meezcarrie's review

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In The Kissing Bridge, Laura V. Hilton takes us back in time to the years when Anna Fisher and Reuben Petersheim (elderly characters in The Snow Globe) were young and in love. Sweet and romantic – while also not shying away from the topic of domestic abuse – it made me smile and tear up both. AND it whet my appetite to know what happened after that final scene. I have not yet read The Snow Globe but it’s now on my TBR list for sure!

Rachel J. Good’s Sold on Love adds a dash of humor to the mix with Lavina’s brother Stephen stealing every scene he’s in with his earnest lack of attention and his sincere heart! I laughed frequently throughout, but it’s a very tender story as well. Aaron’s gentle love made up for Lavina’s stubbornness, and the way he took Stephen under his wing will have you grinning and swooning all at once.

Thomas Nye is a new-to-me author, and his Cowboys and Amish Girls is probably the most unique Amish story I’ve ever read – and that’s not a bad thing. Truman and Charity are both feisty, the kind of characters who you know have laughter sparkling in their eyes nearly all the time. Their worlds are so far apart, it seems unlikely they could form much more than a cursory friendship but Nye uses their obvious chemistry to weave an entertaining story!

Bottom Line: The novellas in the Springs of Love collection give readers a great taste of the talent behind each author. Romance, tenderness, faith, and even a dash or two of humor frame three stories that do Amish fiction proud. The distinguishing styles of each author combine with the timeless messages of faith, hope, and love to craft a collection of novellas that will settle sweetly in your heart!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

See my review at Reading Is My SuperPower

audiobooks_sweettea's review

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I’ve been a long time fan of Laura Hilton’s writing and I was excited to read this collection of stories that included her work. I’ve not read anything by the other two, and was in for a pleasant surprise! From start to finish this book was a fast paced, loving read and I was so glad to be taken to the heart of the Amish and their fun loving, friendly ways. 

These authors blend the perfect amount of faith and love into their stories. Each story is filled with a circumstance that leaves you wondering if the characters will be ok, if the characters will find what their hearts are seeking. Each story is filled with beautiful details of Spring and God’s messages are strong through out each one. 

Each author creates their characters with real-to-life feeling. I felt as though I was right there in the heart of the stories with these heart stealing characters. Life has thrown them hurdles, and in wonderful Amish fashion, they seek God to help them through it all. 

This book is worth 4 stars. It’s beautifully written by 3 amazing authors (including a guy—–not many would think a guy would write a romance book, let alone and Amish romance, but he did and he did amazingly well!) and vividly detailed. The Spring season is among the reader in these stories of faith, hope, love and second chances. I highly recommend this book to all who love a fantastic Amish read. You’ll be transported to the heart of the Amish and held captive til the end of the stories. Well done, ladies and gentleman. Well done! 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*