
Nežemiškoji by Aurelija Kazberienė, Cynthia Hand

hurrikanekathrina's review against another edition

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Actual rating: 2.5 stars

I feel kind of bad giving this book a bad rating, since it's not per se a bad book. Sure there is an annoying love triangle and I had my issues with this book, but the main problem was that I am simply not the target group. If I'd come across this book in my Twilight days, when I was 13/14, I would've probably loved it.
The angel mythology isn't outstanding, but interesting enough, and I liked that there was actual relationship development between Clara and Tucker. My biggest issue was that not much happened in this book, which is why it took me a long time to get through it. But the writing and the characters were solid enough. I won't finish this series, because I'm not interested enough in it, but I would recommend this book for a younger audience that likes paranormal romances.

breezy610's review against another edition

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It was realy good. I didn't think i would like it and that's it would be like Halo, another angel book, but it was different. Tucker is such a gentleman. and the end....all i can say is that i can't wait for the next book in the series.

blurrypetals's review against another edition

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I feel like Goodreads and Barnes and Noble have been trying to get me to read this book for years. You finally won. I broke down and read it because it was free.

I also feel like, if I had just read this back when it came out, which would have put me in my junior year of high school, I would have loved this book. This would have been my shit. I would have bought a "Team Tucker" sticker to put on my binder for English class. It would have been put on my favorites shelf and, maybe, it would have been included in my Greatest Hits Bookshelf Tour 2017.

Instead, I feel just a little too old for this. That said, however, I still really enjoyed myself and I'm actually pretty intrigued to see where things go from here. My prediction about the story was that Christian would somehow turn out to be the bad guy in some way, but instead,
SpoilerSURPRISE he's angelblooded, too, and he was having the same vision as Clara
so that was a fun surprise. I also really liked Tucker, he was a really fun character. Clara could have used a little more depth and definition, because she kind of reminded me of the chick from Sweet Evil whose name I have dumped from the memory bank, and I didn't like that.

Other than some annoying high school drama antics that weren't necessary, it was an enjoyable read and I definitely plan on finishing the series as it stands right now.

viachu888's review against another edition

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3.5 stars!

Well, I went into this book expecting greatness, but I found myself a little disappointed.Most of my likes about this book can be found here. Except one thing.

The supposedly mind blowing plot twist at the end. I guess maybe because I knew it was going to happen, I kept thinking of what it could be. Like,
Spoiler Was Tucker going to be there instead of Christain? Was Christain going to die? Is he a Black Wing?

I guessed the ending. About 2/3 in, the thought came into my mind, and it was clear to me that it was going to happen. And when I actually read the ending, I was like:

then, when I finished, I was like:

That was it? That was the plot twist? Oh.

fannfran's review against another edition

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sminks's review against another edition

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For me, Unearthly was a book that I loved.. and hated.

I loved it because of the characters. I got into the relationships, and the author had me swooning for Tucker. Hard. I loved the fantasy lines, like the blood lines, the mysteries that Clara's mother held, and am still curious why her brother's wings were dark...

But these were all things that were never addressed. I felt so upset and frustrated because this book ended. Period. No resolution.. no explanations. It ended abruptly, with no explanations of the fallen angels.. her brother's dark wings.. what her mother was hiding..

ALL crucial things that could have made for a dramatic.. or at least satisfying ending. Rather than ending with no explanation.

I loved the book enough that I still liked it. Just felt empty after reading it. Feel like the author was trying too hard for a sequel. Will possibly read it.. hoping for some resolution from Unearthly there, but not any time soon. This one broke my heart by building up 400 something pages of captivating story line and romance.. just to fall apart in the last 6%.

narcissia's review against another edition

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I'd heard from a lot of people that this is the best angel book they've read, but I remained a little skeptical because the other angel books that have come out have just been kinda ehhh for me. Well after reading it I am a believer because I completely enjoyed this book.

I love Clara. I don't really know what to say about her to explain all of the reasons why I love her. She is very realistic to me. She is pretty but isn't vain about it. Until she gets a bad dye job and then she's totally insecure. I love that! How many of us walk around thinking that we're not vain like some people, until we get a terrible haircut or have to walk around wearing something completely dorky? Then we become as concerned with how we look as the worst of them. It shakes our confidence. It makes us insecure. It's little things like that which made me fall in love with Clara because she is alive on the pages like she's my long lost sister. She has flaws. But she is also determined and she holds herself accountable when she makes mistakes.

The supporting characters are awesome. Clara's mother is one of the best parental figures I've read in YA. She's supportive and protective and involved in Clara's life. The interaction between Clara and her brother are brilliant and true. I love it that Clara doesn't have to hide her wings around her family and that they're all in it together no matter what. Her classmates are well-written, and they all act appropriately teenage. Wendy and Tucker are my favorites! But I won't go into too much of my opinions of Clara's friends (of which I have many) because I don't think I can do it without spoiling some stuff.

I also like it that Clara is the angel rather than the clueless, naive human chick who's also weak and vulnerable and stupid. She isn't some depressingly average, idiotic waif of a girl who is being wooed by something dark and sinister. Neither is she a fallen being doomed to walk the earth forever in tragedy. She has a purpose. She was born with this purpose in life and must discover what that purpose is and carry it out. This angel book had a plot! Not that the others don't - I just feel like this one is stronger. The reader knows from the beginning that Clara has something she must accomplish and that the story will be leading up to that.

So yes, this is definitely the best angel book I've read. The end is satisfying but still leaves me anticipating the sequel. A lot. I loved it and I can't wait for the next one. :)

A couple of asides: 1) I'm totally team Tucker, and 2) This is one of the most gorgeous books I have ever seen. It is absolutely beautiful and if you don't have a finished physical copy, you should get one. The shiny will blow your mind. Even without the dust jacket it is shiny and awesome. Pictures can't come close to representing the glitzy sparkle that is this book.

laura_mayfair's review against another edition

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Excellent book; good characterization and plenty of twists and turns. The story commanded my attention from beginning to end. Hand doesn't show all of her cards at once. She knows just how much to reveal to keep things exciting. The book has a solid ending but it definitely sets things up for the next book in the trilogy. To date, this is my favorite read of 2013.

letsbebookfriends's review against another edition

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Such a fun paranormal romance. Cute with a plot is how I would described it.

I like that we start the book off with the main character knowing that she's an angel-blood; we didn't have to wait precious chapters for her to discover why she's "special" or "different." It made it easy to dive right into the book. The plot was fun and interesting (that ending tho), but I didn't LOVE any of the characters. Some I enjoyed, some I didn't care for, and some I still don't trust.

That being said, I amd excited to continue the series.

byp's review against another edition

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2.5 stars. The parts I liked most were descriptions of the Wyoming landscape, and some of the Tucker stuff was good. Mostly, I just don't get the ending? The reveal doesn't seem as earthshattering as the characters' behavior would have me think. More of the mythology should have been answered in this book (like Clara's mother, what's the deal with Angela's dude, etc) instead of stalling for the sequel.