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cristalclearshershelves's review against another edition
1.5 Stars
Well, it ended on a better note than was held for the majority of the novel. I’m not sure why I finished reading this, other than the curious want to see how the Justice Drake secretive narrative unfolded, even though I knew where it was going. Nothing else held my attention. Regarding the heroine...I’m not sure what her purpose was except to be there because the hero needed a counter. She had no depth. This needed dual POVs.
I will say that the writing was solid, but I couldn’t care about it because I didn’t care about the story. I’m confused as to why this was so popular when it released.
Well, it ended on a better note than was held for the majority of the novel. I’m not sure why I finished reading this, other than the curious want to see how the Justice Drake secretive narrative unfolded, even though I knew where it was going. Nothing else held my attention. Regarding the heroine...I’m not sure what her purpose was except to be there because the hero needed a counter. She had no depth. This needed dual POVs.
I will say that the writing was solid, but I couldn’t care about it because I didn’t care about the story. I’m confused as to why this was so popular when it released.
shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition
I was drawn to this book because it was written in a male POV. The first question to answer is who is Justice Drake? Justice Drake doesn't have a typical career. He is in the business of teaching wealthy women how to seduce and pleasure their husbands so that those men will no longer engage in affairs with other women. His instructional methods and demeanor are very unconventional. For what these husband's are paying in fees, you would expect a much more spa like and pleasant atmosphere. The women get the spa like surrounds but Justice isn't there to rub oil on their backs and give off happy thoughts. He is crass, apathetic, and above all, brutally honest. Some of the things he says is down right harsh.
If I am being honest, he was not what I expected. I had a hard time connecting to him in anyway. There is not enough information given to explain his endlessly broodiness and why he is in a constant bad mood. He only reveals a line here or there about his past and you really need to know more to connect. He seemed monotone for a good part of the book. The only time we began to understand him is when he is with Ally and those moments happen later in the book. The book is better when Ally is around. She is absolutely infectious and just down right the real deal. She is married to a philander and miserable but she feels like that is her lot in life. I love her obession with Friends reruns and her love of ice cream and full fat food. She livens the book up with humor.
I think around the time I had 30 minutes left in the book, it really kicked into high gear and I enjoyed the turn in the story. However, it all happens rather quickly and then we are the end. I feel like the ending could have been fleshed out better with more details and maybe even the POV changing to Ally for some interesting reads. Overall, the cover and blurb of this book drew me in but the story left me wanting. I think other readers may enjoy this book therefore I give it 3.5 cocktails!
Reviewed by Candace for Cocktails and Books
If I am being honest, he was not what I expected. I had a hard time connecting to him in anyway. There is not enough information given to explain his endlessly broodiness and why he is in a constant bad mood. He only reveals a line here or there about his past and you really need to know more to connect. He seemed monotone for a good part of the book. The only time we began to understand him is when he is with Ally and those moments happen later in the book. The book is better when Ally is around. She is absolutely infectious and just down right the real deal. She is married to a philander and miserable but she feels like that is her lot in life. I love her obession with Friends reruns and her love of ice cream and full fat food. She livens the book up with humor.
I think around the time I had 30 minutes left in the book, it really kicked into high gear and I enjoyed the turn in the story. However, it all happens rather quickly and then we are the end. I feel like the ending could have been fleshed out better with more details and maybe even the POV changing to Ally for some interesting reads. Overall, the cover and blurb of this book drew me in but the story left me wanting. I think other readers may enjoy this book therefore I give it 3.5 cocktails!
Reviewed by Candace for Cocktails and Books
epictetsocrate's review against another edition
Prima zi este întotdeauna a naibii de exasperantă.
Lacrimile. Privirile înceţoşate de confuzie, când ele încearcă să-şi dea seama ce a mers prost în relaţiile lor insipide. Întrebările prosteşti, interminabile despre cum aş putea să-mi îndeplinesc promisiunea şi să merit fiecare bănuţ din micile averi pe care le-au plătit soţii lor ca să le trimită aici.
Stai acolo şi taci, dragă. Unul dintre noi este profesionist. Acum, dacă o să am nevoie de un sandviş nenorocit sau să scot vinul roşu de pe o faţă de masă din pânză, o să-ţi cer părerea. Altfel, închide gura aia roz-bombon şi şezi frumos.
Numai la asta se pricep. Să arate bine. Să gătească. Să facă menaj. Să aibă grijă de odraslele lor obraznice şi dezgustătoare.
Neveste din Stepford. Trofee. Prostituate de lux eu maniere impecabile.
Par perfecte din toate punctele de vedere. Frumoase, inteligente, graţioase. Accesoriul perfect pentru un bărbat care are totul.
Cu excepţia unui singur lucru.
Sunt extrem de plicticoase odată ce le întinzi pe spatele lor perfect.
După cum se spune, aparenţele pot fi înşelătoare. O înfăţişare sexy nu garantează sex de calitate. De cele mai multe ori, această teorie se adevereşte. Dacă n-ar fi aşa, aş da faliment. Şi, ca să fiu sincer, afacerea îmi merge bine. Foarte bine.
