (Black, Red, White) or else it would give a lot of spoilers. Also read Ted Dekker's other novel "Showdown" for another twist.

saltwife's review against another edition

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I really didn't care for this one at all. Where I thought the Trilogy originally had a nice ending, this one added just more confusion for me, and plot that I didn't particularly like. I had to push my way though completely.

rondasue27's review against another edition

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This book was absolutely amazing, as all of Ted Dekker's books are. This might be one of his best, though. He pulls the circle series into a circle in an amazing beginning/ending book. Highly recommend this book, along with all of the circle series to anyone who likes suspenseful-type sci-fi books.

books_and_coffee_please's review against another edition

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I did not enjoy "Green" nearly as much as the other books in the Circle series. First of all, there was way too much unnecessary violence, especially in one particularly sickening scene involving a sacrifice. It was a bit too much for me to swallow. In the other books, there was violence, but it was done well and contributed to the plot. There was also a lot of sensuality that I felt could have been left out considering the type of book it is. (And some sensuality/violence mingled together - ew, bloodsucking?!?)

Next, the plot was totally unbelievable. Really, Janae was a decendent of vampires? I felt like I'd entered the world of Twilight, which came out of nowhere from the rest of the series. The end of the book seemed kind of contrived as well. It seemed unrealistic that Thomas would get a "second chance" just because of his son's decisions. It was the end of the world, yet Thomas got to change everything on a whim.

Overall, I wasn't a fan. I would recommend reading the trilogy and skipping this one, which seemed like a forced add-on. It didn't add much to the other books, and while I learned a little bit about what had happened with certain characters, I don't feel like it was a necessary read.

larskat's review against another edition

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Was a little disappointed that it truly is a circle.

fieldsla's review against another edition

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Fun read but the fact that it's the beginning and the end makes it kind of pointless. Everything would have happened regardless...

cricky's review against another edition

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If you're new to this series, people often say start with Green or Black. Do not start with Green, start with Black.

I almost wish I hadn't read this one as I realise there's really no happy ending (not that I always want a happy ending but its a never ending circle of misery).

The 2nd half of the book was better than the first and it was interesting how it linked up with Black. It doesn't necessarily have to be read in conjunction with the original trilogy.

mponschke's review against another edition

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I'll be honest. I put off finishing this book because I was really worried as to how Dekker was going to make the series circular. I really enjoyed Black, Red, and White... the LAST thing I needed was to finish Green and for it to end without answering any questions I had. Thank Elyon it did not disappoint! Way to go, Ted Dekker. I am officially sucked into the world of the Histories.

caliope's review against another edition

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Tal vez si la religión se presentara a la gente desde el punto de vista de Ted Dekker habría más gente que entendiera la esencia y no tanto los rituales. Este libro termina la saga y yo me quedo con un "gracias", no tanto por la estructura,la historio o el tema, si no por las moralejas a lo largo del escrito, por esa forma de mostrar lo que olvidamos muchas veces en ese repetir de la rutina dentro de la religión. Un bravo por este autor, se suman otros libros de él a mi lista de lectura.

lj_tang's review against another edition

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I totally disliked this book. The interaction between the characters seem awkward.... the reunion didn't have a familiar feeling... it's like when you put the cast of friends in an interview... there is an awkward feeling to it and the ending.... gosh what an aweful ending. I wish I could read the alternate ending