
So Sweet by Rebekah Weatherspoon

arianaa's review

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Sugar daddy? Plus size black women? Perfect sounds like a great story! And honestly it started our great and then just escalated so quickly and crashed and burned! This is definitely the better book out of the 3, but it still wasn’t great. We didn’t get see the relationship build between Kayla and Michael…. It was very much based on sex, which is cool but y’all supposed to be in a relationship and y’all don’t even talk just have sex all day long? Maybe I’m jealous? Idk I just didn’t feel connected to these characters at all. Everything was flat, and again the author told us what was happening instead of showing us. Which sucked.

turtleberry's review

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Super cute. Loved Kayla. Loved Michael. Reuben cracked me up. Wanted to jump inside the book and kick one particular character's ass.

Love. Love. Love.

20 stars!

sonni89's review

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3.5 stars that could have easily been more with a few small changes.

Oh man, this was short and sweet, and HOT, with some caveats. I wasn't sure about the premise of this, it reminded me a lot of [b:Unsticky|5981262|Unsticky|Sarra Manning||6154611] and I really didn't like that at all, but I was promised by a friend that it was good, and IT WAS. The relationship between Michael /the 'sugar daddy') and Kayla was everything I wished Unsticky was, but truly wasn't - mutual appreciation and respect, feelings, and honesty. I just liked their relationship A LOT, I didn't find it to be squicky at all even though I feared a little that I would, and the sex was super hot, as previously stated.

I also really liked that the heroine was plus-sized and POC. She was - in theory - also LGBTQ, but I can honestly do without representation that is nothing more than a throwaway line. The reference to her bisexuality was literally an "I'm bisexual" in her internal monologue once in the book as she lists how she and her friends belong to racial and/or sexual minorities. I just could not believe that this wasn't something that would ever come up again in either her own internal monologue or between her and her partner. I can understand if the writer didn't want to make it a ~big deal, but it was so much of a non-issue that it was a little bit grating for me because it did feel like her bisexuality was only included for representation's sake. You'd think that as someone who (from this one line, so I can't be totally sure, but that's how it read to me) seems to be out and very open with her friends, Kayla would at least mention this small detail to her partner whom she talks to more candidly and more honestly. But no, nothing. Also, I was decidedly not pleased that the best friend turned out to be a conniving bitch. I am just not a fan of that trope, especially when she'd seemed pretty alright before that.

This, and the fact that the book did need editing (spelling errors, missing endings, rogue words that don't belong, etc. - I was pretty horrified that an editor was listed at the end of the book who missed egregious errors like this), keeps me from giving it a higher rating even though I did really enjoy it.

frogy927's review

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I didn't think I liked this while I was reading it and then I got to the end and was like 'I definitely need to read the next one' so I guess I liked it more than I thought?

msdeecm's review

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Erotica in espresso form: It's sexy, has a diverse group of characters and vivid characterisations. It doesn't have much conflict, plot-wise, but I don't find conflict necessary to enjoy a novella, so I didn't mind. Overall, would recommend.

saraoser's review

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What did I do to deserve these incredibly emotionally mature characters?!

jessenreadsromance's review

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3.5 Stars

This was a hot read and I really enjoyed the characters! I just wish that it was a longer book so that their relationship could have had a more gradual build-up. The premise of the story kind of needs a slower build for that HEA, but I enjoyed the low angst aspect.

sarabara83's review

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What did I do to deserve these incredibly emotionally mature characters?!

beyreads's review

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Friends are there to support you. You know, share in the good times. Not make you question why you have them around.

I like that the hero is a Mr. Polite and Consent but his character feels like it is too good to be true—and the heroine’s lack of hesitation to move forward to the “relationship” despite her reluctance in the beginning somehow does not sit right.

The sex scenes were great—in fact I may or may not have to fan myself because, phew—but the lack of… condom usage irks the hell out of me. The descriptions were intense and both the hero and heroine knew what they wanted made up for it, though.

creativelifeofliz's review

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A cute novella. I didn't fall in love with any of the characters, but I did enjoy it and will probably continue the series.