adventurous dark funny mysterious fast-paced
Plot or Character Driven: A mix
Strong character development: Yes
Loveable characters: Yes

Read on January 26, 2024

Galen asked me to read this today, telling me how short the audiobook at school is so I can definitely do it. Okay kid, I did it. :)

This was silly and a little creepy (though at almost 40 it’s definitely more silly). I’m reminded of why kids like these and I’m glad Galen’s discovered them. It was interesting to see what the scary chapter was for him, and now I can talk to him better about it if he still gets scared.

Stinkin’ cliffhanger though.
adventurous dark mysterious fast-paced
Plot or Character Driven: Plot
Strong character development: No
Loveable characters: Yes
Diverse cast of characters: No
Flaws of characters a main focus: No

2.5 STARS!!

I listened to this one on audio while I read the book as well and I really enjoyed the audio book until about page 94 and then shit went downhill and it got so damn confusing. So I liked the first 94 pages but after that it got bad for me. I'm thinking you might have to read these Horrorland books in order and nowhere does it specify that. Scholastic fix yo shit. The audio book was fun that's why I'm giving this a 2.5. There was spooky scores played throughout the book and sound effects, I really liked that. :)

- Richard

Una cosa rara, con una parte inicial independiente y una aventura dentro de Horrorland que se queda en un cliffhanger. Curioso, ideal para niños de 10 años.
adventurous mysterious medium-paced
Plot or Character Driven: Plot
Strong character development: No
Loveable characters: No
Diverse cast of characters: No
dark tense medium-paced
Plot or Character Driven: Character
Strong character development: N/A
Loveable characters: No
Diverse cast of characters: N/A
Flaws of characters a main focus: N/A

Ehh one of the worse ones
adventurous dark mysterious tense fast-paced
dark mysterious medium-paced
Plot or Character Driven: Plot
Strong character development: No
Loveable characters: Yes
Diverse cast of characters: Yes
Flaws of characters a main focus: Yes