mdwsn27's review against another edition

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challenging informative slow-paced


I really wish there was an updated; post- pandemic, gender-neutral bathroom, Trump era, promotion of trans rights... version that incorporated greater recognition of intersectionality. I loved the contents of this book, but feel like there could be a broader focus on any data bias in the context of non, cishet white-male identit(ies). At points it felt a lot like a pure lit-review, but was informative nonetheless. A great and important read!

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plantgal_jill's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


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elodiethefangirl's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


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notlikethebeer's review against another edition

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informative slow-paced
This is a difficult book to review. How do we balance something that has a lot of value to one group, whilst excluding another group? There's no denying that Invisible Women has opened up a lot of conversations - if nothing else, it's allowed a lot of women to raise things that might have been silently troubling them for a long time, things they may think they were being too sensitive about, things they felt they should stay invisible about. At the same time, this book would only have been strengthened by trans inclusion, and I cannot in good faith completely legitimise an author who is clearly aware of the harm she's perpetrating, yet continues to do so.

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jackie_marion's review against another edition

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hopeful informative reflective medium-paced


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justagirlwithbooks's review against another edition

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"It's time to start designing women in."

This book is incredibly informative! It's really fascinating to read about the ways in which there are gaps in data for a lot of things within life, such as daily life, workplace, design and medicine. The data gaps in the medical field were especially surprising to me! I had no idea about some of these things, while others I knew and related to. This book feels like an English paper for an assignment, but it was one that was actually interesting to read!

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megmahoney1's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective fast-paced


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kirstym25's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


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rhi_'s review against another edition

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informative fast-paced


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sarabookshelf's review against another edition

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Insightful, backed with data and informative. I wish I could somehow make more people read this book, especially people in power. 

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