tillyy_yy's review against another edition

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I do not remember this book

finitha's review against another edition

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I do have a soft spot for high school romances, especially the one involving a coming-out story. Oh, not that I miss school days

sinamile's review against another edition

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ARC Review: Received for free via Netgalley for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Rating: 3.75

ceena's review against another edition

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*I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

Adorably sweet and fantastic to read. This is one I didn't want to put down because of how much I ended up liking the characters. While I'm not a fan of second-chance romances, I'm more lenient with teenagers, especially for the reasons given here. My heart was torn and so invested.

Ollie is such a cutie that you can't help but want the best for. Will took a while to grow on me, but once I understood his motivations, my heart cried out for him. I wanted nothing more than to make life easier and softer for these characters. Even the side characters grew on me and had me caring.

The writing really brought the emotions to the front. This will not be the last book I read by this author and I look forward to seeing what else they come out with.

stefa's review against another edition

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This book got 1 star because of how it made me feel which is so damn frustrated. You soo can tell that this book is written by a white straight woman... The action of main character mostly - being weak minded and just simply blank...the only thing characteristic for him is that he likes music. Seriously I felt as if I read mediocre Wattpad novel in terms of characters development.
Apart from that there were these small things that indicated that author doesn’t know the lgbtq community well, and what’s it like to be a gay man. Like pushing main characters to give a closeted guy a chance. It’s not easy to date someone who is not out, but a guy who pretend you don’t exist and have no real prospects of coming out or changing his behavior soon and hangs out with homophobic guys is on an entirely different level. It’s totally okay if someone doesn’t want to date a closeted guy and yet author thinks they (closeted guys) should be given a chance because maybe they don’t have it easy. Relationship it’s not a thing you have to have to feel good, on the contrary you shouldn’t be in a relationship just to feel good. If someone is this closeted and surrounded by homophobia by their choice they are not ready for a relationship. And NO ONE should be encouraged to be in a relationship with this kind of person. And that, besides main character persona, annoyed me the most.
I’m really disappointed by this book, I thought it would give me a good time but I wasn’t even able to finish it as it just felt as a waste of time and nerves.

aubrym's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars

izzylove's review against another edition

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Its a really cute and funny story if you don't consider that fact that
1. Even though I actually really liked the main couple, I was wishing so hard that they wouldn't end up together
2. There was an entire chapter that was so sad I legit skipped the whole thing

thecrazyreader's review against another edition

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4.75 stelle!

Ho questo libro in TBR da quando è uscito, perché non mi puoi dire retelling queer di Grease e non aspettarti che io lo compri immediatamente. Per un motivo o per l'altro non lo avevo ancora letto e poi facendo un progetto per il pride mi è capitato di rileggere la trama, di emozionarmi come la prima volta e mi sono detta 'perché non leggerlo adesso?' e così l'ho fatto.

E' un libro che mi ha tenuta incollata dalla prima pagina per la voce narrante di Ollie, così divertente e spontanea che non puoi non innamorarti anche del personaggio.
La scrittrice è riuscita a prendere le scene principali del grande classico e a riadattarle nel romanzo, modificandole per dare loro nuova linfa, ma allo stesso tempo facendo l'occhiolino agli amanti di Grease.
Il libro tratta anche di un argomento importante come la morte e di come la vita sia solo momentanea. E' un argomento davvero difficile, ma la scrittrice con semplicità e in modo diretto ti porta a riflettere su questo tema e ammetto che tantissime volte, oltre ad essermi ritrovata nei pensieri di Ollie, ho versato delle lacrime.
La relazione tra Ollie e Will mi è piaciuta molto e anche i personaggi secondari sono ben strutturati all'interno del mondo.
Unica pecca l'epilogo... I needed moreeeeee.

fatucarballo's review against another edition

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Tengo un problema con este libro, sé que lo he leído pero no recuerdo que pasaba, lo juro. Sé cual es la trama por la sinopsis pero como se desarrolla?? quien es quien ?? por que ???

Lo siento muchísimo porque este libro lo leí en el 2021, debería saber más sobre esto, pero esa época de mi vida leyendo este libro está borrosa. Como si no lo leyera.