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Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, Vol 9 - 3/5

More wild wanderings in this edition of Clone Wars Adventures! Dexter Jetster goes on a silent odyssey for exciting new culinary delights (?) in 'Appetite for Adventure'! A lost clone trooper comes across some Republic runways in 'Salvaged'! Jedi Quinlan Vos descends into Coruscant's sewers to face off against some sneaky assassins in 'Life Below'! And Mace Windu discovers a mysterious lost city with a fearful secret in 'No Way Out'!

Another fairly fun fly through of the Star Wars galaxy. High Adventure! Heroic Dramatics! Heady Action! All abound in this comic that is recommended for anyone looking for a quick diversion to a galaxy far far away.

rivulet027's review

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The first story opens with a Besalisk (It's Dex, but the story doesn't tell you that until the end) getting off his ship and walking into town. He greets a person that's sitting who has a long beard and is holding a walking stick. Dex tries to describe what he's looking for using two of his hands. The person he's talking two claps another person on the back and then that person and Dex set out to find what Dex is looking for. There are a series of misadventures where Dex and the person he's with easily could've died, but finally they make it to a cave and the person pulls a slug out of a hole in the wall. A smiling Dex reaches into the wall and pulls out a creature that isn't a slug, that promptly attaches itself to his chin. With the some help the creature is removed and Dex finds his slugs. He puts them in a carrying container and happily shows it the person who helped him. He goes back to his diner on Coruscant, where he cooks the slug. There's been no actual speech until this point. Dex has the cooked slug on a plate, looking as pretty as he can make it, when he sees Obi-Wan and says, "Ah, Obi-Wan! You're just in time-I made an extra special dinner just for you!" To which Obi-Wan responds, "Wow, Dex! Dractuvian cave slugs!" Obi-Wan sits down to his diner, looking serious as he picks up his fork and knife. He chews on a slice of slug, then says while looking like he's laughing, "Yep! Just as disgusting as I remember!" Dex looks aghast! He says, "Disgusting?! But you said it was the best thing you ate on Dractu!" Obi-Wan sticks out his tongue in disgust and says, "Yeah, and have you ever eaten anything on that planet? The worst food in the galaxy!"

The second story opens on a clone trooper with a blue stripe down his helmet and a red emblem, HOB-147, drifting in his ship, a V-19 Torrent Starfighter. It encounters another ship. On the ship a battle droid asks the man in chair what to do with the ship. The man, Hurd Coyle, says to bring the ship in for salvage. The battle droids discover the clone trooper and say that his life support system is critical and ask for orders. Hurd tells them to take the trooper to sick bay. When HOB-147 wakes up it's to be greeted by battle droids. Despite being completely out of his armor and only in pants (poor guy doesn't even have his boots) he leaps into action and starts destroying the battle droids. He gets hit with an electro-dart and goes down. Hurd is upset at the mess he's made. Hurd puts a foot binder that attaches to the wall on HOB-147 and as he's leaning back on a crate says, "Name's Hurd Coyle. I saved yer butt when I salvaged your starfighter. You clones must be pretty busy killing alla them Jedi with Order 66, eh?" HOB-147 is shocked! Looking horrified he says, "What?" Hurd explains, "You haven't heard? The Jedi are your enemies." HOB-147 says, "Order 66?! When did this happen?" Hurd replies, "Ha! You go off floating around in space for a few weeks and you miss out on your orders. eh, clone? I've got droids to repair. Bye." As HOB-147 sits there trying to figure out what's going on, he noticed someone watching him from a nearby vent. He rips the door off the vent and pulls out a little blonde girl, Nia. She says, "So, you're a clone trooper, huh? You don't look so tough to me." He glares at her. She protests that she's joking and then HOB-147 gets hit with another electro-dart. Hurd grabs Nia and tells her, "You are in trouble Nia! Back you go with the other brats!" Nia protests, "But I dont' want to be locked up again! It's dark and smelly in there!" HOB-147 is confused and frustrated, he says, "Kidnapping children? Order 66? What kind of Separatist plot is this?" He decides he needs to investigate so he rips the leg binder out of it's wall socket. Meanwhile Hurd is pointing to the cargo hold and telling Nia, "Now get in there and say put!" Someone inside says, "We told you he'd catch you Nia!" Hurd shuts the door saying, "Messed up my droids...kids running' all over my ship...this is no way to make a living... I'm a simple salvage ship captain *crumble* what's next? *grumble*" A droid lets the Hurd know HOB-147 has escaped, he orders a droid to protect the children. When Hurd gets to the bridge he's told a Republic cruiser wants to inspect his cargo. HOB-147 investigates, beats up the guard droid, and finds the children, and promptly gets beat up and lands on his back with the children looking down at him, that's when he realizes that all the children are Jedi. Nia walks up to him. Another boy jumps down near her and warns, "Nia! Stay back!" Nia says, "It's all right, Bon. He won't hurt us. Captain Coyle talked to him. Not all clones are bad...are they...are they sir?" The ship is being boarded by clone troopers. The one in the lead says, "These old ships have been transporting Jedi to hide them in the Outer Rim Territories...tear the place apart, men!" Captain Coyle attempts to plead with them. HOB-147 intervenes. He says, "I'm HOB-147 of the Light Brigade Division. Captain Coyle salvaged my ship and saved me. I've been up and down this vessel and it's as the captain said...a simple salvage ship." He warns them off buying anything from Coyle and then leaves with them. He turns back to see Nia waving at him from a vent.

