
Lily and the Wedding Date Mistake by Seven Steps

kellyyoungbl's review

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4 stars

This was a sweet YA book. There wasn’t much drama or angst, but it was a happy story that makes for a good pallet cleanser.

lexee9's review

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I really enjoyed this story. It was a fun read. It deals with the subject of self-confidence and how easy it can be to compare yourself to someone else and always come short. That is the case of Lily, and even easier to compare herself to her twin Rose. She lost her best friend when she was 9 and in a lot of ways has struggled ever sense. She lost that confident part of herself that she used to have and now that her best friend, Becks is back, she is put in a situation to have to try and find it again. Both Lily and Becks are different people now and they don't know what has happened to the other. They have also had quite a few misunderstandings that really cause problems for them. I really liked how this story played out and the way they had to deal with things. This is a slow burn story for sure as both characters have their guards up and haven't been clear with each other. They haven't cleared the air from almost 9 years ago and so it definitely ripples into the present. This story is clean and was definitely a good read!
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

thereallilycooper's review

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What an adorable quick read! Great name choices too;)

gothamgal's review

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Seven Steps’ Lily and the Wedding Date Mistake is a sweet and fun story about a teenager who goes through a physical and a character transformation during a few months of summer vacation and the beginning of the school year.
Lily has lived in the shadow of her twin, Rose, for her entire life. But one summer, things change. And Lily gets some different looks at school, but what she is most interested in is the new guy at school. There’s something familiar, but standoffish about him that she just can’t figure out.
And when a member of her community is hospitalized and in a coma, Lily steps out of her comfort zone and decides she has to do something to help her friend. But will she have to do it alone?

litwife's review

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Lily and the Wedding Date Disaster is the first book I’ve read by Seven Steps outside of the St. Mary’s series so I wasn’t totally sure what to expect. Needless to say, it didn’t disappoint. It was just as adorable and, even though it was still centered on high school students and the parents seemed more involved, it still felt a bit more mature. The mom In me wanted to shake the characters sometimes and tell them to get it together & use their words but it wouldn’t have been authentically teenaged if they did. Despite the age gap, I really related to Lily - and not just in a nostalgic way. I totally felt her struggles with insecurity and the way it lingered even after “fixing” the physical or action oriented parts that she thought she needed to. The insecurities don’t just magically go away until you learn to accept yourself exactly as you are and, in a book for this age group, I appreciate the author for making that message so central to the story. That aspect plus the lack of complete teenage recklessness make this a book I’ll be glad (and totally comfortable) to pass onto my daughters.

samantherjayne123's review

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This isn’t my first book by seven steps it’s a heartwarming emotion trip and I was hooked from the beginning