10 reviews for:

Green Valley

Max Landis


james_desantis's review

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While I think max landis knocked it out of the park with American Alien, I still really dug his follow up work green valley.

This is the story of knights who fight with honor. However, one day they lose almost everything. Then, a boy comes seeking them for help against the evil black magic wizard. So they March on but instead of finding a wizard they find something they could have never imagined.

Good: the art and humor is spot on. A wide range of different characters make for a entertaining trip. The art is well balanced, looking cartoony but never too kiddie. I also enjoyed the ending, it worked.

Bad: the twist was easy to see coming. Especially around issue 2. I also thought the villain was just okayish.

Overall, super fun! I really hope one day max landis comes back to writing comics. It's where he really shows his skills. A 4 out of 5.

sean_from_ohio's review

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What a fun book! Landis and Camuncoli deliver a fantastic quest book with a delightful twist. The plot by Landis here is fun and unexpected. While there might be some complaints that the ending is tied up too nicely, I enjoyed it. The art is perfect especially the battle scenes. Overall, a tremendous book!

possomdj's review

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A simple knight story with a slight twist enjoyable little read if you want something none too complicated.

cortjstr's review

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The setup to this was totally by-the-numbers and the rest was kind of meh. The people from the past picking up modern vernacular immediately trope doesn't help. The art was really nice and conveyed the action well.

lintkaurea's review

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Maravilloso, justamente la temática que más me gusta en un entorno medieval.

joshgauthier's review

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Admittedly, this was not without its flaws, and I would probably lower the rating a little if I was giving an objective, in-depth analysis. As a reader though, this was fun--like, actually-laugh-while-reading fun. I enjoyed the story from start to finish--along with the bright and engaging artwork--and fun wins bonus points in my book.

The book opens with the Knights of Kelodia facing off against a barbarian horde, complete with snappy dialogue and amusing character interactions. In the interest of a spoiler-free description (the book is better if you don't know what's coming), I'll just say that what follows is highly amusing and surprisingly dark in equal turns, creating a genre-mashing adventure that uses familiar concepts to great effect.

The characters and plot are highly entertaining, and there are excellent visual moments throughout this entire mini-series. It's wacky, it's enjoyable, and it's committed to being exactly what it wants to be. And for whatever reasons this concept had to not work--the sum total succeeds in many ways.

sizrobe's review

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I only got this because Max Landis wrote it, and for a bit I was afraid that it would just be generic swords & sorcery fantasy, but relatively quickly it distinguishes itself in a way that I don't want to spoil.

scottisanerd's review

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This started out really fun...got somewhat generic for a while and then got fun again.

There is an interesting revelation that occurs just a little under halfway through the book that changes things up quite a bit. If not for this story twist I don't think I would have liked this book as much as I did.

The art and color are what really sold it all for me. If not for the pretty pictures that popped I think I would have dropped this down a star.

Still - altogether, all said and done, I enjoyed it well enough.

n8duke's review

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A little uneven, but if you're obsessed with reading time travel stories (as I clearly am), then it's worth your....TIME.

williamc's review

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That rarity among comic books: a complete series in under twelve issues. Vibrant art and a cinematic plot make this one volume story a true joy ride. Really enjoyable stuff.