The third story is Quinlan Vos' no good terrible bad day. He comes up from the sewer in a cloak, trailing grime. People steer clear of him. Even Yoda remarks on how awful he smells. He'd infiltrated The Red Hand run by Ayo Morota. They are responsible for recent political assassinations and operate out of the sewer. He'd convinced them he was a Jedi outcast, but when they realized he was lying they tried to kill him. A chase ensued and he only narrowly escaped, but then was forced to kill the members in self defense. Then he comes across Ayo who throws herself to her death rather than be brought in by him. Quinlan reflects on this saying, "What evil could command such loyalty that Ayo would take her own life to protect it?" Yoda says, "Loyalty? Perhaps, but fear...fear can make one who lives below a slave to the one living in the highest tower." The last panel is Mas Amedda telling Palpatine, "Sir, Ayo Morota and the Red Hand have been wiped out by Quinlan Vos." Palpatine responds, "Good. Their usefulness had come to an end. I knew Quinlan would serve a good purpose, his cover blown...very good indeed."

The last story is Mace Windu searching for the lost Alpha-2 squad. He finds a walled city with one bridge into town. He confirms this is supposed to be an uninhabited region. A droid greets him saying, "Come, Jedi...you have been expected." Mace says, "Expected? By whom?" The droid answers, "The Countess Rajine, sir." Mace continues to try and ask questions as the droid leads him to the Alpha-2 Squad. They're all sitting around a table, not moving. Mace checks them. They're dead. As Mace tries to catch the droid to ask it some questions the clones eyes open. And then Mace is fighting zombies. Too many zombies. He gets overwhelmed and captured by Countess Rajine. She's an energy vampire who was trapped by Jedi Knight Samuro and his droid Z-18. He left behind a Jedi Holocron which Z-18 gives to Mace. The Holocron plays a message from Samuro, who says, "Hello, Rajine. If you are listening to this, it means a Jedi has found you. I alone was not strong enough to destroy the evil that you are. I could only contain you. I was able to trap you here, but not only you-all of your victims whose life-forces you have drained. All of their life-forces are trapped here with you. As a Jedi I cannot seek revenge, but all of these lives are quite vengeful. They are lost. Alone I could only trap you, but with another Jedi to speak the words of banishment your doom is sealed...the words to awaken the lost." He then says something that isn't translate and Mace repeats. The zombies turn on Rajine and she dies. Mace leaves saying that Alpha-2 squad is no longer lost.