
Crazy Rich Cajuns by Erin Nicholas

briewhale's review

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Bennett is so freaking hot! He’s a sexy nerd with a dominant side. Yet he also can stand aside and let Kennedy shine. Her personality is such a bright light. I envy how charismatic she is. And brave. The way she dares to go for her dreams is so admirable. And when she gets upset- watch out! Bennett is so patient with her too. I absolutely adore the way they both challenge and support each other. Although maybe they need to learn to do it in ways that don’t put their lives at risk.

canadiangirlreads's review

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I realized that if you never do anything new, you never learn anything. And learning things changes you. Even if those things aren’t what you intended to learn.

Bennett and Kennedy have been flirting with each other for a very long time but Kennedy always thought it was just harmless flirting. So when he requests that she go to Savannah with him, she is surprised. Not sure how she is going to fit in, Bennett tells her to just be herself so his family will see how much he does not want the life they want him to have. After spending some real-time together they realize that they really do not know each other or themselves.

Officially my favourite Boys of the Bayou book. The tension between Bennett and Kennedy has been brewing since the second book and I have been waiting anxiously to get their story. The banter between them is hot, fierce and hilarious. As much as Bennett and Kennedy were opposites on the outside they are perfect for each other on the inside. They both took me by surprise from what I thought that they would be like from the prior books. The chemistry between them was like a burning inferno. I totally recommend this book.

Audio: This was my first time listening to these narrators and I really enjoyed both of them. They both did a great job bringing the characters and story to life and were both great with the southern accents.

*advanced copy requested and honestly reviewed on behalf of Canadian Girl Book Blog*


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jensreads1983's review

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I loved this book even more than the other Boys of the Bayou book (if that’s even possible). I’ve been looking forward to Kennedy and Bennett’s story, and Erin Nicholas didn’t disappoint. There were twists throughout, and the chemistry between these two was off the charts scorching. This book really has it all; family, love, all the emotions, an awesome and relatable hero and heroine and a host of great supporting characters.

Bennett and Kennedy exceeded everything I thought they would be. They were so much more and then some! I just loved them. Kennedy and Bennett are fantastic together; from their fun, flirty banter, their sizzling hot encounters to their sweet romantic gestures which was the best lead up to a surprising and yet perfect happily ever after.

Kennedy and Bennett heat this book up from beginning to end. I could not put it down. As always, I cannot wait to see what Erin Nicholas comes up with next!

nikkiethereader's review

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This is turning into one of my favorite series of all time! All of the books are a hoot. I love that we get to know different characters in each book. In this one, we get to know more about Bennett and Kennedy. I've been so excited to read about Kennedy. I just love her attitude! She kind of reminds me of Connie from the Stephanie Plum series. She's just so sassy and fiery. I hope to see more of her! I'd love to read like twenty books about her honestly!!!

chaoskay's review

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I listened to the ALC of the book.
This book follows Kennedy Landry who’s convinced everyone she doesn’t like Bennet Baxter but no one believes her . When Bennet invites her to his Fathers retirement party in Savannah she isn’t sure but she goes along convinced she’s going to act her normal way. It’s great seeing the other side of Kennedy and she can be serious about things and not just sassy with Bennet , the chemistry between her and Bennet is so hot and I was glad they get their HEA.

giorconi5's review

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maureensbooks89's review

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A view weeks ago I read my first book in the Boys of the Bayou series, and I really loved that one. So I was super excited to find out their where more books coming in this series soon. And after reading, Sweet Home Louisiana and Beauty and the Bayou, I couldn’t wait to read Kennedy and Bennett’s story.

In ‘Crazy Rich Cajuns’ we meet Kennedy and Bennett. This is a couple we’ve been reading about a little in the previous books, and I just loved their chemistry. So this book about their story was high on my list of books I wanted to read. Kennedy and Bennett have been fight-flirting for a while now, and Bennett has had enough. He want’s to get to know Kennedy better and he wants to be with her. So he decides to invite her for a trip to his family. But Kennedy isn’t like most girls. She knows what she wants, drinks like a sailor and isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. And she sure as hell doesn’t want to admit she wants Bennett.

‘Crazy Rich Cajuns’ was a book I was really looking forward to. I loved their characters in the previous books and their chemistry was just flying of the pages. And luckily for me I definitely enjoyed this book. The chemistry between Kennedy and Bennett really was fun to read about. And I loved getting to know them better.

The one thing I didn’t really like was the fact that I found this story going way to fast. It seemed like I had been reading about Kennedy and Bennett’s flirting for a long time and in this book they gave in to their feelings pretty fast. It just almost felt too fast, since they had been denying having feelings for each other before.

But overall I really enjoyed this book and it made for a fun read. And although ‘Crazy Rich Cajuns’ is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone.

paytonbox21's review

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While it is not necessary to read the previous books in the series to understand and enjoy this book, reading the previous books makes the wait for Kennedy and Bennett that much sweeter. Kennedy is my favorite character in the Boys of the Bayou series and I was so excited for her book because I relate to Kennedy so much! I loved her banter and moments with Bennett because their differences can cause some tension, but we all know there is a thin line between love and hate and that is Kennedy and Bennett's story in a nutshell. Their banter and moments make this book spectacular, hilarious, steamy and so much more!!

ssejig's review

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The romance between Kennedy and Bennett has been slowly building in the last two books of this series. She's the former beauty pageant girl turned goth and he's the wickedly smart son of a politician who also has his own money. He's besotted; she's mostly in denial. But then he gets her to agree to attend his father's retirement and all bets are off.
I didn't love all of the dynamics between the two as much as I had hoped. Bennett was just too much of a flip flop between a cinnamon role and an alpha. He did sort of let Kennedy find her wings but it felt sort of begrudging.

jensreads83's review

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I loved this book even more than the other Boys of the Bayou book (if that’s even possible). I’ve been looking forward to Kennedy and Bennett’s story, and Erin Nicholas didn’t disappoint. There were twists throughout, and the chemistry between these two was off the charts scorching. This book really has it all; family, love, all the emotions, an awesome and relatable hero and heroine and a host of great supporting characters.

Bennett and Kennedy exceeded everything I thought they would be. They were so much more and then some! I just loved them. Kennedy and Bennett are fantastic together; from their fun, flirty banter, their sizzling hot encounters to their sweet romantic gestures which was the best lead up to a surprising and yet perfect happily ever after.

Kennedy and Bennett heat this book up from beginning to end. I could not put it down. As always, I cannot wait to see what Erin Nicholas comes up with next!