
Nearlyweds by Beth Kendrick

chachacenteno's review against another edition

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This book is adorable. A good weekend, curl up on the couch with a cup of hot coco read.

juliaogden's review against another edition

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So silly. So Beachy. So perfect for a plane ride from paradise to gray, rainy skies.

My biggest issue is the three voices that alternate to tell the story are really similar. The characters are different, but the voices are the same. I kept having to remind myself who was telling the story.

There should really be a separate star system for beach reads. It's hard to compare this to say, Pride and Prejudice. In the world of beach reads, it's a 3.

tater_kd's review against another edition

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For a quick read, this book is what you would want. I enjoyed every one of the girls and how they overcame their problems that they both dealt with at the same time. Erin's MIL annoyed the heck out of me and almost made me stop reading this book. But, I held on and in the end, I was quite surprised and enjoyed it!

mcipher's review against another edition

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Super fun, fast read - very much classic chick lit with all the misunderstandings and cute, funny relationships. Love that she threw in a dog and the holidays to add a little something extra, too.

sarah_b's review against another edition

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When I saw this book in the library, I was very eager to read it because I had seen the Hallmark movie. The story was cute and very well-done, with a great cast and funny dialogue. That's not to say the book didn't have these things, but I was still a little disappointed. It seems almost typical that they never follow the book when making the movie, and I almost always prefer the book over the production, but this time I actually happened to like the movie much better. Beth Kendrick is a good writer, and her ideas are very original; but in this instance, considering what the plot is about, a little visual aide comes in handy.

stephaniesbookreviews's review against another edition

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I loved this book! It was made into a Hallmark movie several years ago that I liked and I’ve wanted to read the book ever since I realized it was written by Beth Kendrick, who has written several other books I’ve really enjoyed. While I don’t remember enough about the movie to say how similar it actually was to the book, I think it’s safe to say that the book was even better than the movie.

The book is told through the POVs of Stella, Casey, and Erin. These young women have all recently been married over the same weekend, but maybe they shouldn’t have been. Stella wants nothing more than to be a mom, but finds out on her wedding night to her much older husband that that isn’t going to be possible. Casey had to all but drag her groom to the wedding. And Erin’s mother-in-law just might be trying to kill her (with peanuts). When they find out that they’re not legally married, instead of rectifying the mistake immediately, they begin to wonder if they really want to be married.

The girls were all hard to like sometimes, but I was still rooting for them. At various times I wanted them each to get re-married and to remain single. There were really cute and really frustrating moments that each had with their significant others. Some of the funniest (and most frustrating) were with Erin, David, and David’s mother. David’s mother, Renee, is one of the most overbearing Mother-in-laws I’ve ever read about and it was just ridiculous to see how easily she manipulated her son. In the end, not all the women get the happily-ever-after you expect, but I really liked how each of their stories went. I would have even liked an epilogue to see how everything was going a year down the road.

Overall, I really enjoyed Nearlyweds. It was cute and addictive and I enjoyed every moment of it. This book reminded me how much I enjoy Beth Kendrick books and I’m going to look into reading more from her.

Overall Rating (out of 5): 4 Stars

singerofstories's review against another edition

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This was somewhere between 3.5 and 4 stars. I really enjoyed the storyline and how the womens' stories overlap (normally I hate books written from multiple POV'). It was very chick lit-ey....and I mean this in a good way. Sometimes characters are annoying or too extreme in certain traits. I found all three women to be likable.

leahmichelle_13's review against another edition

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For a while now, I’ve wanted to try one of Beth Kendrick’s novels. Her books keep appearing on Amazon, so when I got myself an Amazon voucher, I bought myself a few second-hand American novels, to whet my new-found love of American chick-lit. I choose Nearlyweds of Beth Kendrick’s five or six novels as it appealed to me the most, and I wanted to see how Kendrick would handle three newlyweds finding out their marriage is a sham. It’s taken me a few weeks to get around to it, but I wanted a fairly quick light read when I woke up early one morning and this fit the bill perfectly.

Nearlyweds has a very interesting concept, in that Stella, Casey and Erin are all married by the same pastor. The pastor is unwell, though, and passes away before he’s able to sign off on their marriages, leaving each girl having to decide whether they want to make their marriages official, or if the pastor’s death was a lucky escape for them. Each of the girls are different to each other, but because they live in the same place, they do become friends and allies when it comes to resolving the problems in their marriages and they help each other through it all as they decide whether to stick with their men, or twist. The book was definitely light-weight, and it was just what I was looking for for a lazy Saturday afternoon.

The girls in the book are all wonderful. There’s Stella, who is thought of as a gold-digger because she married Mark, who’s thirty years her senior. But that’s so far from the truth, all Stella wanted was to be married to the husband she loved and have a baby with him. Mark, her husband, however lied to her about a vasectomy, leaving her heart-broken and confused. Erin, on the other hand, is blissfully in love with husband Mark, but her mother-in-law Renee will do anything she can to break them up, including putting peanuts in Erin’s food despite the fact she’s allergic (!). Finally there’s Casey, married to the boy she’s loved since High School, but who doesn’t seem to want to be married to her – until she finally gets tought and chucks him out, that is! Three very different tales, but three very intriguing tales.

I was totally taken in with all three tales, and I was thoroughly interested in how it would all pan out and who would stay together and who would bite the dust. There are a couple of different twists relating to each marriage, but I liked how it all ended up by the conclusion of the novel. Throw in a rescuse dog named Cash (after Johnny Cash), and it is an enjoyable novel. I also found Erin’s mother-in-law to be hilariously embarrassing in her efforts to oust her daughter-in-law. She’s the nightmare mother-in-law you don’t want to be landed with, that’s for sure and she was definitely the villian of the piece.

The book is told in first-person, from all three girl’s perspective. It was a strange approach as if there are multiple narrators it’s usually done in third-person, but it worked. The book wasn’t the best book I’ve ever read and I did find the male personalities in the book to be a tad weak (David in particular, though he was my favourite male). But it is what it is: It’s a quick and easy to digest Chick Lit novel. There’s nothing terrible about it, but there’s nothing entirely memorable either. I’ll definitely be picking up Kendrick’s other novels as she managed to keep my attention throughout the novel and I was really looking forward to reaching the end, to see how it all panned out. So yes, enjoyable but also forgettable, sadly!