
Cold Blood by Heather Hildenbrand

seeingnight's review

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GENRE: YA Urban Fantasy
THEME: Werewolves
RECEIVED: To Review from Author

Cold Blood by Heather Hildenbrand starts off right where Dirty Blood ends. Hildenbrand’s writing gets even better with this action packed story. Adding a love triangle to the mix, the lead Tara has a whole lot more on her plate than dealing with the fact she’s not a normal teenage girl. I really enjoyed the second installment and the fantastic twist that I never saw coming.

Tara starts at Wood Point Academy, where hunters train to stop and kill werewolves. Unfortunately for Tara she doesn’t get a warm welcome since she is what they call a Dirty Blood. She has a wolf side to her that she shares with her boyfriend Wes, who is now taking over as the leader of a group called the Cause. But the two are separated while Tara is training and her life gets a little more complicated when her old foe is following her every move.

I don’t know what it is about academy stories but I just love them. Tara undergoes a tough amount of training with her trainer and the very “nice on the eyes” Alex. She needs to catch up with the rest of the kids in her class, so Alex makes sure to train her hard. Though their friendship is a little rocky at the beginning I loved the development of these two as the story moves on. I’m dying to know what Alex’s role will be in the future novels.

Two other characters I enjoyed was Tara’s new friend Cambria, she’s a kick butt hunter with a special gift and Logan an extremely smart and cute hunter that befriends Tara at the beginning. You also get your mix of the “oh so full of herself” antagonist that makes sure to harass Tara whenever she can.

Overall this was definitely an action packed book, Tara really grows up and her abilities seem to get stronger with each passing day. The fight scenes are fantastic and the villain is seriously creepy. The ending really leaves you question what is happening to Tara and what crazy adventure is she going to be put into next. I highly recommend this series and I put it on the top list for must read of 2011.

This is a young adult novel with some kick butt action and lots of love triangle drama. Fans of Jennifer Esteps Mythos Series and Richelle Meads Vampire Academy will want to get their hands on Cold Blood a.s.a.p!

kayleigh_kbooks's review

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Will be Posted on K-Books on August 30th

"You don't disgust me, Tara. You amaze me, impress me, surprise me, and entertain me. You definitely don't disgust me."
- Alex

Wow! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better Heather blows me away again. I absolultey adored Dirty Blood, the first book in the series and just had to read book two straight away as I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen next. In no way did I think Cold Blood could beat Dirty Blood. I was wrong! Cold Blood was phenomenal and I am coming to the conclusion that Heather cannot write a thing that I am not going to love.

Tara is devastated to be shipped off to Hunter boarding school away from her friends and Wes. Add that to the fact that almost everybody there hates her because of her heritage Tara hates it! But then Tara meets Alex, her trainer who she recognises but also seems to hate her. But there is more to Alex that meets the eye. Can she continue to learn to be a great hunter and deal with her growing feelings for Alex when she's supposed to be with Wes?

I loved this book a lot more than I actually thought I would. I had heard about this 'other guy' before I started reading it and it didn't make me happy. I am a Wes girl! I love him and nobody else in this series could ever beat him. So when Alex first made his entrance I instantly disliked him. Not only was he not Wes but he was a total ass! But... the more I read the more I started to see a different kinder side to Alex. By the end I really did love him... but he's not Wes and I am still firmly planted to Team Wes.

There was definitely not enough Wes for me in this book and I missed him a lot. I wanted to slap Tara so bad for pulling away from him and not talking to him but I understood why she did especially when she feels like everyone is keeping secrets from her. This book is definitely a big journey for Tara. She goes through so much and finds out so much about herself I really felt like she grew into a much stronger more capable character that before. I love her and she is definitely one of my favoruite YA heroines ever.

This book is just full of twists and turns and just when I was sure I had figured out what was going to happen I was completely shocked and blown away. I think I spend that last 40% of the book with my mouth hanging open as I couldn't believe what was happening. This is just a phenomenal chapter in the Dirty Blood series and I was left hanging going OMG I need the next book right now. I think I loved this book ever more than the first one. I adored every second of it and couldn't put it down at all.

Its so difficult to talk about this book without spoiling anything because it just completely blew my mind. This is without a doubt my favourite werewolf book of all time and I cannot wait to read the next book in the series.

"It's partly my fault for not being around more. If I want to keep you, I guess I'm going to have to fight for you."
- Wes

ljaquier1's review

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I didnt LOVE this book as much as the first, probably because Wes was missing a large part from it. And I wasn't really thrilled about the love triangle that was introduced in this one. Don't get me wrong, I loved Alex, but why ruin a great thing? Wes may be a little overbearing at times, but he's SO FREAKIN' HOT! And Alex is so perfect, a girl shouldn't have 2 perfect men to choose from...and why should she have to? I understand that people like conflict in their stories, but we had enough of that from the story line without muddying it up with the love stuff.

