
Soulless by Amber Garr

hiveretcafe's review

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This review was originally posted on my blog, Hiver et Cafe

I received an e-ARC from the publisher via NetGalley. This does not affect my review in any shape or form. This review is my honest opinion and I was not compensated for this review.

I got about maybe 50+% through this book and then I just couldn't anymore. I put it down to read something else. It took me about an entire week to read that other book and when I returned to this one, there was literally nothing that made me want to continue reading it.

I just wasn't into it. It's really hard to make me DNF, because even if I'm not liking it, I still want to find out how it ends. With this one, even though there was mystery to the plot, it didn't draw me in and make me want to read and find out more. Yeah there was a hot guy with an accent, but it still didn't make me care enough about the characters or the plot.

I was really disappointed though that I didn't like the story enough to want to continue on because the synopsis sounds fabulous. I just don't want to spend my time on a bland book that doesn't draw me in when I could be reading other things.

I wouldn't say that it's so terrible that I wouldn't recommend it at all, but if you're willing to take a shot, I hope you like it!

pebblespenguin1's review

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‘Soulless’ by Amber Garr was a thrilling, captivating, and exciting read. Once I started this book I found it hard to put down. The story of Nora and the Warden’s was really intriguing. It is a really cool idea that this is what happens after death, you become a Warden in a beautiful new world and you help souls cross over. This was a really intriguing idea to me, I have read several books about Grim Reapers but this was totally different and really fresh.
There is the typical good and evil in this one but, there is the fresh turmoil of a soul caught in the middle. Theron is neither completely good nor completely evil and he plays such a vital role in the plot and is probably one of my favorite characters in the book.
I think Nora is a very relatable character and I really enjoyed her finding her heritage, I thought that threw a nice little loop in the story. I don’t know anyone who would not like Jason, he is so warm and inviting, I just want to hug him.
I think the plot line was laid out perfectly and I believe it was done very well. The ending was completely unexpected and definitely left me wanting more. I really enjoyed this book and I cannot wait to see the continuation of it! Another fantastic read from Amber Garr!

faelorehn's review

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Review taken from Elysian Fields Book Reviews

Rated 4.1 out of 5 Stars
*This is an ARC from Hallowed Ink Press
*When it comes to death and love, only one is guaranteed..
Nora died over forty years ago. Instead of her death being the end, it was a new beginning. She was given the chance of a lifetime, literally. To become one of the elite Death Wardens. The Wardens escort newly dead souls to their place in the light. As always, there are two sides to everything; the Shadow Hunters try to sway the souls to the dark side. Nora's souls are becoming targets, and she realizes there is a power at force beyond anything she could have imagined. The balance between dark and light is precariously held in the hands of her shamanic powers, as well as her new ward, Jason. He is a healer, one with amazing powers that she has never seen before. But will he stay on the right side when the approaching battle is imminent? Nora's connection with him is instant, as is the attraction she feels for him. When she is forced to face her ex, Theron, now on the side of the Hunters, can she forget her feelings for him with the help of Jason and her friends?
My Thoughts:
This is a wonderful start to a new, promising series. Death Wardens is original, fast paced, and addicting. Nora is a well written protagonist; she's not whiny about everything wrong in her life, even though her heart was shattered by the man she is still in love with. Jason is a wonderful character.. I fell in love with him instantly. As far as love triangles go, the one between Nora, the jerk- Theron, and Jason is typical 'girl can't make up her mind' drama. I'm team Jason all the way. He's a sweetheart; sexy and confident, yet mysterious and powerful. The world building in this book is just alright in my opinion, and hopefully it will get more intricate with future books in this series. The only complaint I really have is that it was way too short for an introduction to a new series. I felt like I didn't have time to get to know the characters and the world before the final page. It was a great book though, and definitely worth a read for the urban fantasy junkie in all of us.. :)
Excerpt from book:

"No one invites Death to a party. Luckily, I wore a disguise... and I wasn't Death, exactly. It's true I might linger around humans on their way out of this world, but I wasn't the one who decided their fate. I just had to explain it all." - Nora by Amber Garr
"I wasn't expecting a fight over this one, but any chance I get to wrestle with you is an experience worth treasuring. The glint in his eyes represented a threat, just as it did his longing for our past physical relationship." -Theron and Nora by Amber Garr

mlboyd20's review

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I had received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Doing so does not sway my review in any way.

