
All That Glitters by Erin Kellison

aquariandancer's review

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Sol Book One

When Mica's ship is shot from the sky, she decides it will be safer to land in the forest of Sol than the open land of the Tear. Escaping on foot, Mica must survive the cold and the inhospitable land to reach the safety of the building she built with her lover years ago. When the same man is the one who captures her, she is shocked and hurt that he is living as a scavenger. Now, his men are intent on blackmailing Mica's father for her safe return. Can Mica and Simon reconcile, or will their stations in life prevent it?

If you're looking for a quick, sci-fi romance with a bit of political intrigue thrown in, this is the book for you!

Copy gifted by the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.

xakyr's review

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This was my first book by this author, but I wasn't that impressed with it. There was not a lot of world building done, so I felt like I was coming in to the middle of things missing vital information. The romance between Mica and Simon was built on the feelings that they had from their previous relationship, so there was no real wooing involved, and again, I felt like I was missing information from that previous relationship. The story was quick, action packed, and did keep me entertained, but I have to attribute that to the author's skill rather than plot. I don't think I'll be continuing on with the series or the author.

sevenacrebooks's review

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*****This was given as a gift from the Publisher in return for an honest review*****

This was a short and fun sci-fi romance read. It's the first in a new series from Erin Kellison that takes place far in the future and far from Earth. Mica Sol is a tough, intelligent, and independent woman who thought that she was free of her past and her wealthy family. When she is brought home from her work as a researcher by her sister's extravagant and highly publicized wedding, she is faced with a man from her past and all the repercussions that meeting will bring.

I find it far more enjoyable to read about strong and capable women-Mica is most definitely that. This was an interesting start to a series-good world building and complicated character. Looking forward to the rest of the series!

triciab04's review

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4.5 stars

I am a pretty big Erin Kellison fan and this book is just one of the many reasons why. It never ceases to amaze me just how talented Kellison is at creating these layered magical worlds and characters in such a short amount of time. All That Glitters was 92 pages and somehow Kellison managed to create an entire planet full of intrigue and danger and wonder. Sol was quite amazing. I loved the idea of people living, and thriving on this planet that could not be tamed. Some of my favorite parts were Mica and Simon traipsing through the alien jungle which seemed to have a mind of its own.

Besides the very interesting world, the characters were just as bewitching! Mica was so much of what I love in a strong heroine, smart, independent, brave and strong. She could seem a little standoffish at times but I actually liked that. And the fact that Simon had a way of disarming her made it even better. Simon was great as well. While I did enjoy the roguish space pirate he appeared to be at the beginning, it was quite heartwarming to get his tragic backstory. It was quite genius for Kellison to give these two such a past, as that made the transition to them being together not feel rushed but rather a long time coming.

I really haven't read much in the sci-fi genre, and even less with the romance element in it, but I have to admit I really enjoyed this story as a whole and I am definitely wanting to continue on with this series. I think this is a good book for you to pick up if you're a fan of Paranormal Romances but ready for something a little different.

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.