
Midlife Demon Hunter by Shannon Mayer

allofmypurplelife's review

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I think I liked this one more than the second - though they are all good. I like the way she let a little sexy time happen. I don’t LOVE the way Breena is so back and forth about who she trusts and doesn’t but then again - I would be exactly the same. I like that her powers are very slowly revealing themselves and it wasn’t until this book that I felt pretty sure I knew what she is. We will have to wait and see if I am right. If I had to say anything bad about these books it’s how short they are and I can easily devour them in a 3-4 days. They make me want to read them fast :)

bookmagic4ever's review

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I'm in love with this series and these characters.

If you love a powerful, snarky, and all around kick but herione then you definitely need to check out this series. For a woman over 40 Bree can kick but and take names with the best of them.. not to mention her hot as sin possible love interests.

toxiclight's review

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How could you do this to me? Good god, I couldn't read fast enough, and ask that hook! Love Shannon's writing since the first book I read, and this series puts everything else to shame.

marilanoire's review

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I laughed so hard at the knocking on the door while in the shower scene. The best ever, that is totally something that would happen to me with my luck... can’t wait for the next book in December.

jaxrunsforwine's review

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This series was exactly what I was in the mood for, hence having read the first 3 in a 2 day span.

The biggest issue I have with this series was at first everyone’s reaction towards Bree’s age. She is 41, not 81! Then it turned to be Bree’s issue where she keeps on bringing it up and it’s a bit ridiculous to me. I’m 39 and so maybe it’s ticking me off at this point. Bree is making me feel old now. This is totally messed up.

jennasis's review

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Another amazing installment of the forty proof series! I dont know how many books are planned for, but it looks like there could be a bunch. I don't know about you, but I'm hoping It'll go into the double digits!

I found Shannon Mayer through her Desert Cursed books and fell in love with her writing style (Though, her early books can be a bit of a hit or miss with me) I love her writing now, so anything she writes from now on I'll continuously refreshing the amazon page on release night so I can yoink it the second it goes on sale. (Like I did last night for this book)

I also will mention that I have kindle unlimited, so I was able to read everything for free, but I love these books so much I bought the actual ebooks so I could have them forever and whenever. And I also bought the paper back versions to display on my shelf and have on hand when ever I'm craving words on actual paper. Did I say I love these books? Because I do. I love them. and I love supporting an author who writes REAL characters and situations, amazing and witty dialog, and twisty turny plots.

This story is amazing, Its got everything I want in a book, and I dont say that lightly. It's funny, fast paced, and most of all: it has refreshingly real relationships/friendships and worries. It's honestly become one of my favorite series, Actually, I'm pretty sure its taken the top spot.


I will say I have been firmly on the Crash bandwagon. So much so, that I'll sometimes pick up the books and reread through just their scenes. That being said, I'm pissed at him in this book. Like god damn man! My prediction is he is trying to protect her from the consequences of their actions/ everyone knowing they have caught feels and trying to use said feels against them. He doesn't have to be such an ass about it though, and normally he lets her fight her own battles (to a point), he gives her credit where credit is due a lot of the time. He's never discounted her because of her age or gender or anything like that, and that's what is so attractive about him, so it makes me angry to think he is doing that now. Trying to protect her 'for her own good' and leaving her in the dark about it. I'm still rooting for him and Bree SO HARD (because yum), but I could also see their paths diverging if he keeps this shit up.

And now on to our boi Robert. Friend. Bless this man. Around the time that Bree and Robert went into the Demon house and she made him 'his real self' I thought to myself "Oh damn, wouldn't it be cool if there was a book that made a relationship like Bree and Roberts turn into a romance? Like a totally out of left field thing. A friend character for multiple books, whos dead- literally a skeleton, with zero romantic vibes from either party the entire time just POOF you realize he's the one for you. But not this book, naw, Crash and Bree are perfect. That would be a cool idea though, I wonder if its been done, and done well, yet. I'd love to read that." And then I just MOVED ON from that thought and went on my merry way. and now those thoughts came straight back at me the last 5% of the hecking book and I was like "OH! OHH." What if. WHAT IF?!

I'm still in the Crash boat, not as die hard as before since the Robert idea, but I'm hanging on and I'm hanging on strong. I am side eyeing Robert REAL hard though, he's been there for Bree through everything and hasn't let her down or used her once. and even though I hope the next book has a lot of Crash parts... I really want to get to know Robert more and see what he's all about.

I can't wait for the next book, its torture having to wait on new book releases! That's actually why I typically leave new 'first in the series' books alone for like 1-2 years to give them time to pop out the rest of their book babies so I can inhale the entire series all at once and suffer HARD book hangover. But Covid made it hard for me to honor that tradition, so here I am, SUFFERING.