There seems to be a recurring theme lately, those that handle the dead. That's okay with me, as long as there is something different brought to the table, which Ms. Garr has done. Death Wardens and Soul Hunters. For those that have not read this book, they sound pretty much like one another, but with different names. That couldn't be further from the truth. Nora, a Death Warden who's advisor, ie teacher, went from friend and lover to the enemy, a Soul Hunter. Add mystery and conspiracy on top of that and wrap it all up in Soulless.

This book finds Nora in a tough situation. Basically betrayed by someone she loved, she is now dealing with him stealing her charges, ie her jobs. Reading this, it was quite evident at the time of him telling Nora that he was leaving and wanted her to join, that there was an alternative motive behind it all. Why Nora didn't pick up on the obvious really frustrated me. Personally, if it was me, and I was getting the vibes, I would have questioned him more. Yes, he pretty much disappeared on her, but he reappeared plenty of other times that she could have tried to get some answers from him.

I wasn't a fan on how Jason was introduced. He was pretty much just left to his own vices for a bit and got through everything way more than he should have. Again, a red flag was waving frantically when I was reading this part and Nora had picked up on some unusual things during this time. Something was up and I wanted more info. I also wanted more depth from that character. He just seemed to be, with not enough characterization to make me more vested in him as a whole.

"He's a part of this. I don't know how exactly, but it's all connected."

There are twists and turns throughout this book and it sets up quite nicely for the second book in the series. There are multiple layers to this story that you will pick up pretty quickly and little things will jump out at you as you read, making you go hmm. This is a great time to use the highlighter feature of your ereader.

I did have some issues while reading. The story lagged in some areas and rushed into other parts too quickly. The flow and beat just weren't in sync and this caused some disruption to my ready style. Having said that, again, this story has unique qualities that separate it from so many others out there. Anyone who likes to read paranormal stories and stories of the afterlife, will enjoy this book.

mollymortensen's review

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A great beginning, but where's the other half of the book?

My ‘the good and the bad’ were already in order in my notes, because while this book had a great start, the ending wasn't as good. (If that can be called an ending.) Soulless had such potential, good characters and a cool world, but it had issues and felt like it needed another round of editing.

The Good:

Interesting beginning, (though I hate when a book starts on a downer.) I liked the world building, the wardens and the hunters. The Hunters blue veins and black eyes are so creepy! Talk about vampires, except eating souls not blood. The magic was simple, mostly magically changing clothes, and teleporting, but I liked it.

Talk about fast paced! Can a book this exciting be called light?

Most of the characters are okay, I didn’t hate them, but I didn’t love them either. Except for Charles, I enjoyed his humor and his relationship with Nora. Though it was towards the beginning and I didn’t really know Nora and Theron yet, I was surprised and impressed at how emotional their parting was!

I didn’t expect the shaman Native American aspect. (1/16th Indian here)

The romance, sigh how do I describe the love. There’s sort of a love triangle, and one of them is sort of instant love, but don’t judge this book based on that. The other love isn’t instant, just complicated, forbidden love. Okay, I just lost the rest of you now. It’s good honest! (At least for the first 3/4 of the book it was.)

There’s a complicated plot, people keeping secrets, and a war brewing. Two of the characters of this book are special, but they aren’t the only ones. I feared a ‘chosen one’ for a while, but thankfully that was avoided.

The Bad:

This book does suffer from perfect man syndrome. Jason is perfect in every way, looks, nice, sense of humor, southern twang, gentleman, warrior, doctor, leader, ect, ect. BORING!

I wanted Nora to kick butt and sometimes she didn’t do too badly, but she usually panics and has to be rescued, which is totally the opposite of her character.

