
Best Forgotten by Paula Vince

adamdavidcollings's review against another edition

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A young man is hit by a car and wakes up in the hospital with no memory of who he is. What better beginning can a story have? Courtney is soon identified by the police and returned to his family. He has an overbearing mother, a sister with whom he seems to have no real relationship, and a girlfriend who is strangely distant - but Courtney can't shake the feeling that he's in danger - serious danger.

The book follows as Courtney tries to figure out what happened to him the night of his memory loss - but more than that, we get to see the changes that this event is having on him as a person. It doesn't take Courtney long to realise that he doesn't much like the person he used to be. Is this a blessing in disguise? A chance for a fresh start?

At the centre of this book is a compelling mystery which keeps you guessing and anxiously turning the pages. This is fleshed out with some very real characters. You can't help but feel a connection with the people - even the unlikable ones. The character of Courtney goes through many changes. He develops and grows through the book, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He has a very satisfying arc.

It is no wonder that this book won a Caleb award in 2011. It has everything a good book needs.

elephant's review against another edition

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This book is a Christian psychological thriller. In this story, a young man, running away from something is hit by a car driven by a preacher. When he awakens in the hospital, he remembers nothing, not even who he is. The pastor tells him that perhaps in some way, it may be God’s will. Even when he does find out his identity and he rejoins his family, he still has total amnesia. He does know, however, that he was running away from something very frightening. He decides that he does not like the person who his old self was, whoever he was and he begins to try to change himself, hoping that once he does regain his memories, he won’t go back to being the loser of a person who he thinks his old self must have been. One thing that he does begin to remember is Bible verses. Can the Lord somehow help him? His mysterious girlfriend is not much help to him in his quest to regain his memory. He is sure that once he does regain his memory, it will not be a good thing and he struggles to regain his memory while fearing what he will learn. I enjoyed this book, and found it to be suspenseful and well written. I received this book for free to review from BookCrash.

adamdavidcollings's review

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A young man is hit by a car and wakes up in the hospital with no memory of who he is. What better beginning can a story have? Courtney is soon identified by the police and returned to his family. He has an overbearing mother, a sister with whom he seems to have no real relationship, and a girlfriend who is strangely distant - but Courtney can't shake the feeling that he's in danger - serious danger.

The book follows as Courtney tries to figure out what happened to him the night of his memory loss - but more than that, we get to see the changes that this event is having on him as a person. It doesn't take Courtney long to realise that he doesn't much like the person he used to be. Is this a blessing in disguise? A chance for a fresh start?

At the centre of this book is a compelling mystery which keeps you guessing and anxiously turning the pages. This is fleshed out with some very real characters. You can't help but feel a connection with the people - even the unlikable ones. The character of Courtney goes through many changes. He develops and grows through the book, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He has a very satisfying arc.

It is no wonder that this book won a Caleb award in 2011. It has everything a good book needs.

lizb's review

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Best Forgotten by Paula Vince is a Christian psychological thriller. Courtney Lockwood is a young man who has amnesia after he is hit by a car. He cannot remember anything or anybody from his life so he tries to put the pieces of his life back together. He discovers unflattering facts and stories about his past that he doesn’t want to live with.
Two of my favorite characters were Matthew and Lucy, Courtney’s father and step-mother. It was interesting to see how Courtney’s relationship with them changed as the book went on. As well as the two of them being the Christian influences in Courtney’s life. I enjoyed Lucy because she struggled with jealously and forgiving; she seemed more real and less of a self-righteous Christian.
I enjoyed this book way more than I initially thought I would. The book had an original plot line that was captivating and well-written. Right from the beginning I was anxious to find out the mystery about Courtney’s life. With every page I learned a bit more and found that I could not put the book down. Nothing about the book was predictable!
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review program, which requires an honest, though not necessarily positive, review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.