
Three Little Words by Jessica Thompson

linakatarinac's review against another edition

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When I first laid eyes on that book and its red and sweet cover, I quickly thought it would be somewhat of a love story like so many other books of that genra. Three women finding love in the most unexpected ways, changing their lives forever. But in fact, it is not that at all. It is so much more and so much better than that. I cried, and smiled, and sometimes even cried a little bit more but I have to say, I was utterly conquered by Thompson's novel.

It reminded me a little bit of Ahern's The Gift, and I am looking forward to reading her previous book, This Is A Love Story!

carlarsmendes's review against another edition

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Note: I read this as a part of the 2021 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge - A book that has a heart, diamond, club or spade on the cover
This book has a lot going for it, and I even believe it could be really good: The characters are diverse, the plot is told through the POV of very different people (even though every woman and man are gorgeous for some reason) and there is a big number of twists and turns, that SHOULD keep you hooked. It has some redemption tales, talks about sorro, death, regret and real pain.
In the end I felt like all the stories connected in a seriously rushed and forced way, with a series of anticlimactic moments. most of them predictable and the ones that weren't provided little gratification.
Still, it was a quick little read and I was in desperate need of a light book.

bookevin's review against another edition

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Review originally on I Heart.. Chick Lit.

I was blown away by Jessica Thompson's debut novel, This Is A Love Story, mainly because it had me up all night reading about the love story between two people falling in love, but have to undergo obstacles in life to only find they are meant for each other. Think One Day without Emma Morley dying.

So when Jessica asked me if I'd like a copy of your new book, I said yes! And did my usual happy dance. Who in the world would decline the opportunity to read a book well before others and have it signed though living thousands of miles away? I only did the most sensible thing a person who loves chick lit and love stories would; I said yes!

What I thought about it:
Since I loved Jessica's debut, I had high hopes for her second book. In case you're wondering, no. Three Little Words is not the continuation of This Is A Love Story, it's a completely different concept and plot. It's darker, more emotional and it does include a little love story, so I don't see why won't you enjoy it!

Beware: this is not your usual chick lit where everything is light and fluffy and you could just settle into the heroine's life easily and have a great time escaping into their world. No, this has depth and transcends a spectrum of emotions. In Three Little Words, it's a beautiful blend of love, loss, forgiveness, hope and regret.

Three Little Words centres around different lives, though living nearby, they are unaware of the things going around them, as to which you will find out as the story progresses. Their lives are actually entwined together and secretly linked together. Have you watched films like Valentine's Day or New Year's Eve? I Love You New York? Yes, the characters are somehow linked to each other - their lives are connected and they play a part in each others lives. That's what Three Little Words is about. Us, living obliviously as to those around us, when some little thing we do could affect someone's life.

The characters in the book are an unusual mix. You have the prima ballerina, a restaurant manager, a teenage boy, a handsome bloke who works in a cafe. But miraculously, these characters' lives would collide. That's the beauty of this book, you get to see things from the third person's point of view, which gives you the whole picture of the book, as the story unfolds, you get to see the clearer picture and everything makes sense.

Just like This Is A Love Story, the book is an emotional roller-coaster, you'd be surprised what could easily push your button and make you cry. My initial thought of Three Little Words was a heartwarming, romantic Valentine's Day read, hence the gorgeous red and pink cover. But underneath the pretty exterior lies a heartbreaking tale which affects all the characters in the book somehow or rather. Readers, have a box of tissues on standby, a warm fleece blanket to keep you warm and a comforting cup of hot cocoa. You're going to need it when you read this.

Honestly, it's not my usual read. I opt for a lighter, more fun kind of chick lit. But this is an exception. This is a beautifully-written masterpiece by Jessica. It has the power to make you think twice about what you're doing and look back and reminisce on the moments you've gone through and cherish them. A poignant tale which would render you speechless at parts as it is deeply moving. Highly recommended if you're a fan of Lisa Jewell and Ella Griffin.

