
Modern Love by Beau North

megggriffin's review

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You're absolutely right, though. Love at first sight wasn't meant for millennials.

Modern Love

by Beau North

Published: December 2017
Read: March 2019
Format: ebook
Genre: romance
Page Count: 182 pages
Rating: moose-mdmoose-mdmoose-mdmoose-mdmoose-md 5/5 Moose


Alice Aberdeen is not quite as ready to get back into the field after a bad breakup with her girlfriend. But her sister convinces her that a night out - especially one at a Bowie themed costume party - is a good place to start.

Except when it's a set up with the new-to-town Will Murphy. It definitely isn't love at first sight. But as they are continuously pushed together a slow friendship starts to form, which may lead to something more. But ex-girlfriends, addictions, and family histories may keep them apart.

Main Characters

Alice Aberdeen - a recovering addict, art graduate student, and major Bowie enthusiast. Our Lizzie Bennett, if you will.

Will Murphy - As a half-Indian, half-Irish man, Will almost never feels comfortable, until he meets Alice. Our Will Darcy, if you allow me.

Rants, Raves, and Thoughts

(I found this on netgalley, and it's too great not to share)

I'll be honest and up front about two things: after a weird relationship thing last year I didn't expect to fall in love with romance stories again. And while I recognize the importance of David Bowie, I have not listened to his music enough to fall in love with it. Which is something I do plan on rectifying.

This has been the hardest review I've had to write in a long while, as I normally can set up an opener and move through my patterns. Every opener for this book was shifted under this portion because it just made more sense. I just want to talk about the book!

I think the best way to describe this book is to call it the book version of One Small Hitch, which is an indie rom-com movie I absolutely adore. This book feels like the warm blanket that movie provides - a strangely comforting story and relationship to fall into. It is only the second of North's books I've read, but I can already see that I am going to love them all. While the last book had me deep in the 1940s, Modern Romance felt like a couple I could eavesdrop on and live tweet their adorable bickering.

In another life, I am probably living Alice's life. So many things she said and does resonated in my core that I should probably sort out in some therapy soon.  And giving Alice a darker past allows this book to not be a fluffy romance book. It grounds it in reality, especially when added to how long it takes before they even kiss.

If I had any issues with the book, I just wish Will had been fleshed out a bit more. This book is a dual narrative, but I just felt like I was missing something from his side. It would have been just as good if it was only Alice. But again, I loved this book!

Final Moments

I am not a huge romance reader, but Beau North's books make me want to try to get into them more and more. If you love David Bowie, if you love Jane Austen, and if you like your romance stories more realistic, then this book is for you.

ljbentley27's review

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Sometimes you haven’t got time to read. Work is busy, life is getting in the way of essential reading time and you just haven’t managed to hit your yearly book quota. Sound familiar?

Well fear not because in Beau North’s novella Modern Love we have just the thing for you. At 132 pages you can read away whilst not feeling too guilty because you haven’t ironed your clothes for work or got your lunch for tomorrow ready. It is definitely the book for the gal (or guy) on the go.

Modern Love focuses on college student Alice Aberdeen – a free spirited art student who takes crap from no one; certainly not from the handsome but slightly-awkward-that-it-comes-off-as-arrogant Will Murphy. In this will they won’t they he said she said story you find yourself completely lost in the love, frustrated by knowing the characters should be together and warm and fuzzy along the way. As we all know, the course of love never does run smoothly so sit back, buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Oh and there is a whole David Bowie theme throughout which, if you are like me and love Bowie, is an added bonus.

Modern Love by Beau North is available now.

For more information regarding Beau North (@BeauNorth) please visit

nepheletempest's review

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A charming novella that handles an array of relationship complications and difficult life issues with lightness and humor. Beau North's real talent here is in creating a cast of characters so real and interesting that you want to hang out with them some more.

sof's review

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Netgalley copy in exchange for an honest review.

Oh, my.

What a perfect book!

There was something about the plot that was incredibly dark and enticing, just like the slow burning romance between Will and Alice, which I loved. I absolutely adored these two characters, as well as their fellow cast mates, which were all brilliant and very different and important.

Alice is a gorgeous main character. I absolutely loved that she had a past with trauma and addiction, without making a fuss out of it. I absolutely loved the fact that she was bisexual as well and that it was just a detail of her.

All of that is thanks to Beau North's great writing: it made me care, it made me laugh, it made me swoon. Side note, everybody needs a Will in their life.

Besides, I have to mention Alice's obsession with David Bowie. I feel very connected to that part of her. (Also: loved the last paragraph of the acknowledgments; still not over them all. Never will.)

I loved this book and I cannot thank the author enough for writing it.

kristin's review

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I would like to thank netgalley and the author for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Interesting adaptation.