
The Orchid Affair by Lauren Willig

courtknee_bee's review

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2.5 stars

For the first half of this book, I couldn't remember why it was my least favorite. It was a breath of fresh air to be set in Paris instead of England with an older hero/heroine. But once the main characters suddenly got together about 60% in, I remembered: this book has no build up. We go from Laura and André being friendly coconspirators to suddenly in ~love~ for no real reason. The ending also felt very contrived. My least favorite to date.

2022 Pink Carnation Re-Read Rankings
1. [b:The Mischief of the Mistletoe|7720480|The Mischief of the Mistletoe (Pink Carnation, #7)|Lauren Willig||10468223] (#7)
2. [b:The Secret History of the Pink Carnation|84351|The Secret History of the Pink Carnation (Pink Carnation, #1)|Lauren Willig||2950861] (#1)
3. [b:The Betrayal of the Blood Lily|6580569|The Betrayal of the Blood Lily (Pink Carnation, #6)|Lauren Willig||6644882] (#6)
4. [b:The Masque of the Black Tulip|397844|The Masque of the Black Tulip (Pink Carnation, #2)|Lauren Willig||2584] (#2)
5.[b:The Temptation of the Night Jasmine|3701590|The Temptation of the Night Jasmine (Pink Carnation, #5)|Lauren Willig||3752586] (#5)
6. [b:The Seduction of the Crimson Rose|1363577|The Seduction of the Crimson Rose (Pink Carnation, #4)|Lauren Willig||1353384] (#4)
7. [b:The Deception of the Emerald Ring|25802|The Deception of the Emerald Ring (Pink Carnation, #3)|Lauren Willig||26522] (#3)
8. [b:The Orchid Affair|8111651|The Orchid Affair (Pink Carnation, #8)|Lauren Willig||12906677] (#8)

balletbookworm's review

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Oh dear. Laura and Letty are now having a face-off over who is the best Willig heroine. Arabella is looking on to see if she can capitalize on the disagreement (if Pen doesn't beat her to the punchline). Mary thinks she is better than all this, Charlotte is reading a book, and Hen and Amy are far too busy training new spies to notice.

kim_chelf's review against another edition

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Another fun book in the Pink Carnation series. I enjoyed this one a is different from the rest of them in that there is more intrigue. Unlike the last few books in the series, I found myself genuinely invested in the characters and I wanted everything to work out for them in the end.

This was the first book where the main character hadn't been introduced in an earlier book at all. While I liked adding fresh blood, I missed the tie-ins to earlier titles. But overall it was a fun read.

gaderianne's review

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This was my favorite book in the Pink Carnation series since the first one. The Orchid Affair takes you back to France (after the Terror but still in very dangerous territory) with the newest member of the flower named spy network, a former governess. This book was more serious then most of the books in the series. I didn't realized I missed the lighthearted bravado from other books until the end when we again see Lord Richard. Still, I liked the serious tone. Everything in the book seemed more dire and dangerous than the spy action taking place in England. In the very last book (The Mistletoe Book) I mentioned in my review that I missed the modern day romance/story between Colin and Eloise. Perhaps because it wasn't as good of a story. In this book I just wanted to say immersed in the French Revolution. I thought that the story between Colin and Eloise was tired and I just didn't care. I suppose, the better the story the more I want to stay with it and not be bothered by Colin and Eloise. I wonder if Willig can wrap up their story somehow so we don't need to be bothered with them anymore.

maferg01's review

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I really enjoyed the story in this installment of the Pink Carnation series. It started out a bit slow but Laura and Andre were great characters to tell this fast paced story. I really enjoyed reading more about Paris after the Revolution.

tartbarbie's review

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Laura Grey has joined the Selwick Spy School her first mission is to go undercover as a governess which she's had lots of experience as. She's on a mission to report anything suspicious about the plan to unseat Bonaparte. It's clear after arriving that she needs to purchase some books to teach the children as they are lacking. Bundling up the kids they set out on an adventure in Paris encountering several characters.

It isn't long that Laura starts to piece together the things going on with Jaouen and his work. However, things spiral out of control when a blast from her past comes into play and her secret identity is almost revealed. As if that wasn't enough now someone she cares about is about to be wrongfully accused and they jump into action. Saving the day with an elaborate plan that will risk them all.

I'm not a huge historical fiction fan but I instantly was drawn into Laura's story it's captivating right from the start. I admit the book was read out of order but each book seems to tell a different story and I don't think that caused any issues reading out of order. I found the concept super interesting a creative spin on the Neopolianic war times.

I really liked Laura as a character she was easy to connect with right from the start, and I was drawn into her story. I wasn't sure about Jaouen but the more we got to know him the more I liked him as a potential love interest for Laura. Who says you can't fall in love with the man you are sent to watch and end up saving. This is my first book by the author and I'm a huge fan. I look forward to going back and reading from the start.

kleedc73's review

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In the seventh installment in the Pink Carnation series, Laura Grey has been recruited as a spy by the Pink Carnation and completed a "spy course" at Selwick Hall. In her first assignment as the Silver Orchid, she is placed in the household of the right-hand to the French Minister of Police, Andre Jaouen, as governess to his two children. Miss Grey (or Mlle Giscogne in French) had been a governess for 16 years prior to her spy career, so the cover was perfect. Miss Grey becomes embroiled in uncovering important details about French efforts to thwart a plot to overturn Bonaparte and reinstate a Bourbon on the throne of France. In the course of her duties, Miss Grey starts to see possibilities for a new life for herself, a life that might even include love......even though a love match with the forbidding Andre seemed unlikely at first. Both Laura and Andre are interesting, complicated characters, both in their personalities and in their professions. The plot of the book tracks a true historical plot in or around 1805 post-Terror France and the book is rich with historical details. Unlike some authors who write series, Willig manages to retain the heart of her books -- plucky, somewhat unlikely heroines who find love despite long odds -- without turning the book into a cookie-cutter copy of her previous works. Each of her heroines. including Laura, is original and uniquely loveable. In addition, Andre is refreshingly different as a "hero", given his occupation with the Minister of Police, an organization diametrically opposed to everything the Pink Carnation (and her cohorts) stand for. As usual, this book was delightfully entertaining.

ceeceejay's review

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Not my favorite of Willig's novels, but entertaining nonetheless.

zoemaja's review

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I took a break from this series and now I have three to catch up on. I do love these books, they are the best kind of comfort reading for me. A predictable plot but amusing and clever characters and dialog, never boring and always charming. I think Lauren Willig writes characters that I would like to be friends with better than anyone.

cmtarby's review

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One of Willig's better books! Perfect for a snowy February read.