
Christmas Under a Cranberry Sky by Holly Martin

emmascr's review

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This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews Thank you to Holly for letting me take part in her tour.

I love Christmas and I love Holly's books so it was a no-brainer when Holly asked if I would take part.

Christmas under a Cranberry Sky offers you everything you could want in a christmas romance book.

Let's start by talking about the main characters.

First off we have Piper or Pip as she is sometimes known. Pip has spent the last 12 years reviewing hotels all over the world. From the good to the bad she's seen it all. Pip however is tired of always moving around and wants to try standing still for a little while. She has one more review in her and then she's taking a break.

Gabe Whitaker has spent the last 12 years only picking the fun girls. 12 years ago his heart was broken and since then he's subconsciously picked girls that just want some fun. He's not picked anyone serious for fear of being hurt all over again.

There were a whole host of sub characters that were the perfect support to these two but my favourite has to be Wren, Gabe's daughter. There is something about that childlike innocence. The simplicity of being a child that you lose when you grow up and it was lovely to see how she views the world.

I cherished every single page of this book. Jupiter Island sounds amazing and I feel I have to go visit the Shetland Islands now with the hope of finding something even remotely similar.  I adored the Christmas market. I loved how every shop was unique. I would have been like Pip and wanted to buy something from everyone.

Holly whisked me away to this magical place that had me craving all things Christmas. I'm so totally over summer and all I can think about is doing some Christmas baking and getting a nice frothy hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. I can't wait to start Christmas under a Starlit Sky.

bookishblasian's review

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This book would be a perfect Hallmark movie, but it was nothing more than that for me. It was cute, but extremely predictable. It was honestly dull in some parts. I guess I do better with cheesy stories as movies instead of books. If this was a Hallmark movie, I would've LOVED it. But as a book, it fell a little short for me. Still cute, but I needed more.

jo_bookworm's review

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Piper has a job that probably everyone envies - she gets to go round the world and review hotels, the very best hotels. However Piper is starting to feel lost and she wants to put some roots down. She says she will do one last assignment and then she wants a break for six months.

Her latest place to visit is Juniper Island and the Stardust Lake Hotel and she gets to stay there for Christmas. Arriving early by small plane and welcomed so warmly, she thinks that it will not be so bad to be spending Christmas alone.

That is until she discovers the owner of the hotel. Gabe Whitaker. The man she has only ever loved and one that broke her heart when she needed him the most.

Gabe remembers Piper, instantly and he has never understood what happened all those years ago. Perhaps being together on a magical island at such a magical time might heal the past for them both to move on.

There are of course complications, Piper's hotel room is not ready, no one knows why she is really at the hotel, and she suffers from nightmares reliving something from her past. Gabe now has a small daughter, Wren who has fallen in love with Piper instantly and in childish innocence wants a mum for Christmas. All of Gabe's family are involved in his venture at Stardustst Lake Hotel and they all remember Piper too.......

This is a wonderfully descriptive book, and I really felt I was on Juniper Island and staying at the hotel without getting wet and cold from all that snow! In fact Martin brings it so much to life, it was like reading a holiday brochure. Of course the storyline is the important thing but it needs the background of the magical place to show Gabe and Piper what life is like and that the past can be healed and everyone can move on, once the truth is learnt.

There are ups and downs to face with the hotel and of course Piper has omitted to tell them one small fact about herself.......she is really their to review the hotel......

I wanted to stay at Juniper Island and find out what happens, and most of all I was adorably in love with little Wren and her innocent ways which would melt the heart of the hardest of people!

booklover1974's review

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I have packed my bags and I’m going now, because I really want to see those igloos with glass ceiling at the resort

catwolfswritings's review against another edition

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„Коледа под боровинковия залез“ на Холи Мартин е поредната коледна книга, която прочетох през декември за подсилване на коледния дух и за създаване на коледно настроение. Имах планове да прочета и други, но изглежда, тази ще е последната за този сезон, защото Коледа дойде и отмина и вече започвам да мисля за пролетта, слънчевото време и разцъфването на цветята. Догодина още.

Холи Мартин ни запознава с Пайпър Честърфийлд – млада жена, чиято работа е да пътува до различни хотели, да пребивава в тях известно време и да напише след това обективна статия за списание „Дървото на живота“ за хотела. Тази работя е свързана с постоянни пътувания до различни точки на света, а последната й задача преди плануваната отпуска е да посети зимния курорт „Стардъст лейк“ на най-северния Шотландски остров – Джунипър. Тя го посещава малко преди официалното отваряне на хотела и е първият му гост.

