
The Uncorker of Ocean Bottles by Michelle Cuevas

giantarms's review

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This, now THIS, is the kind of synergistic thinking I want from a civil servant.

cjeziorski's review

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This is a beautifully illustrated book---the drawings (?) are soft and slightly blurred. It would work well as a mentor text for figurative language ("A letter can hold the treasure of a clam-hugged pearl." and "...that this was about as likely as finding a mermaid's toenail on the beach."). But as a read-aloud for students who are second language learners, there was a lot of explaining needed to support the vocabulary of the text. One thing that I admire with this book is that the question of the intended recipient for the mysterious letter is never really answered...who wrote it? Was it actually for the Uncorker, or for someone else?

Just as an aside, I had a kindergarten teacher ask, "Why is there a drawing of a wine bottle on the board?" when she came to get her kids. Like I said, lots of vocabulary support needed.

toad_maiden's review

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Delicate and lyrical.

yangyvonne's review

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This is one dark kid’s story! “sometimes the messages were written by a quill dipped in sadness.”

Have a great night’s sleep, kids! Hope you don’t end up friendless and opening bottles in the ocean.

dorothyturner74's review

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Gorgeous prose and illustrations.

starnosedmole's review

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A quiet picture book about fostering connection with others.

tvancort's review

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Well, this was fricken adorable. 4.5 stars because I could see the ending coming from a jillion miles out but what the hell ever. So sweet.

erine's review

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Beautiful, both visually and as a story about finding friendship. The uncorker of ocean bottles is nameless and friendless, but apparently offers a vital service to his seaside community. Day in and day out he delivers messages to others, and only through an undirected bottle does he finally explore the depth and richness of his community.

I included the Michigan tag because of the Michigan illustrator, who was apparently inspired by Fishtown. I found that nugget of backstory to add an extra layer of richness to the story.

saragrochowski's review

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Not only is this is a lovely story, Erin E. Stead's illustrations are so incredibly moving that I find myself nearing tears with each read. What a stellar collaboration from Cuevas & Stead. <3

robertkhorsand's review against another edition

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گفتار اندر معرفی کتاب
مردی که بطری‌های اقیانوس را باز می‌کرد، عنوانِ فارسی کتابی‌ست به قلمِ خانمِ «میشل کوئواس» و تصویرگریِ مادرش خانمِ «ارین ای. استد» که در ایران توسطِ خانمِ «سارا مطلوب» ترجمه و نهایتا توسط نشرِ «پرتقال» برای گروهِ سنیِ کودک و نوجوان چاپ و منتشر گردیده است.
داستانِ کتاب در موردِ پسرِ جوانی‌ست که شغلش رساندنِ نامه‌هایی‌ست که در بطری گذاشته و به آب انداخته می‌شود. او همیشه پس از پیدا کردنِ بطری‌ها صاحبِ نامه را پیدا می‌کند و بدستشان می‌رساند تا اینکه روزی نمی‌تواند صاحب یک نامه را پیدا کند در حالیکه در آن روزها به شدت غمگین از این بود که هیچکس برای خودِ او نامه‌ای نمی‌نویسد و ... .

نقل‌قول نامه
"نامه می‌تواند توی دلش گنجی نگه دارد، مثلِ مرواریدی در آغوشِ صدف"

تصویرگریِ کتاب را دوست داشتم و نقصی در آن ندیدم که برایش نمره‌ای کم کنم، اما متنِ داستان به نظرم ضعیف بود، نویسنده با اینکه موضوعِ جذابی را انتخاب کرده بود و شروعی بسیار جذاب را رقم زد اما نتوانست به خوبی به موضوع بپردازد و در ادامه داستان با روندِ کند و کسالت‌باری همراه شد و به پایان رسید. به همین منظور یک ستاره بابتِ عدم تواناییِ نویسنده در پرداختن به داستان و یک ستاره بابت عدم‌ِ توانایی در نوشتنِ پایانِ داستان کم می‌کنم و نهایتا ۳ستاره برایش منظور می‌کنم.

دانلود نامه

فایلِ پی‌دی‌افِ کتاب را ساخته و در کانال تلگرام آپلود کرده‌ام، در صورت نیاز می‌توانید‌ آن‌را از لینک زیر دانلود نمایید:

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