jenevieve's review

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challenging emotional hopeful inspiring reflective medium-paced


jackeller's review

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Can't believe it took me this long to read these. Shameful.

saklarich's review

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hopeful informative inspiring reflective sad medium-paced


I don’t think I’d ever read Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s Letter from Birmingham Jail before, and I’m glad I have. I’m first reminded of how good a speaker/writer King was, followed by a primary takeaway rom the letter, that condemning moderates of the movement. “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klannet, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice….” It rings too true today still and I want to keep it at the top of my mind. 

c_reading's review

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Review in English • en Français • en Español
I been wanting to read Martin Luther King's speeches for a while now, but I feel I miss a big chunk of it by not hearing them. He had well inspired ideas and good values to share. Now I just need to find their audio recordings.
Ça fait longtemps que je voulais lire les discours de Martin Luther King, mais j'ai l'impression que j'en manque un bout en ne les écoutants pas. Il était très inspiré et transmettait de belles valeurs. Maintenant il ne me reste qu'à en trouver les enregistrements audio.
Hace mucho tiempo que quería leer los discursos de Martin Luther King, pero tengo la impresión de que me falta una gran parte de ellos al no oírlos. El hombre era muy inspirado y transmitía buenos valores. Ahora solo me queda encontrar grabaciones de ellos.

read_all_nite's review

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Dr. King shows through his letters his incredible strength to love those who hate him. I love this book.

readr_joe's review

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Read a studio recording of I Have A Dream, provided by the BBC and featuring some of the more noteworthy human rights spokespeople around the world, from Joan Baez to the Dalai Lama, from Stevie Wonder to Doreen Lawrence, mother of a teenager murdered by bigots in 1993.
Of course the words to MLK's speech pervade Western political and social rhetoric, and this audio version helped bring out the social and geographical context in which the movement was first active, and demonstrated why it was needed then, and it still needed now.

oliviacholewczynski's review

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Martin Luther King is literally a fave. Both of these works are really short, but they are so impactful and everyone should read them at one point.

lousbookshelf's review

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emotional inspiring reflective fast-paced


southernbibliomom's review

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challenging emotional hopeful fast-paced


amyvt98's review

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Read harder challenge- a book written in prison