
Keagan by F.G. Adams

nikkismiles43's review

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By F.G. Adams
“Laugh at the confusion,smile through those distractions, and keep telling yourself there is reason everything happens! “
Have you ever felt an instant connection and bond with someone? Something so fierce and strong… You can't forget that person, ever!! I give this book 5 stars! You instantly get sucked into the story and characters! I can't wait to see what else happens in the other books.
Jocelyn and Keagan meet in high school. And instantly form a strong friendship and bond. They are inseparable for quite some time. Jocelyn isn't allowed to date, so Keagan is her not so “boy friend.”
But life happens and they go their separate way. They think of each other often.
Sometimes, life has other plans for you though. And the two cross paths unexpectedly one stormy night. Can they rekindle their romance where they left off?? Even if fate tries to tear them apart once again? Is their love enough??

dlparrott's review

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FG Adams has done it again. She sent me on an emotional ride, I was trying to guess what would happen next and I'm not ashamed to say I was wrong. I have read this book a few times now and I have always found something new to love. She is an amazing storyteller and her books always play like a movie as I read them.

Keagan and Jocelyn meet in high school. He sees the beautiful young woman she tries to hide. The form a bond that is building up into more then a friendship. They come from different worlds. His family is loving and supportive, her family is dominated by her father. When Jocelyn's sister just disappears and no one will tell her what has happened she goes into a depression. Keagan tries everything to get that spark back into her eyes. But she was to late he already left for boot camp.
Now years later their paths cross at a motel in a storm. They both have lived through a lot and are still fighting the demons of the past. When you experience the connection like that you expect that man to be there the next day especially if you have a past, that wasn't the case with them. Keagan has a mission and it has to come first. Fate has a way of throwing them together. When Keagan's mission starts to involve Jocelyn's family, she must decide to fully trust him or loss him forever.

kelli513's review

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F.G. Adams has knocked it out of the park again with this story. This is book 2 in the This is our Life series and it could totally be a stand alone. There isn't much if any overlap from the first book.
In this one we follow Keagan Fontneau as he is on a job trying to find and break up a ring of human trafficking. His travels lead him to a motel/restaurant owned by a friend of his. Riding out a hurricane. In walks a blast from the past. The girl he was best friends with in high school and the only girl who has ever had his heart.
Jocelyn Blackwood not allowed to date in high school because of her strict punishing father. Befriends Keagan Fontneau and they are inseperable until Jocelyns sister takes off never to be heard from. Being the oldest at home her fathers attention is turned to her and she becomes a recluse and hides from most everyone to avoid the negative attention from her father. After graduation Jocelyn moves away to go to college and she gets a degrees and becomes a Psychologist.
After high school Keagan goes into the Army and they lose contact with each other.
On her way to a college reunion with a friend, Katrina, Jocelyn finds herself trapped in a hurricane and they cannot possibly travel any farther. They find a motel/restraunt and pull in and luck out by getting the last room available. After hot showers and drying out her and her friend go to the bar to find some food and Jocelyn feels as if shes being watched.
Keagan cannot believe his eyes when Jocelyn walks into the bar. After all these years and there she is. After dinner and a couple drinks. Jocelyn and Katrina walk over to a table with two men and they sit and have a few more drinks. Jocelyn finds herself drawn to the mans eyes. She doesnt know why but they remind her of someone she knew.
This story follows Jocelyn as she is trying to find out why a set of twins who lost their father not too long ago have taken a sudden decline in school and life. And it follows Keagan as he is trying to track down the leaders of a human trafficking ring and find a baby that was kidnapped 2 weeks prior.
After they all leave the motel and go on their seperate ways Keagan finds ways to track down Jocelyn and make things right. Now all they need is to find trust in each other and work through everything. The end of this book is DEFINATELY a feel good ending.
Can't wait to see where F.G. Adams goes in book 3.

arthistorygirl's review

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Keagan by FG Adams is the second book in the This is our Life series. This book continues the story of the Blackwood family that was started in Grayson. The story can be read by itself but is enhanced by having read the first book in the story. This book focuses on the relationship of Jocelyn Blackwood and Keagan Fontenau. The two became friends in high school and Keagan was Jocelyn’s non-boyfriend. After Jocelyn experiences some family issues she withdraws from everyone including Keagan.
After Keagan leaves school he joins the military. While serving overseas in combat Keagan’s unit is ambushed and he returns to the States horribly injured and beaten down mentally. While on a job Keagan runs into Jocelyn while she is also traveling.
The two are instantly attracted but can they overcome the issues of the past? Now as adults they both have their separate issues but have to learn to work together and trust one another. I like the progression of the relationships from teenage friends to adults.
As with Grayson, I enjoyed the relationships. No one is a perfect relationship, everyone has their challenges to overcome. Much closer to what life actually gives us.

