
L'Odyssée d'Hakim T03: De la Macédoine à la France by Fabien Toulmé

katnortonwriter's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional informative reflective tense medium-paced


The first book in this series didn’t hit me as hard, but now I can see why the author broke it up this way. In the first book, we see what Hakim’s life was like in Syria, and how things dramatically things changed for him.

At the beginning, the author asked why someone would put themselves through so much risk and hardship. Throughout the interviews, he answers that question by familiarizing himself with one person’s story. Readers with no concept of migrant or refugee life may be better grasp one specific, detailed story than wrap their heads around the concept of millions of displaced people as a whole.

For me, seeing Hakim’s story broken down this way made it seem both more shocking and more mundane. Shocking, because there were so many steps and setbacks and obstacles to be overcome over literal YEARS of seeking safety. Mundane, because these enormous decisions were influenced by weather, coincidence, financial limitations, access to diapers, etc… Everyday concerns compounded on top of Hakim’s attempts to find safety. And, as this book acknowledges, this is only one story out of millions.

Lastly, I found the depiction of the people Hakim encountered along the way to be thought-provoking, specifically in terms of how other people helped. (Or didn’t.) While the author never explicitly states a call to action, seeing all the different ways people contributed to Hakim’s progress suggested several avenues of involvement. From a stranger who offered him the financial support for the trip to the volunteers who provided information and aid to an old man who gave him a pack of diapers just because, there are so many instances of people making large and small efforts to make his journey successful.

All this to say that I think this is a great series not only for providing information, but also for building empathy. I hate the language around “humanizing” human stories, but so many people are using hate and fear of immigrants and refugees to push dangerous rhetoric that a book like this could counter. There’s a woman in here, quoted from an interview, talking about how she doesn’t know or care why migrants are in “her city,” but they’re stinky and she wants them gone. Meanwhile, they’re risking their lives to seek a better future, after having lost everything. So yeah, readings stories like this will hopefully build empathy, which can only be a good thing.

Appropriate for late middle grade and up.

lilou_pilou's review against another edition

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emotional informative reflective sad medium-paced


coutures1513's review against another edition

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Ce tome m’a fait verser quelques larmes. Malgré toutes les péripéties vécues, je suis contente que l’histoire se termine « bien ». Ce roman graphique m’a vraiment ouvert les yeux sur une réalité que j’ignorais.

browngirlreading's review against another edition

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dark emotional hopeful reflective sad tense fast-paced


carrie2379's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional hopeful inspiring tense fast-paced


voxlunae's review against another edition

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emotional hopeful inspiring tense medium-paced


eliathereader's review against another edition

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Bizim Büyük Challange’ımız bir seriye ait en az 1 kitap kategorisi için Hakim’in Yolculuğu’nu seçmiştim ve iyi ki öyle yapmışım. Fabien Toulme bir gün 400 mültecinin öldüğü haberiyle karşılaşınca bu konuda araştırma yapmaya başlıyor ve sonrasında bir mültecinin gözünden yaşananları grafik roman haline getirerek anlatmaya karar veriyor. Yazar Suriye’nin nasıl o hale geldiğini özet şeklinde anlaşılır anlatmayı başarmış. Hakim başarılı bir iş sahibiyken yaşamının zorlaşması sonucunda güvenliği için ülkeden ayrılmak zorunda kalıyor. Suriye’de başlayan hayatının Fransa’da nasıl devam ettiğinin ve elbette yolculuğunun öyküsü. İnanılmaz etkileyici bir öykü ve her kitap insana bambaşka duyguları yaşatıyor. Hakim milyonlarca mülteciden sadece biri ve hikayesi anlatılmaya değer. Yazar empati oluşturma ve olayları tarafsız bir gözle aktarma konusunda oldukça başarılı bir iş çıkarmış. Geleceği belirsiz bir yola çıkan Hakim’in yaşadıkları hiç kolay değil ve okurken mültecilerin aşağı yukarı nasıl muamelelere maruz kaldıklarını da görüyorsunuz. Çağımızın en büyük sorunlarından biri yaşanan göçler ve mülteciler ve her devlet bu durumla aynı derecede başa çıkamıyor. İnsanları sayılara indirgemek kolay iş ve burada Toulme’nin her insanın bambaşka bir hikayesi olduğunu göstermeyi başarması harika. Ayrıca çizimlerindeki detayları çok beğendim. Hakim’in yolculuğunda bir bebeğin dahil olması ve bu yüzden ekstra yaşadığı zorlukları okumak hem zor hem de gerekli. Hakim, Hadi ve o yolculuğu yapmak zorunda kalan herkes için ayrı üzüldüm. Çünkü bu insanların belli bir sebepten ötürü yola çıktıklarını hatırlatıyor. Eğer bu yıl sınırlı sayıda kitap alacaksanız Hakim’in Yolculuğu bu kitaplar arasında olsun. Yılın favorileri arasına girdiklerini söylememe gerek yok sanırım. Herkesin okuması gerektiğini ve bilinçlendirici olacağını düşünüyorum.

tzlumy's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging emotional funny informative inspiring reflective sad medium-paced


benjaminbaron99's review against another edition

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emotional informative reflective sad medium-paced


tx2its's review against another edition

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Reading 2023
Book 87: Hakim’s Odyssey: Book 3: From Macedonia to France by Fabien Toulme

GN review #13 for June

Synopsis: By turns heart-warming and heart-wrenching, this final installment in the Hakim’s Odyssey trilogy follows Hakim and his son as they make their way from Macedonia to the south of France. Based on true events, it lays bare the tremendous effects that the policies of wealthy countries and the attitudes of their people have on the lives of the displaced and dispossessed.

Review: Whew! Hakim and his toddler son finally make it to France after a three year journey. Loved the series, recommend it. My rating 4.5⭐️.