
Racing Savannah by Miranda Kenneally

afretts's review against another edition

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I couldn't get on board with Jack. He was a total tool for the entire book and I didn't feel like he ever redeemed himself.

This is one of my least favorite Keneally books. I liked it only slightly more than Stealing Parker.

merkyr's review against another edition

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I am the person that is actually following the marketing plan for this series.

I first purchased Catching Jordan a year ago on Kindle Daily Deal, then Saving Parker full price instantly. I then forgot about it for awhile and purchased #3 on Daily Deal, then finished it on a train ride in one day, and when my kindle suggested Racing Savannah, I wanted to stay in that world and bought it full price, finishing it in the rest of that train ride.

That said, I think this one is one of my favorites, because horses, an upstairs/downstairs romance, etc.

My only complaint is that they aren't quite long enough to be really satisfying...but then again, it worked on me!

jananza90's review against another edition

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Um.... I really don't know how I feel about this one. The story line was good, I enjoyed the characters and I felt like they were developed well enough that I got to know them. I am disappointed in the's like the author hit her deadline and just had to throw in the epilogue wherever she had left off at. It did not seem complete.

maddieg's review against another edition

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I wasn't sure how I was going to enjoy this book because of the horse aspect, but I really enjoyed this one! I loved how Savannah was so concerned about her and her sister's future, but also cared so deeply about Jack. And Jack was a great male lead because of the way he stood up to his father throughout, but especially at the end. Savannah and Jack had one of the best relationships because it was both a slow-burn and quick at the same time. Their chemistry is undeniable and I loved how they cared so deeply about one another and only wanted the best for them. And surprisingly, I really enjoyed the horse racing aspect because it brought Savannah's personality out and showed a side to her that we wouldn't otherwise get to see. I would love to see a follow-up on these two because they come from drastically different backgrounds but fit together perfectly.

Favorite Quote: “But you’re kind of like a great book…you know, you pick up a book at the bookstore because it has a beautiful cover…but it’s what’s inside that pulls you in.”

bookaholic_kim's review

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This is the fourth story in the Hundred Oaks series. The story takes place more out of school setting. You will mostly read the characters in the stable or in the ranch.

Savannah and Jack are 2 high school students who have more responsibilities than other teens their age.

Jack is taking charge of his father’s ranch for a year. Handling everything like making big decisions and hiring new employees.

Savannah’s father is a new worker in Jack’s ranch so she needs to move in with her father and her girlfriend. Savannah is a promising jockey however she is just a girl. She needs to prove herself to everyone that she has the skill to be a jockey.

These 2 characters would be working together. Will Jack have the guts to date one of his employee? And will Savannah risk her father’s job to date Jack?

This is a book that centers on family pressure and responsibilities. The content and message fits teenagers and young adults readers and even though the story is predictable, it is still a recommended read especially to contemporary readers.

lauraew333's review against another edition

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This was an amazing, emotional romantic realistic fiction book. Yes I did just use all those adjectives in one sentence. Now. The only reason I didn't give it five stars was because I pretty much never give out five star reviews because my requirements are so numerous. However this book was like a 4.5 on my scale - right next to perfection. Some parts were definitely more emotional than others but I would have liked to see more. Some parts were meant to invoke a reaction and I didn't get it mostly because there was a small (emphasis on small) lack of emotional attachment. It was halfway between a story and a reality worthy of my fantasy world where all five star books in my heart reside. It made me laugh and sometimes shake the book in the hopes of shaking some sense into both the main characters. I cheered out loud when Savannah stood up to Jack and told him that she wouldn't be his friends-with-benefits girl. So it was mostly the sad emotions that this book failed to invoke from me.

Four stars!

kaitrosereads's review against another edition

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Pure perfection! If I had to review Racing Savannah in only two words, those would be them. Miranda Kenneally has done it again (and I’m sure you’re not surprised by that.)

Readers will immediately be drawn in to Savannah and Jack’s world; the world of servants, jockeys, horse racing, and lots of money. It’s a world very unlike my own and I was drawn in from the very first page. It’s clear that Miranda Kenneally did her research with this one because everything was so authentic. I’ve never been a fan of horse racing (or even horses) but just like with football in Catching Jordan, Miranda Kenneally made everything about it supremely interesting.

Savannah and Jack might be my favorite couple from all the books so far. They come from very different worlds but from the second they meet, they like each other. I’m not talking insta-love though. They respect each other, they find each other attractive, and they grow to be friends, even when it’s frowned upon. Savannah is technically Jack’s employee so things aren’t easy for them. Their relationship is full of twists and turns and I was flipping pages as fast as I could.

As for the actual characters (not just as a couple), Savannah and Jack were both strong, smart, well-rounded people. Savannah was a little broken and unwilling to trust, at first. Jack was very overworked but he didn’t’ let it get to him. Savannah was mature, kind, and while she was selfish at times, she was also very selfless at others. Jack was rich but didn’t let the money go to his head. He was a good person.

Also, the cameos in Racing Savannah made me so happy. Racing Savannah takes place a few years after the other books so the characters are older now. There’s a big (happy) event at one point in the book that put the biggest smile on my face. Fans of the first three books will love it.

Overall, clearly I highly recommend Racing Savannah. Miranda Kenneally is an all-time favorite authors of mine and I love her books. If I could give Racing Savannah more than 5 shoes, I would. It really is just that good.

joyousreads132's review against another edition

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Whelp. Elementary writing. The character's thought processes only made sense if you're a child. Sorry. I've been reading some pretty well-witten books lately so when I read something like this, the difference is startling.

To be honest, I kept asking myself why I insist on reading when I spent the whole time rolling my eyes while doing so. But I finished it - because one of my goals this year is to not DNF a book.

Probably not going to do a full review.

sashana's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars

I was very hesitant to delve into [b:Racing Savannah|16045296|Racing Savannah|Miranda Kenneally||21823562] because [b:Things I Can't Forget|12551082|Things I Can't Forget (Hundred Oaks, #3)|Miranda Kenneally||17552651], the third book in the Hundred Oaks series, was such a let down. However, once I heard that there were horses involved, I couldn’t resist!

Things I enjoyed

♘ I’m happy that [b:Racing Savannah|16045296|Racing Savannah|Miranda Kenneally||21823562] did not include any religious themes. I have nothing against religion but the sports aspect of this series is what drew me in and kept me reading. (Sorry, [b:Things I Can't Forget|12551082|Things I Can't Forget (Hundred Oaks, #3)|Miranda Kenneally||17552651]).

♘ I can relate to Savannah; in this economic climate, I think many girls will be able to empathize with her story too. I know what it feels like to not have a lot growing up. I also know what it’s like to want better for yourself even if it seems like the odds are stacked against you. Seeing Savannah try to invest in her future was inspiring and struck close to home.

♘ Racing Savannah was a fun read and a learning experience. I can’t remember reading a book about horse back riding or jockeying in such a competitive light. The sports themed books that I come across are usually about football, soccer, hockey, swimming, or running. I definitely appreciated learning about a new sport.

kel_pru's review against another edition

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Oh gosh. So so bad. Cringeworthy dialogue. But I read it all anyways.