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epictetsocrate's review against another edition
Carena submarinului era legată de pilonii uriaşi, semănând cu un monstru al apelor luat prizonier, iar linia maiestuoasă a prorei sale se vedea ca un arc în lumina zorilor care se iveau deasupra
Mării Nordului. Baza se afla pe insula Scharhorn. În apropierea golfului Helgoland, la câteva mile de țărmul german şi de estuarul fluviului Elba. Era o stație de realimentare pe care serviciile de spionaj ale aliaților n-o detectaseră până acum şi care, din motive de securitate, era puțin cunoscut chiar şi în rândul strategilor din statul major al armatei germane. Pirații adâncurilor veneau şi plecau pe întuneric, ieşind din apă şi scufundându-se la loc, pe o suprafață cam de o sută de metri pătrați în interiorul danelor de acostare. Erau asasinii lui Neptun, veniți acasă ca s se odihnească sau plecând ca să -şi întețească atacurile.
Mării Nordului. Baza se afla pe insula Scharhorn. În apropierea golfului Helgoland, la câteva mile de țărmul german şi de estuarul fluviului Elba. Era o stație de realimentare pe care serviciile de spionaj ale aliaților n-o detectaseră până acum şi care, din motive de securitate, era puțin cunoscut chiar şi în rândul strategilor din statul major al armatei germane. Pirații adâncurilor veneau şi plecau pe întuneric, ieşind din apă şi scufundându-se la loc, pe o suprafață cam de o sută de metri pătrați în interiorul danelor de acostare. Erau asasinii lui Neptun, veniți acasă ca s se odihnească sau plecând ca să -şi întețească atacurile.
tomkariath's review
Though it was kind of a stretch when I started it out, it redeemed itself to the Robert Ludlum expectations. This being my first Robert Ludlum, I thought the plot was being unnecessarily complicated and too much hype was being created for something simple. But then the antagonist came to the fore.
I really admire how Ludlum dealt the action sequences. It was really captivating and thrilling, that we could actually visualize the sequences with that brilliant description. The heat of the moment is transferred through efficiently.
I really admire how Ludlum dealt the action sequences. It was really captivating and thrilling, that we could actually visualize the sequences with that brilliant description. The heat of the moment is transferred through efficiently.
courtneyann's review against another edition
I should have read the cover to fully understand what this book was about. I think it would have helped me during the reading process. There were so many characters, so many secret operatives that were pretending to be on different sides, and so many different German secret societies that it was difficult to keep the plot and it's many characters/motives straight. It wasn't until 3/4 of the way through the book that I decided to read through the inside flap to see what the summary was - and while it gave pretty much the entire plot away, it made everything so much more clear! If a book depends upon it's summary that much - and especially a thriller/suspense book nonetheless - then it's probably not the book for me.
I should have read the cover to fully understand what this book was about. I think it would have helped me during the reading process. There were so many characters, so many secret operatives that were pretending to be on different sides, and so many different German secret societies that it was difficult to keep the plot and it's many characters/motives straight. It wasn't until 3/4 of the way through the book that I decided to read through the inside flap to see what the summary was - and while it gave pretty much the entire plot away, it made everything so much more clear! If a book depends upon it's summary that much - and especially a thriller/suspense book nonetheless - then it's probably not the book for me.
bobareann's review against another edition
This was my first book by the author of the Borne series. The story is an adventuresome Fourth Reich tale. The most interesting aspect is the idea of Sonnenkinder, children of Nazis sent into the world at the end of the war to be raised by those loyal to the cause and well positioned in society so that these chosen ones can assume positions of power worldwide. The storyline is very similar to [a:Ira Levin|8050|Ira Levin|]'s [b:Boys from Brazil|99894|The Boys from Brazil|Ira Levin||815712]. Both would make good movies.
As an aside, while reading this book, I happened to watch a dubbed movie called "The Crimson Rivers" also with the theme of a pure and groomed race perched to take-over.
As an aside, while reading this book, I happened to watch a dubbed movie called "The Crimson Rivers" also with the theme of a pure and groomed race perched to take-over.
kaindi's review against another edition
This book could´ve been really awesome if the set-up wasn´t so stupid.
I mean... why not go to the authorities Noel? WHY NOT? This whole thing seemed fishy from the beginning and now a bunch of people are dead.
The characters were also pretty one dimensional. (I think Noel´s mother was the most interesting but she didn´t get enough time to be properly developed.)
The pacing was also a bit of for me. The beginning was really slow and I was bored to death and right when the book became interesting it... stopped. What?
Well, this foray out of my comfort zone (I never read espionage thrillers) was a let-down.
I mean... why not go to the authorities Noel? WHY NOT? This whole thing seemed fishy from the beginning and now a bunch of people are dead.
The characters were also pretty one dimensional. (I think Noel´s mother was the most interesting but she didn´t get enough time to be properly developed.)
The pacing was also a bit of for me. The beginning was really slow and I was bored to death and right when the book became interesting it... stopped. What?
Well, this foray out of my comfort zone (I never read espionage thrillers) was a let-down.