
Stake That by Mari Mancusi

leakelley's review

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The first book in this series, [b:Boys that Bite|38564|Boys that Bite (Blood Coven, #1)|Mari Mancusi||38326], told the story of what happened after Rayne's sister Sunny was accidentally bitten by a vampire who'd intended to bite Rayne. In book two, Rayne discovers that instead of the vampire that she has always longed to be, she's actually the chosen one, Slayer Inc.'s newest vampire slayer. Her first assignment: find out what evil vampire Maverick is up to as he plots to take down Magnus, the leader of the Blood Coven (and Sunny's boyfriend). Rayne teams up with Jareth, second in command to Magnus and a vampire who is not impressed with Rayne. Can Rayne slay the evil vampire and find out what is bothering Jareth in time to bump her way to a high spot on the vampire-to-be waiting list, or is it her destiny to be the slayer forever?

Although this book, like its predecessor, suffers from over-exaggerated teenspeak in the opening section, it quickly settles down to a more even keel. Also, the book is told first in the form of a blog and then as a diary, so it suffers a bit from the shallowness that is hard to avoid with that format. And Jareth and Magnus, though dreamy, are still not fully realized characters yet.

With that said, this book is still laugh-out-loud funny and a very enjoyable read. In fact, when I read it during silent reading my students kept turning around to stare at me because I was laughing so hard. I'm definitely going to keep reading this series.

dtaylorbooks's review

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Aside from the fact that my dumb ass switched the order of the books (I should have read this one before Girls That Growl, dur), this book is total love. It leaves me wondering why Mancusi decided to get into Sunny's head at all (especially since she's "more of a Rayne girl"). Maybe because of the whole transformation thing but even then, I think telling it from Rayne's point of view would have made that first book a whole hell of a lot better.

Rayne's kind of like WTF? with the whole slayer thing, especially since she still really wants to be a vampire. You'd think that'd be a conflict of interest or something. Slayer Inc's got to have some loopholes for that. I mean, she's still out to get herself a blood mate but she's still expected to perform her slaying duties? Tough much?

Her budding relationship with Jareth starts off really similar to Sunny's reaction to Magnus, the whole "I don't really like him, he's an ass" route except Rayne gave into herself much, much quicker. Thank god. I don't know if I could have standed a whole 'nother book where the MC is constantly denying her true feelings. Rayne just kind of says fuck it at the end of the day which is an awesome relief.

I felt Jareth's character transition (or breakdown, not sure how you want to describe it) happened a little suddenly for me. He went from this very standoffish, get the hell away from me type person to calling Rayne Raynie what I thought was overnight. The shift itself felt kind of shaky and plot-serving but regardless of how I felt about that, the two of them are definitely a perfect fit. Very introverted people that don't get close to anyone, don't open up to anyone, just keep to themselves. They kind of wrapped each other into that solitude and each let one lean of the other since they both knew what the other was going through. It's not much of a balanced relationship, really it's very one-sided (which Girls That Growl proved), but they understand each other completely and it's hard to not be attracted to someone that knows you inside out without really knowing you because they are the same person.

The ending was very sweet and kind of heart-wrenching and I loved the change in demeanor Rayne had towards her father. I won't go into detail because I don't want to spoil it but I'll just say I had some tears going on there.

And as if I could review this book without mentioning the massive Lost Boys references? Holy crap weasels, that alone is the ultimate love! And it's Sunny that makes the references. So not expecting that one so slight redemption there. And how they mimic one of the great scenes from that movie to try and test their mom's new boyfriend to see if he's some evil vampire. OMG I was in heaven. Mari said she had to drop that movie in there just in case her younger readers hadn't been exposed to its gloriousness yet. Good call!

So yeah, you can pretty much skip Boys That Bite and read Stake That! and Girls That Growl because those two books kick ass. And keep your eyes open because Mari Mancusi will be making a guest post here soon. Hopefully she'll be talking about the rumored fourth book in this series. But I know she'll be talking about these books!

neoday_cyj99's review

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Dudeeeee! La verdad no sé quien me resulta más graciosa, si Rayne o Sunny. Este libro me hizo reír mucho, me gusta mucho como esta narrado el libro. Todo eso de las entradas del blog y luego del diario. ¡Jajaja! Y la mejor parte es que cuando se enamora de Jareth y describe lo hermoso , encantador y perfectamente amable que es (en el sentido que es fácil de amar) yo estaba toda: Sis! SAMEEEEEE! Siento que este libro fue una gran compañía para mi y, literalmente, me alegro estos últimos dos días. En mi caso que lo escuche en audiolibro puedo decir que el trabajo de Caitlin Kelly fue genial, le dio todo el carácter al personaje de Rayne atraves de las modelaciones de voz que hacia.

mandiileexx's review

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I absolutley LOVE this series so far <3

franjessca's review

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Review posted at Book Lovin' Mamas

itsmewondervero's review

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Jareth is, even after all these years, still one of my most beloved fictional boyfriends.

gabiferr96's review

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When I started this book, I knew it was going to be better than the first one mainly because Rayne has the same sense of humor I do! It was like every other page I read made me laugh and considering I started the book around 11 PM, that didn't work out for my mom, who was sleeping like every other parent on a Saturday night... Other than Rayne's amazing sense of humor I loved the scene where Rayne met Jareth and she's all caught up in his amazing goth-ness and handsomeness until he actually looks up and thinks she's Sunny!! LOL, it was hilarious!! I could totally relate to Rayne after that because she just flipped out like I would've done... So, Stake That! was an amazing book full of humor and sexy vampires that will have you non-stop reading until the end!! Enjoy :D

vampqueen8905's review

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Think I just might be the wrong age for this series. Looks to be aimed at a much younger audience

christine9daae's review

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It has to be the worst book I have ever read. But to be fair, I only got to page 50 before I gave up.