
Blessed Are the Consumers by Sallie McFague

ajlewis2's review

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We have economic and ecological crises in our world. As a theologian, McFague offers us a look at God and ourselves that is different than the usual. Instead of all-powerful we see God as self-giving (kenotic love). This is the face of God seen in Jesus of Nazareth. This is what Jesus preached and asked his disciples to likewise be. McFague presents John Woolman, Simone Weil, and Dorothy Day who exemplify paths in this regard. She goes into great depth on them and that biographical material is in itself very interesting. This view of God and ourselves turns our way of thinking about everything upside down. I loved her presentation on the parable of the Good Samaritan. She places us in the position of the injured person on the road and the Good Samaritan as God. Bottom line is that we are needy and we are not in control as we so very much want to believe we are. That way of thinking we are in command and control seems to have made a mess of things, no? Her way out is as simple and as difficult as what Jesus taught. It reminds me that I have heard that "repent" really means "change your mind."

This book is long and repetitive and I think it needed to be to make a dent in my thinking.