katie_83's review

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5 stars
Keagan is the second book in the This is Our Life series by F.G. Adams – it could be read as a standalone but I would still recommend reading book 1 first. I read the first book and was impressed with the author’s debut novel, I knew she had potential and it certainly came out in this book! I absolutely LOVED this one!!!! It was sexy, it was steamy and there were some downright swoon worthy moments!! There was romance and action all mixed together and then there was Keagan! O-M-G! Was he hot or what? He even sounded hot in the synopsis to the book but then when you actually start reading about him – one sexy alpha male was born! He’s also earned himself a place on my book boyfriend list!
It’s not very often I read a line in a book and it makes me stop but there was one in this book and I don’t know why it just made me stop and say – ‘oh how I would love to swap places with Jocelyn at this very minute!’ When Keagan uttered the words:

‘C’mere, M’aingeal, don’t keep me waiting, Jocelyn’

I was gone! It was romantic yet demanding at the same time – exactly like Keagan!

There was not one part of this book that I didn’t enjoy, it captured my attention from the very first line in the prologue to last line of the epilogue. It really was an amazing read and I highly recommend it! I loved the storyline and I loved the characters. There was just enough background about the characters that you were able to understand them fully. I really liked Jocelyn, I think if you have read the previous book you will know about her father, you will understand exactly why she is like she is – you can see that she feels guilty for leaving her family but she did what she had to do in order to have a life and she never got over her sister Fallyn disappearing. I can’t wait to see what happens in the next book – hopefully we find out just exactly what happened to Fallyn!

lisa01's review

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Keagan (This is Our LifeBook 2) by FG Adams Rated 4 stars

Keagan lives the life of a military kid. Moving frequently. He has been the new kid more times than he can count. This time...this time it's different. He meets a couple kids the first day and then he sees HER. She walks by and he is enthralled. He has to meet her and get her to be his girlfriend.
Jocelyn has lived in Lakeview all her life. She lives on a ranch and has an older sister Fallyn, who is her savior. Jocelyns family life is rough. She sees what her sister does for her and she can never repay her. One day she meets the most amazing boy she has ever seen, Keagan. He wants to be her boyfriend. Her dad won't let her date. So he becomes her “not” boyfriend. Everything is moving along great until one night her sister Fallyn does not come home. Jocelyn is devastated, she is not sure how she will go on. Then a couple months later Keagan joins the military and leaves her too. Now she can only think of getting out of the house and getting out of Lakeview.
Years later after 2 tours Keagan is back a different man. Jocelyn has always been on his mind but after he left she wanted no contact with him. He knows where she is now but never stops by. He works for a security firm filled with former military. One fateful night they cross paths. It was only for one night. When Jocelyn ends up on his current case as a person of interest thing are changing. The question is for better or worse?

This is the second book in this series. This could be read as a stand alone with no issues. Actually this takes place before the first book, Grayson. It starts of kinda slow but picks up about half way through. There is a lot of narrative going on and not much dialogue. So you basically know what they are thinking without much talking. Jocelyn seems kinda mousey at the beginning but once she is grown she becomes a little spunky. I liked the scene where she meets “Crash” for the first time and also when Keagan takes her to the warehouse to meet the “guys”. I think they were all shocked! I almost wish I could have seen their facial expressions. I bet it was comical. Keagan has had a rough life. Some bad experiences have tainted him and he thinks he is a broken man with nothing to offer anyone. It's funny how Jocelyn has always stuck with him. I guess she was imbedded in his heart early on.

bwagner's review

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Keagan (This is Our Life) (Volume 2) by FG Adams is the second book in the This is Our Life series. This story is excitement, passion and betrayal. This story is about lies and a forming a bond that will last a life time. In the first book you got to meet Grayson and this book you get to meet one of his sisters. Find out how strong of a bond can be formed by two people.

Jocelyn Blackwood was in high school when she met him. They formed a special bond that went beyond both of them could understand. Then her sister up and left with her boyfriend without any notice or note where they left for. The only person who seems to know where she left to is there their Grandmother and she isn't talking. Her reaction to all of this is to retreat into herself. He tries to help her but she doesn't want help. Will she lose him? Will she lose him forever? He leaves for the military and she leaves town running away from an abusive parent. What will happen when they have a chance meet? Will they feel the same? Is the bond they have still strong as ever?

Keagan Fontneau has just moved to town. His first day of school he sees her. What will happen when they meet face to face? How strong of a bond have they formed? She doesn't want his help, how will this make him feel. He is leaving for the military but will he get to say goodbye? When he meets her again, what will happen? He has his own demons he is battling, will it ever end for him? He wants, craves her, will he get her?

Jocelyn and Keagan's story is based on a relationship that formed a strong bond that should be able to stand the test of time, but will it? She will resist him at every turn but yet she needs him. He runs a dangerous business, she is in the wrong place at the right time, will he be able to protect her? Will her battered heart shelter him from raging weather or will it shred their fragile bond? Find out if they forgive each other for hurts and pains they have caused to each other.

