
The Wedding Secret by Jeannie Moon

beyondevak's review

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The Wedding Secret was a pretty good read. The story was interesting. The characters were interesting. The conflicts were interesting. Three interesting classifications. I know it seems strange for me to repeat that word over and over again, but it is what it is.

On the whole, I liked Harper aka Emmy, and I liked Kevin. I even liked their chemistry. BUT, I did not care for the seeming neanderthalish comments or rather thoughts of Kevin. Regarding Harper, I got her girl-beats-the-odds thing, but something just didn't gel totally for me with who she was. And Kevin's family, can I just say they were too involved...and not in a good way.

Umm...that's all I have to say about that.

Grade: 3/5
Rating: R
Content: Mature

theladyinreds's review

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**Note: A copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

My feelings on this book are somewhat mixed. On the one hand, it's kind of a hot mess and I found myself taking notes that had "WTF" somewhere in them quite frequently while reading. On the other hand, I liked the author's voice and was intrigued by the tropes she used enough that I went back and bought her first two books and ended up really enjoying them.

So, this book. It's a secret baby romance. I kind of get a perverse glee about secret baby romances. I think they're hard to sell because keeping a baby's paternity a secret from it's father is such a dick move and a betrayal of trust that it's hard to build a relationship on that. But I sure do like the drama and angst that ensues when people try.

This was kind of a mediocre secret baby romance. The heroine, Harper, comes off like the biggest asshole on the face of the earth for at least the first third and it makes zero sense that she'd keep the father in the dark. I thought the author did a decent job of eventually making Harper sympathetic but it took too damn long and was a bit too little too late.

My biggest problem with this book, however, is that I really took issue with the hero, Kevin, being made to feel like he was in fault at least partly for Harper not telling him about her pregnancy. Not only does this reek of victim-blaming, but it also undermines the shit out of the heroine and her choices.

I mean, his family and friends immediately starts in on him with shit about how he obviously didn't treat her with enough respect and that's why she didn't tell him. What the ever loving fuck?!? Since there was no indication AT ALL that this was true, I kept waiting for all of them to eat humble pie. BUT NO.

Instead, it's eventually revealed to be true that a small part of Harper's motivation was that she was insecure about their relationship and he didn't meet needs of hers that he couldn't have possibly known she had because SHE DIDN'T FUCKING TELL HIM ABOUT THEM.

Sorry. I got rage face there for a moment. I was so not down with that. That rationalization pissed me off and wasn't even necessary.

But, then Kevin ruins any sympathy I had for him by going off the rails for no good reason and apparently loosing his goddamn mind. What the hell is wrong with all these people, I would really like to know.

And now this review is too long and I totally don't have time to rant the way I'd like about how hillbillies from Pittsburgh would never ever describe themselves as having a "southern drawl" because PENNSYLVANIA IS NOT IN THE SOUTH. NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT. SIGH.

Anyway, I didn't like this book but I definitely couldn't put it down.