
Buffy '97 by Jeremy Lambert

fyrekatz's review

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This was a strange comic but some of the better art I've seen. Some stories were good, some I wanted longer of course! I'm working through all the BTVS comics and books

darkdiamond8989's review

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adventurous hopeful informative inspiring lighthearted reflective relaxing fast-paced


Fans of the tv show, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, would probably enjoy this graphic novel. It mentions various characters from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. My favorite part, in this graphic novel, was the potential relationship between Spike and Buffy because they’re my favorite OTP in the show, Buffy The Vampire Slayer. They’re soo ccuuttee, a bad boy vampire and a good girl slayer. 
To all the girls out there, we (me especially) love a bad boy (don’t know if that’s true in real life, but love to read about it and watch movies and shows about it). 

krytygr's review

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adventurous dark funny fast-paced


I love all things Buffy! This is an wonderful comic. The colors are vibrant, and the storyline is just as cheesy as the show. Read in one sitting.

sjones13's review

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adventurous fast-paced


raypuffle's review

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I love the art and nostalgic 90s vibes from the first story but the Buffy purist in me had so many problems. First off it's loosely set in the season 4 Era of Buffy which was in 99 not 97, secondly Spike doesn't even realize he has feelings for Buffy until season 5 so he would not be lounging around admiting out loud to having feelings for Buffy nor would he be asking Giles to help him out, Thirdly Giles doesn't need any help finding a girlfriend. We've seen from the show ladies love him, fourthly why is Willow wearing a crop top? Since when does Willow wear a crop top? This bothered me so much and its something that is carried not just in the first story but throughout the book. Why?

I am a Spuffy shipper so not going to lie as ridiculous as it was I loved the section under 'Bowling with Buffy' where Spike is sitting there with his arm around Buffy looking so damn cute and wholesome. This is so wrong but it is everything my Spuffy heart wants.

I enjoyed the other Spike story where he goes to see the disco witch, although it was halfway through the story before I recognized that that was Spike. The artwork was so off. Also I guess Spike wears crop tops too. I'm not mad it though.

The Xander story was fine. I don't have strong feelings either way.

My favourite stories were the Willow and Tara stories. True to character and enjoyable to read. I do have to say though the coloring really had me confused as Tara is basically a red head in this and I kept confusing her with Willow. It also doesn't help the third witch in the story was also a red head. There is also one point where Willow is wearing a green dress and Tara a purple dress then the next page it's switched. I spent so much time trying to figure out what happened there but I think it was just a mistake.

Then there was the little French revolution slayer. I liked that story but don't really see how it fits into the collection. It felt like a weird tack on.

Finally really don't know what is up with the yearbook quotes. They were really bizarre.

Overall is this collection kinda a mess? Yes.
Is it an enjoyable mess? Also yes.

I totally get why this book has such a low rating but I had fun reading it for the most part so therefore it gets 4 stars.