
You've Guac to Be Joking: I Love Avocados! by Cat Faulkner

mehsi's review

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

This book sounded really funny, I do love puns, provided they are done right. Sure, I am not a fan of avocados, but that shouldn’t be in the way of enjoying this book. The title was hilarious, and I looked forward to tons more of those puns.

And at first I was thinking this was quite funny, but after a few more pages I started getting bored, it was just so far-fetched at times, and often I didn’t even see the effort. Oh look, Rolling Stones, hahaha, or Brad Pit, haha. Yes, so so funny. No. I am sorry, but I had expected some cleverer puns instead of simple ones.

I really had to drag myself through this book, by page 70 I was already so bored that I started watching some Netflix to get myself motivated. :P

The art was fun though, I really like the style. Just a shame that my review copy was a bit blurry/grainy. :(

But all in all, maybe you really need to be crazy about avocados to love this book, maybe that is why it didn’t work for me. I am not sure, but sorry, this wasn’t the book for me.

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geekwayne's review

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'You've Guac to Be Joking: I Love Avocados!' by Cat Faulkner is a book of avocado puns.

Using words with avo, hass and pit in them, this is a collection of picture jokes like Brad Pitt drawn as an avocado, or a tyrannosaurhass rex. There are movie puns and phrase puns.

The problem, for me, was that while the drawings were kind of cute, the joke felt a bit thin to support a book of over 100 pages. I suppose if you have an avocado fan in your life, they might find this cuter than I did.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

whatshawnareads's review

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I love comics and I love avocados (California native here) so naturally I was excited to see a book of avocado puns. Some have a lot of small details that made them just adorable (e.g. avo babies.) There's a lot of pop culture references, not all of which I got, but I laughed at quite a few. In my opinion, the avocado toast puns were the best. Overall I think this book will make a really good gift for any avocado and pun lovers in your life, that co-worker you aren't sure what to get, or your next white elephant gift exchange. (And that last one is not because it's terrible, but because I think it's enjoyable for everyone.)

Thanks to Andrew McMeel Publishing for the advance copy through Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

bookish_coven's review

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Are you an avocado lover, or you know someone who is? Then this little book will be a perfect gift for them!

eberth's review

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This book was epic, it speaks to me. My last name is Acevedo and sounds like Avocado for that reason it was the most epic thing I’ve ever read. There ain’t no other thing like it.

thewoollygeek's review

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This is so cute. Full of lots of puns and cute drawings all avocado related shockingly ! I think this would be a great gift for young kids and a great family book.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

ari_at_the_bookish_coven's review

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Are you an avocado lover, or you know someone who is? Then this little book will be a perfect gift for them!

nstinch54's review

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** I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. **

Exactly what you would think it would be....a book full of cute cartoon drawings and all of them are some sort of avocado pun. And it was so cute. I love avocados and I love puns (especially ones involving food), so this book was right up my alley! Quick read when you need a few giggles.

syntaxx's review

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I love puns and wordplay AND avocados so I thought I would like this book. I did not. Gave it an extra star for the artwork, which I did think was lovely, however, the wordplay was sorely lacking and most of the puns felt overly forced.

hannie241's review

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What an avo-dorable book! Yeah, don't let my bad puns deter you from reading You've Guac to be Joking, an amusing and deeply enjoyable avocado puns and jokes book. Every page has a different pun and illustration to it, some of which made me laugh out loud. I do think the jokes were a little hit or miss, and some were really stretching it in terms of how "punny" they were, but overall, I enjoyed my time here. This is definitely a great gift to buy for that friend that won't stop eating avocado toast!

For more of my reviews, check out my blog.

I received a copy of this book from Net Galley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.