
Reaper's Justice by Sarah McCarty

greylandreviews's review against another edition

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3 stars

grapeapril75's review against another edition

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I wasn't sure what to expect with this book. I was pleasantly surprised with this historical, kind of read. Most of the world building is great, there are several vague spots that make me think it is connected to another series or that there was a prequel I did not know about. I was able to follow, just felt there were holes in the overall background.

Addy is kind of awesome! I love her spunk and sassy attitude. She has been through some trials and tribulations, but she comes out stronger. She is a great character and a joy to read. Her interactions with her cousins and Isaiah are filled with witty banter.

Isaiah is an interesting fellow, his back story feels incomplete. Perhaps it was in another series or will become clearer with the next book. I am trying to understand the whole Reaper world, it was just tough. I loved seeing him grow more social and come out of his shell with Addy and with her cousin Reese.

This is a smexy read, the steam comes in after a nice getting to know you period. There is a fair amount of detail, open bedroom door! Not as much as a full erotic, but enough to make things hawt.

It is a mixed narrative, which really helps you get to know the two leads on a deeper level. They are both complex and have so much going on in their heads, makes the insights very important.

I listened to the audiobook narrated by Käthe Mazur, who does a very nice job. This is my first listen from her, so I have nothing to compare it with. I thought pace was steady and she had plenty of energy to add to the read. I enjoyed the levels she added to the voices, not too deep for the men. Just the right touch all around. I would be interested in checking out other narration from her.

I am going to have to look into this author’s other books to see if I was missing anything or just not getting it. I would definitely like to see more of her books, because she weaves an engaging tale!

*** I hope this review was useful to you and helped your decision to read or not read this book. I love reading and sharing my opinions with other readers. I listen at double speed; all my impressions of the narration are from that setting. Thanks for taking the time to read my review! You can see more audiobook reviews on my blog ***

gonza_basta's review against another edition

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This book has been a real disappointment for me, loyal reader of McCarty's books, no plot, " dialogue, story not credible even if incredible as every paranormal romance. I will not read even the second book because another series it is not worth the effort when these are the premises and also that I'd love her to come back to write the Hell's eight.... I liked them so much!

Questo libro é stata una vera delusione per me, affezionata lettrice della McCarty da parecchio, niente trama, dialoghi pietosi, storia poco credibile per quanto incredibile in partenza come ogni paranormal romance. Non leggeró nemmeno il secondo perché un'altra serie non vale proprio la pena cominciarla quando queste sono le premesse e vorrei tanto che lei tornasse a scrivere degli Hell´s eight, che invece mi piacevano tanto!

birdloveranne's review against another edition

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Wow, this book was really great. Historical paranormal with some mystery, as well as romance. Loved it! Definitely looking forward to reading more in this series.

angelsbooknook17's review against another edition

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~ 3 Reaper Stars ~

This is my first experience reading author [a:Sarah McCarty|104514|Sarah McCarty|] as well as my first experience with a historical paranormal romance. I’m not quite sure how I feel about Reaper’s Justice. It’s got wolf shifter’s, cowboy’s and the old west. Things I enjoy reading about.

Isaiah, a Reaper, is sweet and dominant, he has a brutal past, has trouble coming to terms with the wolf inside him, but is protective of one women that has calmed his inner best.

Addy is strong yet has some issues, with a past that is never fully explained only hinted at, she still manages to keep her cool when most women in that time period and situation would have given into hysterics.

Some interesting characters are introduced to us along the way. We meet Billings/Blade another Reaper, who shows up at odd times, has some witty comments and played a roll in helping Isaiah and Addy out. I am interested in reading his story. We are also introduced to Cole and Reese, Addy’s cousins, who are very protective of her almost to the point of suffocation. It felt a little short meeting the cousins and it was never full explained how Reese new so much about Reapers or how Cole could hold his own with a Reaper. I wonder if their is more to this?

The intimacy between Addy and Isaiah was quick, though Isaiah has been watching over Addy for a year in secret, they only had been together for a day before hitting the sack, but it did not feel like an insta-love thing. It felt right and the love grew over time as they both got to know each other. The only thing that bothered me was the descriptive monolog it was a little much at times. I wanted more spoken blurbs between the characters. The action was intense just not as much as I would have liked or felt should have been in the book.

By the end I had a few questions: Wanted more explanation on the Reapers, their Council and laws as well as Addy’s cousins. I don’t like to have questions at the end, but sometimes it just happens with a book. Maybe it’s because I’m not used to historical paranormal romances or maybe this genre is not my thing. Reaper’s Justice was an ok start to the Shadow Reaper series. It’s not a book I would read again.


nelsonseye's review against another edition

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A good read. I liked the chemistry between the hero and heroine and I liked Addy's cousins and Blade. I would have liked more detail on Addy's past and some more development of the Reaper world. Maybe the latter will come in future books.

sarahconnor89757's review against another edition

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McCarty wrote an outline for a solid novel, got punched in the head a few times, then sat down to write it before the room stopped spinning.

It honestly reads like that.

Everything here is great but it is presented in such a distracted and inconsistent way it's almost impossible to read.

I will take a look at the next book because if McCarty get's herself figured out it could be a great series.

readermonica's review against another edition

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DNF with no rating, but wish that I could give a negative star rating.

First this bored me and I was hoping that it would pick up, then it pissed me off so I just threw in the towel and now wish that I hadn't spent a whole $1.99 at the thrift store just so that I can be infuriated.

Let me just say, that when an author refers to the Civil War as the 'War Between the States" it always raises a red flag with me because I just KNOW that there will be some romanticized B.S. and good people on both sides crap coming and in this case McCarty didn't waste time, it was in the same paragraph. Let me hip you to something that no one is going to be able to rationalize for me-there were no great moral southern heroes fighting for the south during the Civil War. So when I read "Some had been heroes for the South. Some for the North." You better believe I'm tapping out of that pile of crap. Also, I went through and read some reviews and did no one else read that same paragraph and find it problematic at all? No? Just me? Ok, cool. It must just be me and my overly sensitive liberal self.

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