
The Hate Vow by Nicole French

75_sweetestbook's review against another edition

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two friends that are trying to make a marraige work for her best friend that is a high powered shipper, but he dosent want this job he just wants to be a lawyer but is going to have to follow his grandma orders before can hand off. this is amazing read that will have you hooked to this story. cant wait for the next book!

mom2three's review against another edition

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This is one of those romances where there is a fine line between love and hate, and sometimes that line gets blurred. Eric and Jane are one of those couples that you want to tell to either do it or don't do it, but DO SOMETHING! They are like oil and water, or maybe oil and oil or water and water, but either way they are passionate in a very explosive way. Their chemistry is off the charts and their story had my emotions all over the place. I can't wait to see where their romance takes them.

nadine_booklover's review against another edition

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“The man somehow always knew my desires before I even thought of them.”

The Hate Vow is a book that splits my readers soul. As much as I enjoyed reading it, I struggled with the overal setup. Certain things, behaviours, actions made it hard for me to totally buy the story.

Also, the fact that this book is pretty long and it sometimes felt like the story was dragged (due to IMO unnecessary ‘fillers’), prevented me from really falling for it. In addition to that, I sometimes felt exhausted reading it, the constant back and forth banter, the constant push and pull and the constant fight with the family left me somehow a little emotionally drained.

”I shouldn’t have kissed Eric de Vries, because it wsa like being caught in a lightning storm.”

However, what I loved about the book is the great sexual tension between Eric and Jane. I enjoyed following their relationship development specially with those glimpses of their past. I really liked the way their feelings shifted as they navigated through this special situation. Feelings both tried hard to hide because they both felt heart broken by the other in the past. And this anticipation that therefore was build between them was totally killing it.

”It was a kiss that seared straight to my soul, branding me the way that only Eric de Vries could ever do.”

The Hate Vow is an entertaining book in an interesting and unique setup that makes you laugh more than once, leaving you with a cliff-hanger. I’m really curious what the future will have in store for Jane and Eric.

britneysromancelibrary's review against another edition

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This was a first book of Nicole’s that I have read. I got this as an ARC and I was super excited cuz the blurb sounded just too good to pass up!

I have to say it took me a minute to get into it, but once I got hooked, I GOT HOOKED!
I just loved Jane and her sassy-ness and “weird” style, not so weird to be but in the theme of this book and the characters I get it.

Eric took sometime for me to love him. There were times, ok A LOT of times that I hated him and wanted to yell at him to just man the fuck up haha.

But this one gave me a mind fuck, excuse my language lol. I didn’t see that ending coming and hate how it ended......
**Disclaimer** I only hated how it ended cuz it’s a cliffhanger and I have to wait to get the answers to all this questions lol.

beckyrendon's review against another edition

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I want to cry. The ending is not cool. You can't just leave us there!!!! I know it's part of a series but couldn't the author have just eased us into it. Instead she pushed us off the mother effing cliff!!!

The Hate Vow is a legitimate seesaw of emotions. Or maybe a pendulum is a better example, swinging back and forth. No, it's definitely one of those cute desktop toys with the silver balls hanging from strings. You take one and it smacks them all. The Hate Vow does that back and forth with the emotions, angst, and legit hatred. But my hatred goes not to the "obvious" parties but to the unsuspected lurkers. The rotten roots of this whole mess.

I'm so annoyed right now. I need more. I don't want to wait. I need to know everything. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Enjoy the ride because that cliffhanger is a killer!

Reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood

latoinombra's review against another edition

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Because I don't like the fact that the creepy leader of the very illegal sounding Greek club is her father and has dirt on Eric. Plus, it's only book one of three, and I don't like that right now.

nicki_theoverflowingbookcase's review

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Hold onto your hats ladies - you are in for a bumpy ride!! With honest to goodness in your face characters like Celeste and playboy man-whore in Eric and sarcastic and take no prisoners Jane this was an awesome book. I was sucked into the story right from the beginning and ate up the pages like a starving woman. The give and take, the love and hate, the hot and cold as well as the enemy to lover threads makes the reader a captive audience. I cannot wait for the next in the series.

kellyyoungbl's review

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4 stars

This book was pretty good, but the main characters drove me crazy. Jane really was stubborn and a lot of things were her fault. Eric was ridiculous with all the lies. So much could have been better if there just weren’t lies.

magskabs's review

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Its been a few months since something really caught and held my attention. I loved Eric and Jane, their banter and chemistry was off the charts. Jane was true to herself until societal pressures got to here and honestly, I would've done the same thing she did. People can be cruel. Some aspects of this read reminded me of Crazy Rich Asians, aside from that I liked the plot twists.

cauldronblade209's review

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You DO NOT end a book on a cliffhanger!?!