Inconsistencies: At the beginning she said that wardens don’t sleep and she only had a bed because her and her ex-boyfriend used it for *ahem* other purposes. Then later in the book she’s wonders how someone even sleeps since his bed was covered with stuff. There’s also an inconsistency with Theron at the end where he totally changes his previous attitude. (Sorry can’t say more without spoilers.)

Nora’s so fickle when it comes to men! (Yes the romance goes in the good and the bad, it was good at first, but got to be too much.) She loves Theron still, no she loves Jason. One minute she just wants Jason as a friend then the next moment she’s snogging him all over the place. (For no particular reason I prefer snogging to making out.) And I really wish they wouldn’t talk about her being sixty. I know she’s dead so she’s not really, but it’s just weird that she’s attracted to a 20? year old.

It’s like the story was cut in half! At least before it ended (got cut off) we got one answer, but there are so many more left unanswered.

Will I read the next one? Yes, since I want to find out what happens in the other half of the story! Would I recommend it? Yes, I think so. As long as you know it’s really only half a book.

Point of View: First (Nora)

Predictability: 3 out of 5 (Where 1 is George RR Martin (If the characters make a plan or think about the future I know it isn’t going to go that way.) And 5 is Cinder (where I guessed what was going to happen long before it did, but it was still a great book.)

Source: Netgalley

My Rating: 6/10 Stars

shubba_the_emoreader's review

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Review coming soon.

condygurl's review

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This book is one you simply should not let pass by. The story of Nora who is a death warden, also known as Grim Reapers, is one which will grab you by the seat of your pants. Theron who once was the love of her second life, and has now gone over to the dark side to become a soul hunter.

Now unlike other books of this category, you know reaper stories. This book doesn't dwell much on the actual reaping of souls, it is more about Nora and how her life as a warden is affected by Theron's move to the dark side, and how her life is changing.

This is a very short story and it didn't take me long to completely read it, and as I turned the last page, shout NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME LIKE THAT! Yes it ends on one heck of a cliff hanger. Will she, Won't she? Well we'll have to wait to find out in the next book I suppose. I am not known for my patience and hanging on a cliff tends to aggravate me!

I think this is a wonderful start to a series and a very quick read. If you like angels, reapers, life altering changes then this is definitely the book for you! I give it 5 stars for the fast pace and the easy to read and enjoyable story. I can't wait to see what the next book in the series will bring.

marie_thereadingotter's review

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This book was just okay. I wanted to like this book more than I did. A lot of the plot seemed very forced. There was also a lacking in world building, and the romance felt weird and moved too quickly.

Sani was a really great character,
and I wish he hadn't died
. This wasn't a 'bad' book, it just wasn't as good as I hoped it'd be.

There were parts that I liked more than others. I think this book would have been better if the world was explained more. Having the characters give the reason of "nobody knows, its just how it's always been" is kind of a cheap way of the author getting away with not explaining something they hadn't made an answer for.

ahexcalledbrigid's review

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DNF at 15 percent

“I…I…,” I couldn’t push the words out from my clenched throat.

My reader senses are tingling.

Every reader gets this feeling. Don’t be ashamed of it. Sometimes there’s just that one book that you can sense you are going to hate.

I can’t finish this book. I just can’t.

My reasons, if you’ll allow me to elaborate:

I cannot do whiny heroines. It reminds me too much of, oh I don’t know….every single innocent, self-loathing, pathetic Young Adult main character ever!

She throws a pity party, like the pathetic little girl she is

A brief sense of sadness crept through me as I imagined the life I could’ve had as one of the living, if only it hadn’t been cut so short. I never made it to college. Never had a chance to get drunk and be stupid. Never even had a real date.

There’s a love triangle on the horizon including a bad boy who broke her heart and a big muscly warrior. Guess what their first meeting included? She bumps into him and he catches her around the waist.

WHEEEE!!! A LOVE TRIANGLE! I soooooo want to read it now.

No. Not my thing. I'm sorry, but I can't. This is just not going to be one of those books I enjoy. It's agonizing enough as it is.

ARC provided through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review