
Lord of the Shadows by Jennifer Fallon

thiefofcamorr's review against another edition

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Lord of the Shadows by Jennifer Fallon

Dirk Provin has been branded a traitor by those who once counted him a friend. Tia is still on her lifelong mission to prove Dirk is not helping them, but betrayed everything they ever stood for and should be killed. Others though, are not so sure. And Dirk, though alone, may still have allies and find more in unlikely places to fulfill his ultimate plan for Ranadon.

I can't describe in words how much I love these books.

The angst, the torment, the hope, the intelligence, the laughter, the love.

This book sees the climax of the story and actually manages to wrap up all of the lose ends.
What a great conclusion to an amazing trilogy.

shenanigans's review against another edition

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Not 100% satisfying, but worth finishing the series for

ceels's review against another edition

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The only thing I am sad about is that I don't get to spend any more time with these characters.

sarah42783's review against another edition

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Actual rating: 4.8566 stars. And a half.

This crappy non review is way too long. Believe me, I know, I just wrote it. My intention really was to write a short, to the point review for this book
. I failed. And quite epically at that. You're welcome.

This trilogy in a nutshell:
“True, I am young, but for souls nobly nefariously born valor deceit doesn't await the passing of years.”

—Pierre Corneille Shrimp, Le Cid Crustacean.
Ah, good old Mr Corneille Shrimp! A visionary arthropod that one! To think he described Fallon's characters four hundred years before she wrote the Second Sons trilogy! Quite a feat, if you ask me. Then again, it's not that surprising considering he was one of the most enlightened decapods of his times and stuff. Anyway, this shrimpy quote does portray some of the disgustingly young characters in this trilogy quite beautifully. They are repugnantly inexperienced and juvenile, yes, but they are also delightfully devious and ruthless and Machiavellian and cunning and stuff. Some of them are even deliciously homicidal! And downright evil! Had this not been the case, I would have obviously DNFed this trilogy faster than it takes a murderous crustaceans to chop a puny human's head off. Because, as my good old pal Jane A. once said, "it is a truth universally acknowledged that pubescent youthfulness = spontaneous crustacean combustion."

Yes, I know there are no crustaceans in this gif, and that this is more a case of explosive beheading than one of spontaneous combustion but 1/you get the idea and 2/I do what I want.

Not only was this lack of allergic self-combustion on my part quite discombobulating, it was a little trauma-inducing, too. And kinda sorta insulting. I mean, how dare Jennifer Fallon create youngish character I don't feel like killing dead! The nerve! Okay, so it is true that there is a particular member of the Despicably Juvenile Bunch (DJB™) I would have loved to strangle with my bare pincers, then chop into tiny little pieces, only to have her remains first lightly stomped on by a herd of vengeful, horny, stampeding krill and then fed to my lethal children *waves at Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler (not her real name)* But this charmingly loathsome character deserved to die because she was an evil, amoral, murderous bitch, not because she was abhorrently young, so she doesn't count. QED and stuff.

Why thank you, good man of the pointy ears and eyebrows combo, your approval is much appreciated.

I really think some very dark magic must have been at work while I was reading this trilogy. It's the only possible explanation. I mean, it was bad enough that the DJB™ did NOT awaken the homicidal maniac in me, but to actually end up shamelessly caring and rooting for not entirely disliking them? If that isn't proof of most duplicitous witchery on Fallon's part, I don't know what is. Be that as it may, the disgusting truth remains: an acute allergic reaction to the high levels of character unripeness I did not develop. Sigh. Sic transit gloria mundi and stuff, my Little Barnacles. I think nefarious little me is getting detestably soft in her old age. Sigh again. Now that my secret is out and my reputation irrevocably tarnished, I might as well spill the pincers (don't ask) and admit that I'm going to *whispers* miss some of the characters in this most entertaining tale: Dirk Provin, the Reluctant Machiavelli Extraordinaire (RME™), Jacinta the Super Clever Damsel in Absolutely no Fishing Distress Whatsoever (SCDiAnFDW™), Misha of the slightly exasperating, More Stubborn than a Barren of Mules Bride (MStaBoM™), Catelina the Hilariously Unreluctant Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler (HUSSS™), Little Falsely Unassuming Alinor (LFUA™)…I'd give you more names, but this revolting display of affection is bad enough as it is and I don't want to ruin my reputation any further and stuff.

