
Und hinter dir die Finsternis by Mary Higgins Clark

yvo_about_books's review against another edition

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Finished reading: February 28th 2014
Rating 2,5

Mary Higgins Clark isn't one of my preferred authors even though she is writing novels belonging to the thriller genre I very much enjoy in general. I wasn't sure I wanted to read this one, but since I wasn't in the mood to read something heavy, I started this novel anyway. I Heard That Song Before was ok. It had a nice plot twist in the end, but for me too much emphasis was put on the relationship between Kay and Peter, without elaborating the beginning of this very sudden romance. I understand both are key characters, but still it slowed down the story considerately. And the most important part, the explaining of the sudden romance, was too short and made the rest of the story less believable. All in all after reading I Heard That Song Before I'm still not a Mary Higgins Clark fan.


The story is about a very wealthy family, the Carringtons, whose estate has suffered from various tragic events, all related to the young heir Peter Carrington. When he was around twenty the girl he was dating, Susan Althorp, suddenly disappeared, and he was the 'person of interest' in the case. Also, the landscaper and father of Kay Lansing disappeared a few weeks later and rumors said he commited suicide. A few years later Carrington's then seven months pregnant wife Grace fell into the pool and drowned... And again all eyes are on Peter. They never found sufficient evidence to prove anything, but during twenty years that followed the disappearance of Susan the authorities never left Peter alone.

Then the dying mother of Susan asks a private investigation to re-open the case so she can find some closure on the disappearance of her daughter before she passes away. Meanwhile, the daughter of the landscaper, Kay Lansing, falls hopelessly in love with Peter Carrington and they rush into a marriage after only five weeks. Soon after the honeymoon new evidence relating to the old cases shows up, and Susans body is discovered at the Carrington estate. Peter gets accused of the murder and they take him away. Kay believes in his innocence and tries to find out the truth, along with the same private investigator Susans mother hired. And they find out the Carrington family has been hiding various dark secrets as well as they have been protecting each other... Peter might not be guilty afterall, and his wife Kay may be in danger.


Mary Higgins Clark managed to put in a nice plot twist in the end, which made it worthwhile finishing the novel. I guess I have to admit that for me this novel was nothing special, but I suppose it is good enough for a rainy or cold weekend without anything to do.

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.

gettinglostinagoodbook's review against another edition

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A quick and predictable read. Not the Mary Higgins Clark I am used to. A bit if a disappointment from an author I usually enjoy.

melmo2610's review against another edition

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Enjoyed the storyline and mystery of this one. Plot was one that caught my eye and held my attention. There were a few different people to suspect and some of the motives behind the crimes weren’t revealed until nearly the end of the book which helped keep me guessing a bit. Good read.

megangerken's review against another edition

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Yep, it’s confirmed I’m not a Mary Higgins Clark fan. I had this on audible so I listened while scrapbooking, but honestly couldn’t wait to be finished. It was fine, but definitely not earth shattering.

bibliobabe94's review against another edition

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Not one of MHC's best. Weak plot, overdone story. The sleepwalking aspect could have been used better. Overall, just mediocre.

sallyluvs2read's review against another edition

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I really liked this book. It's a good, intense, clean mystery.

katymvt's review against another edition

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This was the first mystery I've read in a long time that actually engaged me.

autumnrdreads's review against another edition

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The story was pretty intriquing, so much so that I couldn't put it down; but the characters seemed really flat and unbelievable at times.

iamnotamerryman's review against another edition

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An okay story. I thought I would try reading a mystery for a change, but I didn't really get into it or feel any kind of connection with the characters. Predictable.

sateem326's review against another edition

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لْاآ استطيع القول انني كنت متحمسةً للبدء بهذه الرواية.. في كل مرةٍ أعزم فيها على البدء بها أجدني أغير رأيي وأبدأ بغيرها.. ولكنّي ويا للمفاجأة أمسكت بالكتاب ولم استطع تركه حتى أنهيتها..
وقعت في غرام بيتر منذ الوهلة الأولى كما فعلت كاي، حينما سقطت نظارته في المكتبة..
في العادة.. عند قرائتي لرواية فيها جريمة استطيع تخمين القاتل من قبل انتصافي في الرواية.. لكن ومع هذه الراية كان الحال مختلفًا..
كنت أختار شخصًا ما. ثم أغير رأي لشخصٍ آخر.. في النهاية انتهيت الى الشك في شخصين مختلفين.. لكنني مع انتهاء الرواية، وجدت أن القاتل لم يكن أيًا منهما.. حسنًا.. عزائي الوحيد أنه كان من خيارتي اللتي اخترها في البداية ثم صرفت النظر عنها..
ليست هذه أول قراءاتي لهذه الكاتبة العبقرية حيث قرأت احدى رواياتها المترجمة من قبل.. لكن هذه بلا شك من أفضل روايات الجريمة اللتي وقعت يداي عليها منذ فترة ليست بالقليلة..
لست متأكدة من توفر هذه الرواية بالترجمة العربية.. لكنني بحقٍ انصح بقراءتها لمن يجيد الانجليزية..؛
كان بالفعل وقتًا ممتعًا ذاك اللذي قضيته في قراءة هذه الرواية..