
The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa

mamap's review

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Pg-18 for Sex in a YA novel - mild, but still.

Not sure it's an epic, but it's pretty good.

You can always choose what sort of monster you'll be. You don't always get to choose what happens to you, but you always get to choose how you will respond. Wouldn't it be nice if the whole world would pay attention...

malunreads's review

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3.5 ⭐

livarleth's review

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A good ending to a good series. It wasn't dragged out and it wasn't too fast. I am satisfied with the ending of this series.

elbyjosie's review

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i never thought i'd get tired of zeke and allie. thank goodness for jackal's awesomeness, this book has some redeeming qualities.

patriciadanisova's review

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AAAAA, to bolo pekné. Veľmi, veľmi pekné!
Až na to, že Ezekiela som nemala rada, lebo bol presladený a taký... pozitívny a tak.
Jackal bol môj miláčik. Škoda, že boli súrodenci.
Ale za to hrdinka vedela čo chcela, nefňukala vkuse a ked áno, tak to nebolo také strašné. A to ako fungovali upíry mi pripomínalo True Blood, ale inak v pohode.
Napriek tomu, že Iron Fey mi od tejto autorky prišlo detinské a napísané strašne, toto bolo veľmi dobré.

bmg20's review

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My rating: 2.5 of 5 stars
I received this book free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Another series ender that has unfortunately ended in disappointment for me this year. I found The Forever Song to be, for the most part, incredibly lacking in any sort of plot progress. Basically, there was walking, walking, then they’d fight some rabids, walking, walking, oooh let’s stop to feed on some humans, fight some more rabids, walking, walking.. throw in the occasional snarky comment from Jackal, soap opera style drama and various near death scenarios and that’s The Forever Song in a nutshell. Oh and let’s not forget how they have to save the world. Apparently, saving the world isn’t as exciting as one would think. In addition to the lack of excitement, there was an extreme lack of common fucking sense that made for frequent eye-rolls.

‘What do you mean, when he realized what was happening?”
“This was a trap, Allison.” Kanin looked back at the inferno. “Nothing catches fire that quickly unless it has been doused in something.”

You mean to tell me these idiots with their heightened sense of smell weren’t able to tell that the entire house was drenched in gasoline? I realize their not needing to breathe means they aren’t smelling constantly but you think if they’re entering a house with someone shooting at them from upstairs they’d open up all their sense to check and make sure they aren’t walking into anything disastrous. Like a house drenched in gasoline.

‘The door loomed dead ahead, and I didn’t stop. I didn’t pause to reconsider my plan. Whether I was walking into a trap or straight to my death.’

And that’s the problem I have with Allison; the lack of common sense. She’s constantly trying to prove to herself/everyone around her that she’s a badass and can handle herself except it’s clear that she’s not. Now, I think I would normally say that this show of weakness is meant to make her likable or relatable or something of the sort, but it came off making her look completely senseless and like a complete imbecile.

Where Allison lacks in common sense she makes sure to make up for it in ANGST. LOTS AND LOTS OF ANGST. When she wasn’t whining about her ‘monster’ she was whining about Zeke or about Sarren or whining about everything being her fault and it was PAINFUL to read.

I read the first 1/3 of this book and had to set it aside for a few weeks because it was just too much. I understood in the beginning of this series that Allison would have to go through the inner turmoil of coming to terms with being a vampire that is forced to kill people to survive but I thought we’d be over that by now. Jackal once again made this installment bearable but even he irritated me with his shit sometimes. But his sarcastic quips did allow me to finish this and find out the ending to this story. Was it worth it? Sure. Was I disappointed how everything turned out? A bit. See, the ending involves aspects that truly come out of nowhere and only serve to be a convenient solution which kind of felt like a cop out. It also was incredibly predictable and I wasn’t surprised in the least. It could have been done worse though.

Minus the angst and ending cop-outs, there is one aspect of this book that was done extremely well: the atmosphere. Kagawa knocked it out of the park describing this broken and gloomy world. It truly immerses you. If only the characters had been a bit more tolerable. The Forever Song is a satisfying conclusion that answers all the lingering questions but is undoubtedly the least interesting of the series. This is the second series I’ve read of Kagawa’s that has ended up feeling very mediocre for me but I can see this one being a good one for fans of dark, gritty and violent dystopians that are heavy on the romance.

tsworld's review

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I DNFed it.. I used to enjoy the series when I had just started to read but picked up this book too late and had no remaining interest in it. It isn't for me

nbwalks's review

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Amazing end to an amazing series!

postitsandpens's review

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DNFed at 40%. I just realized I literally did not care about what happened to any of the characters, nor how the problem would be solved. The book was also very slow to get started, and once I realized where it was heading, I felt more annoyance than anything else. Thanks but no thanks!

stlynch03's review

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Julie Kagawa had done it again! Tore my heart open, made me cry blood, and finally helped heal the wounds. I absolutely LOVE this series! This is probably one of the best books I've ever read with the best characters and character development. All the characters are so strong and vibrant and I love them all. And let's not forget that I am absolutely and utterly terrified with Sarren. And that was great that Julie was able to accomplish that! Unlike the Iron Fey series, I didn't feel as empty as I did when I read the ending. I felt the story was complete, and I felt so relieved and happy. Though there was some moments were I felt my heart was torn open and bleeding, but overall, I give Julie for writing such an incredible and vibrant trilogy.