ppetropoulakis's review

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I liked the ending a lot. Simple yet satisfying, Huston gets a chance to redeem himself and put everything back in order. Will he succeed and what is his tragic life story's conclusion? A strong end to a good story by Rick Remender.

bearded_ginger's review

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A completely satisfying ending with some surprisingly emotional moments built in. This series stands with some of the best i've read!

matt4hire's review

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What an excellent finish. I think I went back and read and reread those last 10 or so pages about 5 times before finally putting this down. Just excellent.

rltinha's review

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Os dois primeiros issues chegam a justificar que se amaldiçoe o tempo perdido.
Mas o segundo termina muito bem e daí em diante é sempre a subir.

Acima de tudo, este volume 6 cumpre muito bem a tarefa de terminar. (Por estes dias, é qualidade que valorizo muito.)

Bem... e piadolas parvas, viagens no tempo, naves e batalhas espaciais, malta de outras galáxias, etc, têm sumo q.b. para que eu queira ir beber a esta fonte.

lukeisthename34's review

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Good ending to a great series. You actually feel really bad for Houston through it all, and yet, somehow...kind of hate him. I got a bit confused with the 'we were in control of all events' revision there, but I suppose it worked. All in all, a satisfying ending. I wish I had read it issue by issue as it came out, but reading each collected volume was still very much worth it.