That being said, I can't wait to read the next one to find out what happens with the whole "visions" and what Tara decides to do with her future. And ultimately who she picks. Seriously though, if she doesn't pick Wes, I'm gonna have to throw my Kindle. And Alex deserves a happy ending as well. I can't wait to see what happens with the new twists added into Tara's's getting crazy! :)

lili_darknight's review

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Tak som sa rozhodla, že keď už tú knihu nedoprekladám, mohla by som ju aspoň dočítať. :)
Oddychové čítanie, oproti jednotke je to viac akcie a vzťahy sa začínajú komplikovať. Bermudský útvar neistých rozmerov ľúbostného charakteru komentovať nebudem. Len som si tak uvedomila, že oproti jednotke je tu jedna nezrovnalosť - ak je Tara a jej rodina taká známa, ako to, že v jednotke nikto nevedel, kto je? Ani náznakom? Veď má rovnaké priezvisko.
Okrem toho som si čítanie užila.

bookbriefs's review

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The best werewolf/hunter series I have ever read! I am already itching to start the third book. If you liked Dirty Blood, you will love Cold Blood. Tara is sent off to Boarding School and the kids are pretty awful, but Tara finds a couple of good ones in the bunch. I really enjoyed meeting some of the new characters in this story like Logan and Cambria (Cambria Hebert that is, ha ha I see what you did there Heather ;) )And of course, Alex. More on Alex later.

Tara was great in Cold Blood. She is still impulsive as ever, but honestly I don't think I would like her any other way. A few times, I wish she would have given her friends a little more credit, but I get why she was hesitant. Cambria is hilarious. I instantly liked her, just like she instantly liked Tara. I loved it when she said that they were future BFFs on her first day after everyone else was so awful. And Logan is such a sweetie. I just wanted to hug him.

We don't get to see too many of the original characters from the first book because they are still all back at home and still working on Cause things. New setting, new people, but the story was just as great. I was instantly absorbed back into the lives of Tara, Wes, and now Alex. Ok, now lets talk about Alex. Alex is Tara's new trainer at school. We saw him in the warehouse fight very briefly at the end of the first book, but he plays a huge role in this story. He is a new potential love interest for Tara. Making this story officially a love triangle. And just so you know something about me, I am almost ALWAYS team guy #1, which would be Wes. I don't know why. I get to know them first and form attachments to them and then I am loyal to the first guy. But with this story, I found myself liking Alex more and more. I don't think I have ever been as conflicted in a love triangle! Darn you Alex for being so great! I still love Wes, but we didn't get to see too much of him in this book and Alex is a really great guy. And I think he might just be a little better for Tara. Ahh! I don't know. I will have to leave my decision until the next book.

Tara goes through new hunter training and she also goes through some changes. I was just as curious as Tara was about her new temper, and what her "gift" might be. We still don't know, but we are left with a crazy glimpse into it at the end of the book. Book three is going to be nuts. Heather Hildenbrand does a fabulous job writing excellent characters and she keeps the plot moving at a perfect speed. You will not be able to put this book down. This is now my go to series for werewolf or hunter recommendations.

heatherhy01's review

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Surprise, Surprise! I was mesmerised by this book even more than the first! I loved the new characters and the character of Cambria, which was a grand prize right here on NightlyReading to win a character named after you in Heather’s next book, is a great character of BFF. Cambria will be very happy with the character that was chosen for her:)

The move to Wood Point Academy and the incoming of a new man in Tara’s life have her questioning everything! I, personally love Alex and would love to see more of him. Even George played a major role in this book, which I was not expecting but was a pleasant surprise!

“You’d kiss me back right now if I kissed you,” he said, and I tried to decide whether to even attempt denial. “But then you’d remember him and you’d feel bad for it.”

As Tara is being torn in several different directions, she is realizing a lot of the prejudices toward her kind. Being a Dirty Blood, is not thought of as a good thing from either the wolves or the hunters. She is also realizing that she is in need of a heck of a lot more training and is not as good as she had once thought. It does not stop her from trying and getting herself into a few pickles along the way!

My favorite scene is Tara’s first training session with Alex, it literally had me in stitches! The action starts there and I found myself falling in love with the interactions between the two. Wes seemed a little bit possessive in this book, which is understandable with everything that is going on, but he tended to get a little bit over bearing and became too much for even Tara herself.

I am so excited for this book and am awaiting with bated breath for the next installment! Heather has mastered the art of combining the love triangle along with the action and adventure of fighting Miles and the wolves. The book was a perfect mix of romance and drama that left me once again begging for more!
