
De discipel by Geri de Boer, Hans Rosenfeldt, Michael Hjorth

myslizaczytanej's review against another edition

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Solidne 3,5⭐️/5

chciałam ponarzekać na Sebastiana ale teraz się skapnelqm (w czas, po drugiej części), ze jest on głównym bohaterem także

stinajohanns's review against another edition

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I accidentally read the Sebastian Bergman books in the wrong order, starting with number three and then going to one and two. It means there were certain things in book two that I knew but fortunately it didn't spoil my reading very much. It was more that I had a few of those moments: "Yeah, that's what you think". Anyway, a gripping story with some twists and a change to get us a glimpse into why treatment in youth can seriously mess children up. Some never really see to get a chance, although fortunately most messed up kids don't become serial killers. . Sebastian Bergman himself is an interesting character. He's a real dick who hardly deserves any symphathy and yet the reader has the tendency of hoping things will work out for him. Except for my husband - he just thinks Sebastian's a dick.

marinapll's review against another edition

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Obrir el llibre i passar pàgines.
M’agrada la sèrie Bergman!

tarinatili's review against another edition

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Sebastian Bergman jatkaa tutkimuksiaan sarjan toisessa osassa. Jännitystä riittää, ja onneksi oli kesäloma, sillä viimeisenä iltana oli pakko kuunnella yötä myöten loppuun.

jaimevp's review against another edition

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Crímenes duplicados es un ejemplo más del talento de estos autores suecos. Hjorth y Rosenfeldt traen de nuevo un planteamiento sólido estructuralmente y de lectura agradable. Una trama bien planteada que se desarrolla sin entretenerse. Con un grupo de personajes carismáticos del que descubriremos más detalles y aspectos de su pasado.
Una gran opción de novela negra. La serie Bergman se postula como uno de esos libros a los que se puede recurrir con confianza de encontrar una historia creíble y bien fundada.
Si has leído Secretos imperfectos, no dudes en que en Crímenes duplicados encontrarás un gran sucesor, en mi opinión, mejor que la primera novela de la saga.

Os dejo una reseña más completa de Crímenes duplicados en mi blog:

markhoh's review against another edition

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This is the second in the Sebastian Bergman series, centring around a troubled, angry and arrogant psychologist and criminal profiler. “The man who watched women” is an excellent page turner and while it is slightly formulaic in its plot, there are sufficient plot deviations and underpinning themes to keep me interested in the subtext that permeates through the characterisation.

The context of the story revolves around a serial killer who Sebastian had a key role in putting behind bars many years earlier. I won’t spoil the story but suffice to say a showdown looms with consequences that are both foreseeable and others that are mistaken.

The thing I find a little challenging in both this book and the first of the series is that it is difficult to like any of the characters. There is little warmth in any of the characters perhaps with the exception of Billy, one of the police officers whom there is a bit more authenticity and humanity. I especially like books where I make connections with characters, not in a sentimental way, but in an authentic way as I seek to understand their strengths and flaws. Sebastian is certainly a flawed character but he is difficult for me to actually like much although I do feel a degree of empathy (or is it sympathy) for him.

Anyway this was a great read, and four star Swedish Nordic Noir for me. I’ll definitely go looking for book number 3 in the series.

jennaorava's review against another edition

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Otroligt välskriven precis som första boken!
Jag tyckte den var jättebra och älskade att den hade en cliffhanger precis som första så att man vill fortsätta läsa.

ladulcinella's review against another edition

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Very good thriller, this second instalmant of the Bergmankronieken. The book is dark, suspenseful and kept me wanting to read on. The MC, Bergman is a really annoying character, but also someone you feel pity for. For all his knowledge of human psyche he cannot help himself. There is a constant tension in the novel as the reader knows what the source of his annoying, strange behaviour might be, but the people around him don’t. I felt like watching a movie and wanting to shout to the characters. The thriller is very dark and an excellent example of scandinavian noir,
I doubted between 3 and 4 stars, but in the end decided on four as it was a very enjoyable read.

petitehelene's review against another edition

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Quando pensava que a trama não se podia complicar mas eis que Sebastian decide jogar o papel de protector. Envolver-se em mais uma série de casos complicados e tentar que os seus segredos obscuros não venham ao de cima.
Digamos que é uma leitura compulsiva e cheia de palpitações!

juniperusxx's review against another edition

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On kulunut aika kauan siitä, kun luin Sebastian Bergman -sarjan ykkösosan, Mies joka ei ollut murhaaja, mutta eipä se haitannut. Tiiliskivimäinen ulkoasu hirvitti, mutta yhdessä kesälomapäivässä tämä tuli luettua - ja ehdin tehdä paljon muutakin kuin istua lukemassa :) Luulen, että jos kirja olisi ollut huono, lukeminen olisi kestänyt paljon kauemmin. Oikein viihdyttävää ja koukuttavaa kerrontaa siis, jännitystä riitti loppuun asti. Siirryn suoraan kolmannen osan, Tunturihaudan, kimppuun...