Още с пристигането Пайпър е запленена от посрещането – с частен самолет и перфектно обслужване. Съвсем скоро обаче тя открива, че познава собственика на хотела и това й носи много смесени чувства. Гейб Уитакър е голямата й любов от детството, но няколко драматични събития, случили се в един и същи ден, развалили отношенията им преди дванадесет години и от тогава двамата не са се виждали.

Знаете поговорката, че старата любов ръжда не хваща. Това определено е случаят и при Пип и Гейб, но има много пречки и вътрешни терзания, които обтягат и изпитват взаимоотношенията им.

Докато се опитват да разберат чувствата си един към друг, двамата всъщност са доста заети с работата в курорта. Пип се наема доброволно да помогне с подготвянето на хотела за всички останали гости, в желанието си новото начинание на Гейб да потръгне отлично. В целия курорт се усеща коледния дух, той е в украсата и в настроението на служителите. Коледното градче е подготвено с най-различни коледни сладкиши, напитки и ръчно изработени артикули, които да радват посетителите. Има и една изненада – леден дворец, в който може да се преспи под звездите, с надеждата да бъде зърното северното сияние.

Има само едно нещо, което сериозно тревожи Гейб, и то е очакваното посещение на мистериозния критик господин Блек, чието перо повлиява мнението на стотици хора, в следствие на което едни хотели са се радвали на небивал успех, а други са затваряли врати. Никой не знае кой е той, затова всичко трябва да е перфектно изпипано.

Пайпър от своя страна трябва да се пребори със страховете си и с драматичните събития от миналото, като най-после ги преживее и остави зад себе си.

Историята е доста предвидима в своето развитие и изцяло липсват изненади. Няма и кой знае какви пречки пред главните герои и всичко върви почти напълно по мед и масло, като изключим известните колебания, които имат и двамата. От първите няколко страници лесно бихме могли да си представим какво предстои да се случи до края на книгата. Любовните романи обаче рядко се борят за оригиналност, в повечето случаи тяхната цел е да донесат настроение и приятна атмосфера според сезона, а това „Коледа под боровинковия залез“ постига.

Ако все още не ви е напуснал коледния дух и бихте искали да се пренесете на място, на което има сняг, студ и северни елени, а в бонус към всичко това искате и малко романтика, то „Коледа под боровинковия храст“ е един не лош вариант за вас.

milshollini's review against another edition

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Прочетох я почти случайно :) Но пък ми хареса, точно както ти харесват коледните филми и горещия шоколад - знаеш, че и двете са вредни и създават нералистични очаквания за живота, но пък е чудесно да поживееш за малко в един друг, нереалистично добър свят.

christinavarela's review against another edition

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Continuing my search for Christmas books. This came up high on several lists. I liked this book better than my last Christmas book. There is just enough darkness to the story for my reading taste. However, was there a predictable element? Of course. You knew her job as the mystery guest was going to throw a wrench in things. First, how do I get that job? But also really, just tell the dude. Scotland was an added bonus for me. I definitely would want to visit this fictional town called Christmas. The level of Christmas I’ve been searching for was pretty good. Stay tuned for my next Christmas book.

mixingrealitywithfiction's review against another edition

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I bloody loved everything about this book. Gabe

traceyroberts's review against another edition

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sad slow-paced


I thought I'd finish the festive season with one last Christmas novel.  The cover of this one is so cute and I was looking forward to a cosy read. The book cover and the setting of the novel are, unfortunately, the best parts about this book. 

The plot is completely predictable but that would have been forgivable if it had been written well, but sadly it was not.  In fact it all became a little tedious. The characters are one dimensional and the dialogue between them is clunky and unrealistic.   I also found the sex scenes rather cringey, repetitive and completely unnatural.  Especially when Gabe questions Pip during one such encounter. 

I've given two stars for the stories location was lovely, the reindeer were cute and for the Northern Lights.  I think I'll avoid the rest of the series though. 

kirstyreviewsbooks's review against another edition

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Christmas Under a Cranberry Sky by Holly Martin

Piper Chesterfield lives a glamorous life travelling the world and reviewing the finest hotels. She calls nowhere home, she works alone and that’s how she likes it. For long ago Piper decided that to protect her heart she should lock it away.

So when Piper’s next assignment brings her to the newly opened Stardust Lake Hotel for the festive season, the last person she expects to face is Gabe Whitaker, the man who broke her heart so completely she could never love again.

I have seen this book available to borrow from my local library on a few different occasions and I have finally decided that over Christmas is the time that I am going to give it a read. You can’t help but feel for Piper, she is put in the situation of having to see Gabe again after he broke her heart - can she learn to love again?

This is such a lovely, wintery book full of Christmas spirit. This is a great introduction to the series. A quick and entertaining read that will grip you from the start.

Rating 4/5