We now interrupt this program to bring you this important message from our sponsor:

Thank you so much for sponsoring this review, Homicidal Maniac Barbie!

Some of you Tiny Decapods might wonder if I am ever going to stop talking about the characters, and start telling you about the story. Of course I am, who do you take me for? I'll tell you about it as soon as I'm done sharing fascinating stuff about the characters. Ha. So. It seems that some Reviewers of the Wrong Opinion (RotWO™) think the characters in this story are flat and one-dimensional. They are, of course entitled to their inaccurately erroneous judgement. Some of the characters may come across as simplistic and archetypal at first, but they undergo Most Wondrous Development (MWD™) throughout the trilogy and acquire quite the deep depth along the way. Others become more interesting as the story progresses because the author does a slightly brilliant job of bringing their motivations to light and stuff. I think I have now quite dazzingly proven the point I was dazzingly trying to prove, so let's move on to the story itself.

So. Lord of the Shadows is a thrilling conclusion to this trilogy. And I can't tell you a bloody fishing thing about it. Sorry. Bye now.

Yeah, I know, I'm hilarious.
. Oh, come on, don't be like that, my Lovely Arthropods! Would you rather I keep my sexy mandibles shut, or spoil the fish out of you, therefore ruining the trilogy for you and stuff? Ha. Good call. Looks like you're not as clueless as I thought you were. Okay, I am not completely heartless (sometimes), so I will tell you this: Lord of the Shadows is a most satisfying ending to the most thrilling and compelling and engrossing and decidedly not popular enough Second Sons trilogy. There are surprises and twists and everything ties up quite neatly and dandily and all the arcs came together in a most satisfying, OCD-approved way. My only problem with the story is that I felt a bit nauseated by the chilling HEA ending. I know Fallon meant well by it, but my resistance to Odiously Joyous Conclusions (OJC™) being what it is, I had a most violent allergic reaction while reading the last pages of the book which resulted in pestilent, swollen, red botches appearing on my exoskeleton. It was quite disgusting, I assure you. A good thing Fallon had recently boosted my immunity by killing lots of characters very dead in the last chapters of the book (although some of them didn't die quite excruciatingly enough, if you ask me). I might not have made it, had it not been for this most commendable (if sometimes a little black, withered heart-wrenching) annihilation of puny humans.

What's this about, you ask? No bloody shrimping idea. I'm not in charge of interior decorating here, I just write the reviews.

➽ And the moral of this Jennifer Fallon Thoroughly Ruined My Anti Pathetic Younglings Reputation You Have Pleased I Am Not Quite Read More Books of Yours in Retaliation I Shall Sense This Makes Not I am Aware But Overrated Logic Is So There Crappy Non Review (JFTRMAPYRYHPIANQRMBoYiRISSTMNIAABOLISTCNR™) is: no, this world isn't terrifically complex. No, this world doesn't have magic. No, this world doesn't have weird beasts. But yes, it has beautiful machinations and glorious politics and delightful conspiracies and exquisite non-stop plotting and a charming array of bitches and assholes who need to die horribly and suffer excruciatingly in the process. So read this thing and stuff. Or rather, listen to this thing and stuff. Because Joe Jameson is quite the scrumptious narrator. And stuff.

· Book 1: Lion of Senet ★★★★★
· Book 2: Eye of the Labyrinth ★★★★★

Jennifer Fallon, you managed to make me lurve like a trilogy about a bunch of despicably young character. Pretty sure you sold your soul to Satan in exchange for this most devilish ability.

That's not really the type of devil I had in mind, to be honest, but I guess this works, too. More or less.

➽ Full Ding Dong the Bitch is Dead Crappy Non Review (DDtBiDCNR™) to come.