
Dark Illusions by D.D. Miers

wilko's review

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After what happened at the end of book 1 things have really taken a turn and now Abby really needs to get it together and find the relic to stop crazy old Yasinda. To be honest I found Abby frustrating at times as she just thinks of herself a lot and wallows in self misery but then other times she picks herself up and starts to make progress she just isn't consistent so I get why Kerion gets extremely short tempered around her. As much as Abby irritates me at times the way the council, Kerion, Dorian and others treat her is awful they really don't care about her feelings just what they can get from her or to annoy someone else. This books gives you a lot more context to things and the ending well that left me saying "No, no, no no that cant happen!!"

qdbibliophile's review

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I am a fan of truth. Always. So as much as I was a fan of Dark Summoner and as much as I understand the need to work through self doubt for the sake of character growth, this second novel in the series left me feeling a little disappointed. I know the author is setting up for the next portion of the series where the battle of all battles will occur, but I felt like the story stalled a little bit as Abby kept making mistakes but seemingly not learning from them.

I was hoping if this sophomore book was to be sacrificed as the character growth/self discovery one (kind of like the requisite "slow season" in a tv series) that by the end there would be more of an epiphany.

All of this is not to say that I'm not looking forward to the next installment. I am. Particularly because the fate of one of my favorites is in question right now and I absolutely must find out what happens! I just felt like in comparison with how much happened in the first book, this one just didn't do as good of a job knocking my socks off.

Overall: 3.5/5 ⭐⭐⭐💫
Steam: 💋 only
Feels: 😟😤😫😢

~QD Story Details~
Tear jerker: No
Paranormal/Fantasy: Yes
Location: Viehylan (first and original realm)
Character age range: Early 20s + immortals
Lead: Abby
Love interest(s): Kieron
HEA: No - cliffhanger

~QD Book Info~
Kindle Unlimited: Yes
Audible: No
Series: Yes - Relic Keeper Series
1. Dark Summoner - released May 5, 2015
2. Dark Illusions - released July 12, 2018

~QD 🔥~
Sex/kink type: kissing only
Possible triggers: psychological torture, possible murder

rburrows299's review

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To be fair, I read this book in a day. It is intriguing to say the least, as was the first book. As this is a spoilers free review, I will try to explain without hinting at anything that might spoil the book. Miers does a neat job with expanding on the characters created in the first book and building up relationships and conflicts. The tension certainly escalated and I enjoyed how Abby and Kerion interacted with each other, especially as Abbey grew more of a backbone. I am thoroughly excited to see how their "relationship" progresses. I think Miers does a good job with creating relatable characters and making it easy to sympathize with Abby's situation. Miers doesn't make her weep constantly or cave at every instant to the people in power, but she gets angry and talks back. She also makes decisions that the readers can understand and agree with although they may be crazy (you'll understand if you read the book!). The cliffhanger was real on this one and I am completely ready for the next installment!