love_booksforlife's review against another edition

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I liked how this issue was made up of more individual stories. I love Harmony's character development. Her being a reality star is perfect. And it was nice to see an end to Dawn's maddening storyline.

daisymoon's review against another edition

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This one felt more like a filler, which was okay by me. I totally forgot the Harmony thing in this season, so I was kinda surprised by it in this re-read... I must be one of the 1% of Buffyverse fans that loved Harmony, so this made me happy to see her again, with Clem too ! Really the duo I did not know I needed so desperately. At first I felt like that whole reality show thingy was far-fetched but I also feel like it is one of the most possible things in these comics.

I loved the part with Giles and Faith. I love them together, and I love that Faith tries to do something different, tries to help slayers and not just see them as soldiers (yikes Buffy really ?). The story was a little on the nose but I still loved it because it showed the old Watchers ways.

eyelikewhales's review against another edition

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3/5 stars.
Meh, this one was okay.

pleasuretoburn's review against another edition

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Not as good as previous volumes in BTVS: Season 8, but still very good. There are a couple of different stories going on here, but it all comes together in the end.

fablesandwren's review against another edition

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Harmony gets her own TV show and she is like, a celebrity. This is not a drill and it is the best worst thing to happen to anyone ever and I need more.

And we get to see new faces

And Buffy does her face

And there are monsters.

In all honesty, this is getting pretty great, in not a great way. The slayers are being hunted and hated, vampires are being sympathized, and “Twilight” is still trying to stop Buffy from doing literally anything.

Whoever decided that Twilight was a good name for an evil group against vampire slayers.. needs a head check.

I have a feeling my heart is going to burst with anticipation.


I'm laughing so hard right now. Lolololol RTC.

zina45's review against another edition

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i was okay with slowing down the storytelling and giving us a collection of short stories.
it was hard to give this just 3 stars because the story about faith was so good and i also liked the one about dawn , but the other short stories just didnt hold up for me as much .


olivia_piepmeier's review against another edition

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I read this last night in such speed that I couldn't remember anything about it today. After a quick recap, I remember why: everything goes so fast! Each volume is probably a couple episodes worth but they fly by due to their medium.


Could Harmony really turn the world against Slayers that quickly? I'm still having trouble telling who is who due to the art style and the fact these characters didn't originate in this form. Also, Andrew seems like such a different person now, even since the last episode of season 7. I guess that's proved that he's changed (enough to be a "watcher?") but it goes back to my thought that everything feels like it's going in high speed here. Less stars for chaos.

christhedoll's review against another edition

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The best part? Vampy Cats!

italianbirdie's review against another edition

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3.5 stars.

heather_books's review against another edition

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A bit more scattered than the others, more than one story arc. Glad to have Giles & FAith in this one.