
Redemption by Alyson Raynes

nicspears's review

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** Review for BareNakedWords **

Redemption-- ****
Overall series -- *****
** Please do not read this review if you have yet to read Deception or Promiscuous. May contain spoilers. **

Wow, Alyson Raynes has completely hit the nail on the head with Redemption. I really couldn’t find a better way to conclude Brooke and Dylan’s story. It was the perfect finish for them.

As we know from the first 2 books in The Fixer series Dylan and Brookes relationship started rather quickly after Brooke found her ex cheating on her. Dylan was first person Brooke contacted and was the only one she felt safe around. He became her protector and her love.

But things didn’t go too smoothly... After Brooke and Dylan married, she was kidnapped, drugged and sold in to a sex slavery ring. She forgot who she was, her past, everything.

With Brooke missing for 9months, Dylan refused to give up the fight to find and save his wife. He worked tirelessly with his best friend Tristan to find the bastards that took her. Finally getting the lead they were waiting for Dylan ad Tristan found themselves in Prague, Russia. They’re objective---Find Brooke, save her and make the people responsible pay. And that’s just what they did. With Alyson dropping a big bombshell on us and leaving Dylan shot.

Redemption starts just as Promiscuous left us, Dylan was shot in the aftermath of rescuing Brooke from her captors and is fighting for his life in hospital. If he thought the worse was over, he was entirely wrong.
He may have been able to rescue Brooke, but she’s not the woman she once was. And Dylan must find a way to try and bring the woman he loves back to the surface.

“It’s just you and me against the world Brooke. Always...forever.”

Nine months has passed since Brooke was taken, and now that she’s been rescued Brooke’s got to fight to remember who she once was and face the demons that have haunted her as a result of being kidnapped. Not only that, but she’s also got to try and fit back in to a normal life.

“Who the fuck was I? How did I get here? No one really loves me. I had finally hit rock bottom. I hated myself and it didn’t matter how many times Dylan or my mother told me they loved me, I didn’t believe them.”

“I was void of any care and felt like I had nothing left to give or receive. I knew I was going to have to fight my way back to a normal life, that’s if my life could even return to a normal state. At this point, I figured that being able to function as a normal member of society would be a fucking victory.”

Will Brooke remember?
Will their love and marriage survive?
Will they have the happy ending that they both deserve?

I absolutely loved this series as a whole. The characters are very likable and you can’t help but hope for the best for them, especially with everything they’ve been through. And it’s not just the main characters that you fall in love with either; the secondary characters are just as important in helping bind the story together.

I really felt Brooke grew a lot in Redemption. She grew stronger, fiercer and was a fighter. What she did to bring herself back was very very brave and you have to admire her for it. And Dylan was amazing. He never once gave up on her, and always went out of his way to help Brooke, even when at times you could tell it was a struggle. It just showed you how much he loved her....

Everything became clear and it was the best possible ending that I could’ve hoped for. There was only one question that I didn’t get answered, which has been niggling me, but I’m hoping Alyson will be nice enough to answer it for me 

Overall an amazing book and series. You will want to read these books, and even better now they’ll all out so you won’t be left hanging at the end of each book.

Go grab your copies and enjoy Dylan and Brookes rollercoaster ride they take you on.