Iau o gură de apă, cercetând variatele expresii de şoc şi groază care apar, de obicei, după discursul meu din prima zi. Grupul de acum este mai numeros decât cel anterior, dar nu mă surprinde. Suntem la sfârşitul verii, un anotimp în care este acceptabil să porţi mai puţine haine decât se cere în societate. Ochii soţilor au rătăcit peste tot, la fel şi sculele lor. Şi, într-un efort de a-şi salva căsniciile perfecte, au venit la mine, sperând că, în mod miraculos, îi pot face pe bărbaţii lor să se uite la ele ca şi cum ar vedea ceva mai mult decât o amestecătură sofisticată de păr coafat, dinţi albiţi şi injecţii cu acid hialuronic.
Lacrimile. Privirile înceţoşate de confuzie, când ele încearcă să-şi dea seama ce a mers prost în relaţiile lor insipide. Întrebările prosteşti, interminabile despre cum aş putea să-mi îndeplinesc promisiunea şi să merit fiecare bănuţ din micile averi pe care le-au plătit soţii lor ca să le trimită aici.
Stai acolo şi taci, dragă. Unul dintre noi este profesionist. Acum, dacă o să am nevoie de un sandviş nenorocit sau să scot vinul roşu de pe o faţă de masă din pânză, o să-ţi cer părerea. Altfel, închide gura aia roz-bombon şi şezi frumos.
Numai la asta se pricep. Să arate bine. Să gătească. Să facă menaj. Să aibă grijă de odraslele lor obraznice şi dezgustătoare.
Neveste din Stepford. Trofee. Prostituate de lux eu maniere impecabile.
Par perfecte din toate punctele de vedere. Frumoase, inteligente, graţioase. Accesoriul perfect pentru un bărbat care are totul.
Cu excepţia unui singur lucru.
Sunt extrem de plicticoase odată ce le întinzi pe spatele lor perfect.
După cum se spune, aparenţele pot fi înşelătoare. O înfăţişare sexy nu garantează sex de calitate. De cele mai multe ori, această teorie se adevereşte. Dacă n-ar fi aşa, aş da faliment. Şi, ca să fiu sincer, afacerea îmi merge bine. Foarte bine.
Iau o gură de apă, cercetând variatele expresii de şoc şi groază care apar, de obicei, după discursul meu din prima zi. Grupul de acum este mai numeros decât cel anterior, dar nu mă surprinde. Suntem la sfârşitul verii, un anotimp în care este acceptabil să porţi mai puţine haine decât se cere în societate. Ochii soţilor au rătăcit peste tot, la fel şi sculele lor. Şi, într-un efort de a-şi salva căsniciile perfecte, au venit la mine, sperând că, în mod miraculos, îi pot face pe bărbaţii lor să se uite la ele ca şi cum ar vedea ceva mai mult decât o amestecătură sofisticată de păr coafat, dinţi albiţi şi injecţii cu acid hialuronic.
authorheatherw's review against another edition
Taint was definitely a page-turner and I thought the premise was unlike any I’ve ever read before. The story is told in Justice’s point of view (sadly his real name isn’t Taint) and I found the behind the scenes drama at his resort a lot of fun to read about.
Justice was a confusing character. He came across as a cocky a-hole at the beginning, but does almost a 180 when Ally comes into the picture. Although I didn’t necessarily want him to continue being jerk, I felt like his transformation was almost too much to believe.
Ally wasn’t a bad character and some of her quirky qualities were endearing. The cheating didn’t rub me the wrong way like other books since infidelity was abound. However, I just didn’t buy into the whole idea that these gold-digging women needed a better sexual education to keep their husbands from straying.
The erotic parts were hot and being inside Justice’s head was fun at times. I liked that the entire book is told from his point of view. Overall, a good read for someone looking for a non-traditional sexy romance.
Rating: 3.5/5 Stars
Thanks to the publisher for a copy of the novel for review!
Justice was a confusing character. He came across as a cocky a-hole at the beginning, but does almost a 180 when Ally comes into the picture. Although I didn’t necessarily want him to continue being jerk, I felt like his transformation was almost too much to believe.
Ally wasn’t a bad character and some of her quirky qualities were endearing. The cheating didn’t rub me the wrong way like other books since infidelity was abound. However, I just didn’t buy into the whole idea that these gold-digging women needed a better sexual education to keep their husbands from straying.
The erotic parts were hot and being inside Justice’s head was fun at times. I liked that the entire book is told from his point of view. Overall, a good read for someone looking for a non-traditional sexy romance.
Rating: 3.5/5 Stars
Thanks to the publisher for a copy of the novel for review!
asocialcris's review against another edition
1.5 Stars
Well, it ended on a better note than was held for the majority of the novel. I’m not sure why I finished reading this, other than the curious want to see how the Justice Drake secretive narrative unfolded, even though I knew where it was going. Nothing else held my attention. Regarding the heroine...I’m not sure what her purpose was except to be there because the hero needed a counter. She had no depth. This needed dual POVs.
I will say that the writing was solid, but I couldn’t care about it because I didn’t care about the story. I’m confused as to why this was so popular when it released.
Well, it ended on a better note than was held for the majority of the novel. I’m not sure why I finished reading this, other than the curious want to see how the Justice Drake secretive narrative unfolded, even though I knew where it was going. Nothing else held my attention. Regarding the heroine...I’m not sure what her purpose was except to be there because the hero needed a counter. She had no depth. This needed dual POVs.
I will say that the writing was solid, but I couldn’t care about it because I didn’t care about the story. I’m confused as to why this was so popular when it released.