Rating : 5/5

linakatarinac's review

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When I first laid eyes on that book and its red and sweet cover, I quickly thought it would be somewhat of a love story like so many other books of that genra. Three women finding love in the most unexpected ways, changing their lives forever. But in fact, it is not that at all. It is so much more and so much better than that. I cried, and smiled, and sometimes even cried a little bit more but I have to say, I was utterly conquered by Thompson's novel.

It reminded me a little bit of Ahern's The Gift, and I am looking forward to reading her previous book, This Is A Love Story!

debrasbookcafe's review

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For a more detailed review, please check out my review below:

Debra's Book Cafe

Debs :-)

bookishnat's review

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Such an amazing book. This one really affected me, because it made me think too much about what I'd do if something happened to Dave, but then I could completely identify with how Bryony was feeling as I had those feelings of anger in grief when my mum died.
I really got behind all the characters, and loved the book.
Jessica is definitely a new favourite author :)

aggy's review

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I thought this book was gonna be another love story. It turns out the book is absolutely lovely. At first I thought there were too many characters and stories, but they somehow merge beautifully at the end.

leahmichelle_13's review

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When Jessica Thompson’s debut novel This Is A Love Story was released last year, it was immensely popular, likened to One Day by David Nicholls. I haven’t read it, though, but with most Chick Lit books it is sitting waiting to be read. Her second novel was meant to be released earlier this year – and is available on Kindle now – but was delayed until August, so I didn’t get to it right away knowing I had a further half a year to read it before it was released, but with its release date approaching, I decided it was time to read Three Little Words.

Three Little Words will surprise you, let me tell you that for nothing. It’s wrapped up in a beautiful red cover, showing the London skyline, although I will admit to preferring my proof cover which is just a plain red background with the words Three Little Words. It’s beautiful, the proof cover. But it is misleading – both covers are misleading. I thought I’d be getting a romantic love story, focusing on the three little words of ‘I love you’, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. I felt for most of the novel that it was a crime novel slash Chick Lit novel, though that’s just me being a touch dramatic. But what it isn’t, is it isn’t your run-of-the-mill Chick Lit novel either. It’s a dark novel. Centered around a shooting. A shooting that affects the lives of way more people than you’d expect it to affect.

I admit, it took me quite a while to get into Three Little Words. We’re introduced to so many different characters right off that bat that it sort of loses its main focus, as you try to decipher who everybody is and what exactly is going on. But once the novel had settled down, and the amount of characters had sorted themselves out in my head, I found myself engrossed in the novel. At first glance it seems as if all the different characters we’re introduced to are just random, unconnected, but it comes together nicely as the book progresses more and more and it’s definitely worth persevering with those first few, confusing chapters. Each chapter is prefaced with a date, location and time stamp as well as a chapter name, and I’ll be honest, although I usually like details like that, I felt we already had so much to cope with that trying to see where everyone was at a given point in time was just a bit too much, and I generally ignored them, and it didn’t make the book any better or any worse to ignore them.

I actually really enjoyed Three Little Words. I did fear at the start I wouldn’t get on with it, what with there being so much going on and it being a darker breed of Chick Lit, but it was actually a wonderful novel. I found myself so caught up with all of the characters, particularly Bryony and Adam, although Keon’s tale spoke to me so much as well, mostly due to overwhelming sadness. I admit to judging the novel before I’d even started it and I still can’t believe what was beneath that beautiful red cover, it certainly gave me pause, it certainly made me think, but overall it was an amazingly well-written and enjoyable novel, although given the events of the novel it seems wrong to call it enjoyable. But I did. I found although it was a novel that focused a lot on things lost, it also gave out hope. This was an amazing novel, that in the end I just couldn’t put it down. It surprised me massively in the best way possible, and you should read Three Little Words because lurking behind that beautiful book cover is an amazing story.