This is my second story by FG Adams. F.G writes about sexy alpha heroes and feisty mouthed heroines. The wonder twins have been reading since they have been children. Their grandmother taught them that the mind has no limits and to use both hands when reaching for the stars. When they are not writing together you can find with their significant others on the beach or riding their Harley on a country road. This story is as great as the first story and just as exciting. This story is a fast reading page turner that you will want to see how it ends. These two, Jocelyn and Keagan's story will pull you into their world and keep you on the edge of your seat. I highly suggest this story, I know that you will enjoy this story as much as I have.

shannonlovesbooksandreading's review

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I really like this story. This series, This is Our Life, is a good series, written around the values of family, trust, loyalty and love. Keagan is book 2 following Grayson. This is a story about Grayson’s sister, Jocelyn, and her “best not boyfriend ever.” Keagan. Finally, characters, that even though they have to make some tough choices, they don’t make me want to throat punch them. FG Adams seems to know how to write a happily ever after with an adventure in between. Adams writes in enough love, hurt, and growth to make you want to keep reading until the end. Included are even words of wisdom:
“People come and go, in an’ out of our lives. It’s the impact they leave with us, that makes the difference. Yeah? It’s what we do with the knowledge that creates the ripples in the pond. Good or bad. Fuh shore.”

Jocelyn is deeply affected by her abusive father and then by the disappearance of her sister. After meeting Keagan things don’t seem so dark. Keagan can only help Jocelyn if she can open up and let him in. After spending a year together as best friends, Keagan goes away to join the military and Jocelyn tries to pull herself out of the darkness of depression and sadness left in the wake of Fallyn and Keagan leaving her. While she manages to become a psychologist, she still mourns the loose of her sister and best friend. A chance meeting brings Jocelyn and Keagan together, but can they get past their pasts and have a happily ever after?
This story is a standalone with a happy ending, but FG Adams is writing a pretty good series so questions still remain like Jocelyn’s sister, Fallyn. Where is she? Why did she have to leave the way she did? Who is the baby’s daddy? And what about Grandma?! She was a character of strength in Grayson but in Keagan she seems a little shady. While family and loyalty trumps all, what is Grams hiding? Hopefully these questions will be answered in the next book. Looking forward to reading more from FG Adams.

jennadb's review

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Keagan Fontneau knows where his life is headed and that is the same as his Pop, to serve his country. But that means leaving behind the one person who holds his heart, the one who also broke his heart. Keagan and his men are on a mission, one that is plagued with death and destruction. One where trust and betrayal has left him with unimaginable nightmares and has left him a changed man. Keagan has given up on having a truly happy life and lives to work alongside his two best friends who also survived the horrors of war.

Jocelyn Blackwood having lived a life of abuse at the hands of her father is now working as a Psychologist determined to help those who are unable to protect themselves. Help them overcome the tragedies that may plague them. There is only one thing missing in her life and that is the man who held her heart but also the one she shut out of her life many years ago.

Jocelyn and her friend are on their way to a reunion when they become hampered by the weather and need to stop but the one thing she never thought she would ever see again is right there in front of her eyes. Keagan is on a job when he finds himself and his mark caught in the wake of a Hurricane. Having settled in he is once again met with the sight of his angel. After reconnecting Keagan has once again left her. Jocelyn sets about doing her job, that of helping children but finds herself keeping a secret she can share with no one to save the ones she loves.

Can Keagan and his team put a stop to those they are hunting? Will Keagan be able to put aside his past to move on with his future? Can Keagan save the one he loves before she is taken away forever? Will Keagan be able to learn to trust again? Will Jocelyn ever find her forever or will betrayal cause to much damage?

This story is action packed from the very beginning. There are twists and turns around every corner. I enjoyed the first book in the series and this book was just as good a read

rooskie87's review

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Keagan is Book 2 in the This is Our Life series by FG Adams and dare I away I loved Keagan more than Grayson, book 1. Its a military themed romance but my goodness it could've been anything and I'd have loved it just as much!
Keagan moved with his family to Florida his senior year of high school. Being from a military family its nothing new, until he sets his eyes on Jocelyn Blackwood. The forbidden Jo AMD Keagan become best friends and Jo is happy. Until the day her sister Fallyn is whisked away and her abusive fathers eyes set on her now. She tries to stay as under the radar as possible, with everyone, including Keagan. A chance encounter years later during a hurricane, she runs into the grown up and hotter Keagan. Can she help heal him from his past? Can he forgive her for some of her actions?
Keagan joined the army right after graduation and while on a mission , lost all but 3 !em include himself. He's always said he wants to find his Angel, Jo, again and his friends gibe him a hard time. Now he is on the hunt for not just the men who killed his crew and left him scarred inside and out , but also the ones involved in a kidnapping. When he runs into Jo at a nasty motel, its the last thing expected and he has a battle inside whether to trust or not.
I can't wait for the next book!!!